Political History of The Stelle Group – 1980s



To TSG (from Richard Kieninger)

Mr. Al Rasche’s personal evaluation of the condition of The Stelle Group, which he gave at my last Open House, gave rise to the question of whether I would agree to coordinate and focus Stelle participants’ efforts to fulfill the Brotherhoods’ plan for Stelle. I have decided I would do the best job I can on a full-time basis provided that at least three-quarters of the members vote for me to take on that role. …

December 1, 1981


Unaddressed (from Richard Kieninger)

Mr. Al Rasche’s personal evaluation of the condition of The Stelle Group, which he gave at my last Open House, gave rise to the question of whether I would agree to coordinate and focus Stelle participants efforts to fulfill the Brotherhoods’ plan for Stelle. I have decided I would do the best job I can on a full-time basis provided that at least three-quarters of the members vote for me to take on that role. …

December 3, 1981


Special Public Hearing Announcement (from Malcolm Carnahan)

… The Board of Trustees unanimously agrees that it is in the best interests of The Stelle Group that we acknowledge that Richard does have responsibility from the Brotherhoods for the accomplishment of The Stelle Group’s purpose and that the members agree to give Richard the corresponding authority to set the direction and to follow that direction unless there is a referendum decision rescinding this authority or a referendum decision disagreeing on a specific issue.

The Board of Trustees would like to see if the community shares this view. …

December 18, 1981


Vivaxis in The Stelle Group (Michael Fay)

…Vivaxis first became an influence in The Stelle Group in 1981 through Mr. Don Morrow, Malcolm Carnahan’s former supervisor when Malcolm worked for HUD in Chicago. Morrow had been a Colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence in Southeast Asia at a time when the CIA was very interested in investigating Oriental psychic methods of intelligence-gathering and surveillance such as reputedly were being used by the Russians… and Don asked Malcolm to allow him to teach Vivaxis to Stelle participants. This was begun at the Continuum House, and Malcolm began training to become a Vivaxis teacher…



All Resident Participants of The Stelle Group (The Board of Trustees)

[The] Possibility of Richard Kieninger Serving Stelle in a Full-time Leadership Capacity. After two sessions this past weekend on the possibility of Richard serving Stelle in some full-time leadership capacity, there seemed to be at least four procedural concerns raised in addition to the discussion of the proposal itself: …

January 6, 1982


The Fog (from John Ries)

… The problem, as Al Rasche so pleasantly reminded us, is really quite simple and is:

A.               The community is growing at a very slow rate, if at all.

B.                The community is debt-ridden.

C.               Our industrial ventures continue to lose money or barely break even.

D.               We have little to show for the money we have spent.

E.                The community is far from being self-sufficient or industrially strong.

F.                Cost of living in the community is high and wages are low. …

January 26, 1982


A Letter to the Participants of The Stelle Group (from TSG trustees)

… We would like to share our understanding of John’s message [The Fog]. His paper makes a point about his feelings of frustration concerning Stelle’s slow physical growth. John asserts that the cause of our slow-growth dilemma is what labels “survival management.” … We do not share some of John’s key assumptions and perceptions and we would also like to clear away some fog. .. The last of John’s 15 points being to remove Malcolm as a Trustee and President of The Stelle Group. …

February 4, 1982


Unaddressed (?)

On March 18, 1982, Richard was met in Texas by his Teacher, John, outside of a post office where Richard went to deposit some mail. John directed him to move The Stelle Group’s offices and some of its members to the community being developed by The Adelphi Organization near Dallas. John also instructed him to open the community of Stelle, Illinois to any persons interested in advancing New Age concepts without their having to join The Stelle Group. …

March 18, 1982


The Truth (from John Ries and Greg Ehmka)

… We want to say right in the beginning that mismanagement does not imply misrepresentation In fact, we wish to use as a working definition of mismanagement—the inability to produce intended measured results. Measured results is included in the definition since you cannot know as fact that the results have been produced without some form of measurement that verifies whether or not an intended result or goal has been met.

     Mismanagement occurs for a variety of reasons, some in the not-knowing areas and some in the not-doing areas. Lack of information, lack of goals, lack of measurement are examples of not-knowing. Poor execution, wasting or unavailability of resources and lack of skill are examples of not-doing.

     This report primarily addresses the not-knowing area and aims to facilitate through information sharing the acceptance of these responsibilities: …

March 23, 1982


The Stelle Dynamic (from Malcolm Carnahan)

We are presently caught up in a kind of turmoil that we have not experienced since the days of 1974-75, when some 165 adults left, or the days of 1970, when some 35 adults left. This time there are 18 adults who have either left or announced they are going to leave. This recurring dynamic must come to be understood. It always has similar characteristics. People leaving is the most painful one. Another one is the tendency toward polarization and factionalism. There are a lot of open letters. All the old doubts and fears sur­face in intensified fashion: “Why aren’t we growing? What’s wrong with us? What can we do differently? What can we change that will unlock the growth and prosperity that seem to elude us?” People struggle, using everything within them to maintain their balance as they try to discern what is best for Stelle. …

March 26, 1982


Opening of Stelle, IL to Non-Members (from Malcolm Carnahan – Trustee)

At his monthly Open House on May 1, 1982, Richard informed the community of a recent contact with his Teacher, John, concerning the need to separate the corporate headquarters and some tasks of The Stelle Group from the community of Stelle to ensure the success of both. This new direction will be introduced in the new edition of The Ultimate Frontier through the following paragraphs: …

May 1982


All Participants of The Stelle Group (Richard Kieninger)

I have concluded extending invitations personally to Stelle members to comprise the initial wave of Stelle participants at Adelphi, Texas.  Below is a list of 24 participants who have confirmed their acceptance of my invitation and plan to move within the next year or so.

June 9, 1982


Bylaw Revisions

Under the new bylaws there will be two key changes in the overall direction:

1.        The Stelle Group would no longer be a membership organization, but rather it will serve a religious - educational purpose with a board of trustees managing its affairs. It would provide a school of philosophy which would include a revised and expanded orientation program.

2.        The Stelle Group will no longer be involved in activities which would be more appropriately performed by a municipally-oriented organization. …

July 19, 1982


Tasks Unfulfilled (from Kelly & Kathy Greenlee)

(needs to be digitized)



the members of The Adelphi Organization (Richard Kieninger)

You will notice on the ballot for directors that my name appears as a candidate even though Malcolm had asked me to no longer be a director or officer of T.A.O. The purpose of his request was to reduce confusion and fear in members (whom he did not name) when they’re not sure what “hat” I’m wearing while I’m communicating with them. …

March 14, 1984


TSG Goals on Socio-Sexuality

… Our ideal is a civilization consisting of balanced, happy individuals and balanced happy marriages. The key to achieving our goals is developing our ability to love. Doing this necessitates increasing our self-awareness in order that we may more clearly recognize our own strengths and weaknesses. We have learned that possessiveness, jealousy, exploitation, and manipulation decrease our ability to love, and conversely, these negative ways of relating fade away as we open ourselves and let love flow through us. We also recognize that gossip contributes negatively to the community, and we resolve to discuss any difficulties we have with the actions of another directly with that individual…

March 15, 1984


The Vivaxis Connection (Karen Robertson)

… Malcolm admitted at joint TSG/TAO meetings that, in Vivaxis, with a spirit, Don Morrow had introduced him and other students to their so-called spirit guides. Richard invoked his Key of David against those who indulged in sorcery or became the agents of nether spirits. This one-way street being opened couldn’t be closed. …



Agreements Between Richard and TSG Trustees?

(Missing – referenced in another paper)

April 28, 1986

TSG Trustee Position Paper (from Robert Machiz)

There is no need to advertise the temporary reduction in Richard’s responsibility. He continues to be chairman. The restructure of duties is an internal decision. It relates to the apportionment of work. It is not a concern of the public. And yet the public may find out that something has changed. In the void of information, people will be left to draw their own conclusions. In the absence of information, people will be unlikely draw the correct conclusion. There is no way to control the response of the small percent of the public that finds out, if they find out. …

May 8, 1986


Dear <Philadelphia Fund donor> (Malcolm Carnahan – President TSG)

… While we certainly do appreciate your vision and desire to help bring Philadelphia into existence, we would like to ask that you direct your tithes and donation toward The Stelle Group because that is where they can do the most good. We hope you will continue to support the Philadelphia Fund in the spirit in which it was established—as a source of’ “seed money.” …

June 19, 1986


Confidential Memo (TSG trustees?)

(Missing) Summary of a meeting from which Richard Kieninger was barred on the 21st. 1. Possible charges of sexual harassment  …The Trustees main concern was that Richard could never become involved with new female participants or female employees lest there be lawsuits, 2. Slander of other organizations and persons in print, 3. Misrepresentation of the location of Philadelphia, 4. That some people experience Richard’s behavior as rude, 5. That Richard does not use appropriate organizational channels because of his tendency to approach staff members at a level of detail normally deemed inap­propriate for a member of the Board of Trustees. (I do not take the same organizational approach as Malcolm and others, and I don’t care to. 6. Prophesies have been spoken of publicly, which have not eventuated...

July 22, 1986


Personal Statement (Karen Robertson)

I seem to be labeled as pro-Richard and anti-trustees. This statement should dispel that notion. I’m pro fact and pro truth. I’ll follow truth wherever it leads. We’ve heard some facts. We’ve heard some people’s truths – their perceptions, experiences, opinions. Yet there are important facts and ”truths” that have not come out before the group at large. Multiple, contradictory “truths” are operating at various levels among us in disturbing and destructive ways. …

September 3, 1986


An Open Letter to Malcolm Carnahan (Karen Robertson)

… It became absolutely clear that the situation under discussion was not covered by the EEOC ruling. I was astonished that the Trustees had not gotten correct information and felt obliged to bring the matter before the assembled group the next night. …

September 7, 1986


Mssrs. Gary Goertzen and Glenn Taylor (from Richard Kieninger)

I herewith resign from my offices of Director and President of The Adelphi Organization, to be effective upon the election and qualification of a replacement Director.

September 30, 1986


Mssrs. Gary Goertzen and Glenn Taylor (from Richard Kieninger)

I herewith relinquish my being a signatory to The Adelphi Organization’s Money Market Fund in Texas Commerce Bank, Acct. No. 8003592, and the corporate checking account of The Adelphi Organization, Acct. No. 182949 in the same bank.

September 30, 1986


Mr. Gary Goertzen (from Richard Kieninger)

I hereby resign, effective immediately, as a holder of any and all offices or positions of authority within or related to The Adelphi Organization, including my positions as:

(a) Director; (b) President; (c) Administrator of the Philadelphia Fund of The Adelphi Organization; (d) Chief Officer of the Office of Admissions; and (e) Officer, Director or Committee Member in Adelphi Community Co-operative. …

October 6, 1986


Mr. Gary Goertzen (from Richard Kieninger)

…1. I hereby resign, effective immediately, as a holder of any and all offices or positions of authority within or related to The Adelphi Organization, including my positions as: (a) Director; (b) President; (c) Administrator of the Philadelphia Fund of The Adelphi Organization; (d) Chief Officer of the Office of Admissions; and (e) Officer, Director or Committee Member in Adelphi Community Co-operative. …

October 6, 1986

Mr. Malcolm Carnahan (from Richard Kieninger)

After due consideration, I have determined that it is in the best interest of The Stelle Group and its directors, officers, and members that I undertake the following actions. …

October 6, 1986


Mr. Malcolm, President (from Richard Kieninger)

This letter is to rescind one of the letters I signed dated April 28, 1986 (copy attached for reference). Since this agreement was obtained through false premises relating to an alleged threat of litigation and since you and the corporate secretary stated to a meeting of the membership that you do not consider the April 28 letters binding and that I am free to make any decision I wish, it seems pointless to have such an agreement appearing to be cur­rently valid.

October 6, 1986


Mr. Richard G. Kieninger (from Robert Machiz)

Malcolm has given me a copy of your letter dated October 6, 1986, in which you have indicated that you wish to rescind one of your letters dated April 28, 1986. In your letter you state that the agreement contained in your letter of’ April 28th was somehow “obtained through false premises relating to an alleged threat of litigation.” This is not my understanding of the facts. …

October 6, 1986


Mr. Gary Goertzen & Mr. Glenn Taylor (from Richard Kieninger)

In order clarify my intent in paragraph 5, the paragraph should read, “In consideration of cancellation of any money indebtedness that was expended from the Philadelphia Fund to me for a movie script related to my writings, estimated to be approximately, $600, I transfer and assign all rights, title and interest to any movie or broadcast rights to The Stelle Group.” …

October 10, 1986


Reformation Plan (from Robert Machiz)

… The organization is reeling from the recent disclosure concerning Richard’s activity. The organization needs to deal with the various legal and organizational issues confronting it; however, the present focus is still “Richard‑oriented.” Richard is still involving himself in the process and this, whether his intention or not, serves to obfuscate the issues. …

October 10, 1986


Impact Analysis (from TSG Trustees)

… A potential credibility problem exists due to:


1.     Richard’s action and statements

2.     Richard’s statements about the board(s)

3.     Our handling of the situation. …

October, 1986


TO: All Affiliates (Robert M.)

… In the next issue of The Stelle Group Letter (Volume 21, No. 8) we will be announcing that Richard has resigned from both The Stelle Group and The Adelphi Organization. I have enclosed an advance copy of the article …

November 6, 1986


A New Chapter (The Stelle Group Letter)

On October 6, 1986, Richard Kieninger resigned from all of his offices in The Stelle Group including member of the Board of Trustees, Chairman of the Board, Administrator of the Phila­delphia Fund, and member of The Stelle Group. Richard submitted a similar resig­nation to The Adelphi organization. …

The Stelle Group Letter, October/November 1986

Contingency Plan for Possible Loss of Financial Support (TSG Trustees)


November 10, 1986


Philadelphia Fund

I spoke with Gerald Cook who is Dee’s partner for audits. It looks like it will be at least two weeks before he can get to us. He is going to get us the name of another auditor if it looks like it will be longer. In the meantime, to save money and time, I suggest the following: 1. Ask Richard (in writing) for a list of all contributors to TAO Philadelphia Fund. Ask him to construct the list from memory if there is no written record. 2. Ask Richard (in writing) for all records of the Fund including any subsidiary journals or ledgers he may have. …

November 14, 1986


Dear Supporter of The Stelle Group (from Committee for Truth)

The Stelle Group has been caught up in wrenching turmoil since early May of 1986 when its Board of Trustees in secret sessions pressured Richard Kieninger to resign his offices and cease to be involved in helping to decide the policy and programs that TSG should pursue henceforth. …

December 9, 1986

Dear Supporter of The Stelle Group (from Karen Robertson, Betty Van Dyke, Marjorie Haines)

… We felt it was our right and our responsibility to let you know there are differing views. For doing this, the penalties are going to be severe. First, Stelle Trustees asked that we meet with our respective lawyers. Then they asked that we meet with their lawyer. One member of our committee was fired from her contractual staff position as a Language Arts and Math teacher at the Stelle School without notice or severance pay and asked to remove all her property from the premises. …

December 16, 1986


Dear Fiends (from Marjorie Haines)

… In the past 10 months I have learned, That our Trustees have not been seriously interested in locating at Adelphi, That some leaders have been instrumental in introducing changes in The Stelle Group By-Laws which have deprived us of the democratic process in the guise of bringing the group more into line with the Brotherhoods’ organizational structure and chain of command. …

December 16, 1986


Dear Friends (from Karen Robertson)

… His [Richard Kieninger] record and achievement stands on its own. I support and stand by him in this time of crisis in which the Brotherhood’s programs are threatened by those who would focus on and exploit Richard’s human flaws in an attempt to turn members against him and take over his tasks. …

December 16, 1986


Dear Friends (from Karen Robertson)

I am writing to lot you know that The Stelle Group’s lawyer has notified Richard Kieninger and the members of the Stelle Members’ Committee for Truth of his intent to get a court injunction to prevent further use of the mailing list to contact you or let you know what is happening here. The committee members have been expelled from The Stelle Group and additionally are barred from entering the premise of The Stelle Group office for any reason at any time.

December 20, 1986


Title unknown (from Richard Kieninger)

“... Three months later during a Trustees' planning meeting, I announced that the location of Philadelphia is at Adelphi (the safe place), after which the Trustees stated they couldn't be sure of anything I've said, and they doubted my credibility, the validity of The Ultimate Frontier, and the legality of the Philadelphia Fund.”

 “...However, the prediction concerning the location of Philadelphia is complex and multi-staged...”

December 30, 1986


The Most Frequently Asked Questions About “A New Chapter” (The Stelle Group Letter)

… Since that article ap­peared, people have contacted The Stelle Group with various questions related to Richard’s resignation. We would like to share some of the most fre­quently asked questions and their answers with readers of The Stelle Group Letter. …

December 1986


Amplification of My Remarks at the October 5th Community Meeting (from Richard Kieninger)

Many people coming to Stelle underestimate just how much psych­ological and emotional effort is required to uplift their personal attitudes and mental habits in order to improve their character and enhance their likelihood of achieving Initiation. I believe they come to Stelle unconsciously expecting to somehow develop their hoped-for advancement with great rapidity and ease rather then merely being shown techniques for self-improvement and being provided with appropriate challenges here. …

December 1986


Richard Kieninger (from Richard Kieninger)

I’m writing in response to your request to have an explanation of what has been going on between The Stelle Group and me. The situation is both sad and ridiculous, especially since it has led the Brotherhoods to no longer support TSG. It is difficult to compress the problems into a meaningful historical overview since it involves many complexities; however, I will try. …

December 1986

Reasons R. Kieninger Was Included In Stelle’s Temporary Injunction (from Richard Kieninger)

The Stelle Group’s attorney told the court that Kieninger should be added to the Court’s Temporary Injunction, which was already in force against the three women who made up the Stelle Committee for Truth, because there was probably collusion between Kieninger and the three women to provide a means for him to correspond with donors to his program. Guitard claimed that Kieninger used the Committee for Truth to “steal” TSG’s mailing list and TSG’s Donor Tracking List to send out a letter that also provided an address for recipients to be able to contact Kieninger. …

End of 1986 (?)


Legal Matters (from unknown)

It happens that John Guittard is in the enviable position of being able to bill whichever side of the TAO is declared the real TAO in any lawsuit where he is the attorney of record for TAO. Therefore, it would be wise that his law firm be dismissed by president Carter from representing TAO any further. It is unlikely that Guittard will actually withdraw from continuing to repre­sent the other faction; but if we dismiss him officially, he will then be in no position to bill us later if we win and will have to bill the other side as individuals. On the other hand, he may be happy to get out of the cases altogether. To protect ourselves, we should send a certified letter as below: …

End of 1986(?)


Richard Kieninger’s Perspective On His Expulsion From The Stelle Group (from Richard Kieninger)

In mid April, 1986, Leslie Olson complained to Malcolm Carnahan about a romantic/sexual relationship I had had with her off and on from November, 1984 to January, 1986. She claims I essentially lied about my relationships with other women during the period by omission and by evasion of the truth, and she has come to believe that I had led her on. She demanded of Malcolm that something be done to prevent me from ever doing that with another woman in the future. Malcolm and the other Trustees took the extreme position that I must have used my Office of Membership to sexually coerce women by inferred threats of expulsion or that I probably took advantage of women because of their alleged admiration and trust of me as a “high being.”

End of 1986 (?)


Three Women Are Being Sued (from unsigned)

Three women are being sued by TSG Trustees for their activities as the “Stelle Committee for Truth” whereby they told their fellow donors, who were not in Dallas and Stelle, that they were not being given the same story and all the facts about Kieninger’s departure. The position taken by the Trustees in order to justify to the local participants their actions against Kieninger was being supported by their distribution of a confidential package of written materials only to local participants.

Late 1986 (?)


No Salutation (from Richard Kieninger)

Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry to have to confirm that the Board of Trustees forced me to resign from The Stelle Group. There has been irrita­tion between me and the Trustees for several years, and they finally found causes celebres to get me out of their hair. …

Late 1986?


Dear Friends and Supporters (Malcolm C.)

… It is unfortunate that it is necessary for me to intrude upon this period by having to communicate to you about recent events concerning The Stelle Group. You may have received some letters over the last three weeks from three former members who called themselves “The Stelle Members’ Committee for Truth.” ...

December 31, 1986


TSG Trustees (from Karen Robertson)

“If you don’t think TSG is now projecting dishonestly and running a virtual scam, read the front page of the most recent TSG Letter, “A New Chapter,” which is, I feel, a complete public relations whitewash of the truth we have lived, the reality we have experienced since the trustees removed Richard out of his office. This letter is sent to current and potential donors and participants. How dare we keep the full truth from these people who are giving us their money and considering giving their lives to our work?

4th Quarter 1986


Dear <Philadelphi Fund Supporter> (Robert Machiz)

As indicated in the last issue of The Stelle Group Letter (Vol. 21, No. 8) 8); Richard Kieninger has recently informed us that Philadelphia is to be located in the Dallas area and not on an island in the Pacific. Therefore, the Board of Trustees of The Stelle Group has elected to terminate the Philadelphia Fund …

January 7, 1987

TO: Affiliates, Friends, And Supporters (Robert Machiz)

… Unfortunately, this transition period has been complicated as a result of the action of three members who have misappropriated our confidential mailing list and mailed letters to our contributors which negatively portray The Stelle Group and its board of trustees. …

January 22, 1987


Dear Friends (from Robert Machiz)

I am writing you today to ask you for your help in dealing with a matter that is important to anyone concerned with the future of The Stelle Group and the dissemination of the philosophy of the Brotherhoods. It has now become clear that the efforts of the three women’s “committee for truth” have seriously undermined The Stelle Group’s base of financial support. In January, 1987, monthly donations were down by $20,000-—a sixty per cent loss of contributions. This situation was unexpected and has developed very suddenly. …

February 1987


Dear Community (Renee Trenda)

…First, it is stated that donations have fallen off because of Richard and the three ladies’ activities. It is only my personal opinion, of course (and I welcome feedback) that indeed donations have decreased not only because of RK, but the Trustees and the Group as a whole have not lived up to people’s expectations, and are not as attractive as they used to be as a viable place to donate funds to…

February 8, 1987


Dear Community (from Robert Machiz)

… However, there are still two points that concern me. The first, is that the people who are voluntarily making the most sacrifices, are the very ones that RK said were doing their jobs the best, such as Heather and the teachers etc. … Yet, there is no mention of like offers of sacrifice coming from the highest paid officials, namely Malcolm and Machiz, who reportedly make a comfortable $75,000 between them, and who, in RK’s opinion, were not doing very much to earn such salaries. Certainly, if the schools are suffering and the teachers can t even be paid, some sort of adjustment in these salaries would seem appropriate. Secondly, I am yet distressed that the blame for this entire situation is constantly placed on RK and the three ladies. It feels to me like Robert is trying to create a “paper trail” of accusations via these letters in preparation for TSG’s upcoming lawsuit against the women. He repeatedly states that they are the cause of the decline in revenue, preparing the way for a case for “damages.” …

February 14, 1987


Conditions Offered to R.K. (Stelle Committee for Truth)

On and around March 15, 1987, the Trustees of The Stelle Group asked Mr. Albert Rasche of Greenville, South Carolina, to come to Dallas, Texas, and act as a mediator between the Trustees and Richard Kieninger in order to negotiate an agreement for R. Kieninger to sign in return for TSG dropping R. Kieninger from the TSG lawsuit against the three women styled as the Stelle Committee for Truth. The conditions stipulated by the Trustees to R, Kieninger are as follows: …

March 15, 1987


TSG Appeal for Money After Committee for Truth Letters (from Robert Matchiz)

… Change can be exhilarating. It can also be disorienting with the old and familiar guideposts no longer seeming adequate. … regardless of Richard’s involvement. … While we’ve been hurt by the activities of the self-styled “Committee for truth,” we continue to move forward. By tightening our belts, consolidating staff functions, and temporarily cutting back on some programs such as our school in Dallas, …

April 15, 1987


Dear Affiliate (from Robert Machiz)

I am pleased to enclose your copy of The Stelle Group’s 1986 Annual Report to Contributors. We believe that providing you with detailed information about our programs and finances is an essential part of good stewardship. … We appreciate your previous support of this work. Because you’ve helped, we’re able to offer a safe and balanced program for spiritual development that spans a lifetime, We hope that you will now reaffirm your support for sharing these rare and practical truths with the world. God bless!

June 10, 1987


Dear participant of The Stelle Group (Richard Kieninger)

In January of this year, TSG mailed a newsletter to thousands of readers of my book, The Ultimate Frontier. That newsletter included many untrue and distorted statements about me. … Miss Olson, as it turned out, didn’t have a case against TSG or me under the harassment laws, but she was certainly angry with me after being undoubtedly shocked and horrified by the impression she received from Don Morrow, Malcolm’s Vivaxis partner …

July 1987

Proposed Program Realignment as of August 6, 1987 (Trustees?)

1. This proposal is offered based upon the assumption that the recommendation of the Compensation Committee is adopted by the Board. The proposed monthly savings from #6 a, b, c, were estimated at $2086. The monthly salary for the publications position is $2460. Money to apply for consultant would be $374 per month or about 30 hours a month. …

August 6, 1987


Friend of The Ultimate Frontier (Richard Kieninger)

Thank you for the news clippings by which you keep me up to date and for your concern over Malcolm’s inquiries about my letters to you. When the TSG Trustees got a temporary court injunction to keep me corresponding with anyone on their mailing list, the judge ordered that I could correspond with anyone I personally knew provided I obtained that person’s address from some other source …

August 13, 1987


The Adelphi Organization (?)

Missing [letter of ultimatum …]

September 3, 1987


Mr. E. Lee Gilbert (from Richard Kieninger)

… Your official proposal to sell all the Adelphi land to me personally indicates that you do not respect the mission of TAO and are leading the members in directions inimical to Christ’s design for the organization. I will not yield to your ultimatum. I shall continue to properly administer the Adelphi Land Trust and defend it with vigor.

September 6, 1987


Ms. Shelia Cheaney—attorney (from Richard Kieninger)

… The directors of The Stelle Group thereupon falsely declared to our public that a fraud had been committed in soliciting donations and that the Philadelphia Fund would have to be dissolved. …

September 14, 1987


Friend of The Ultimate Frontier (Richard Kieninger)

… Your conversation with Malcolm seems very consistent with the position he has stated to others. Half the Affiliates stopped tithing after the newsletter announcement that I was leaving the group under pressure. Many of them stated that my book had changed their life and that they were interested in helping to promote my work to achieve the Brotherhoods’ goals. ..

November 24, 1987


Dear friend of The Stelle Group

It has been a year since three members of TSG, calling themselves the Com­mittee for Truth, made unauthorized use of our mailing list to send out their view of the situation between Richard Kieninger and the trustees. At the time I was angered by the way they went about it, and the things they stated seemed off the wall. Now, after a year of my probing into the details, and seeing where our president, Malcolm Carnahan, and the other trustees are leading the group, I have come to the conclusion that the Committee for Truth was 100% on target in their facts and logic. …

Late 1987?


Majority Rule - A Challenge and a Plea to TSG and TAO Members (Karen Robertson)

In 1982 The Stelle Group removed from its bylaws the election of Trustees, referendum procedure, and expulsion by due process, giving the Trustees total authority, unlimited self-perpetuation, and zero accountability. Following are several specific results of this choice (documentation attached)

1. Legal actions for dismissal of The Stelle Group’s lawsuit based on illegality of the Group’s bylaws

2. Documented proof that in the Fall of 1986 The Stelle Group Trustees formulated and implemented a secret plan and deliberate policy to conceal the truth surrounding Richard’s departure from outside supporters and donors in the hopes of minimizing the sizable decrease in income they projected as a result

3. The unconscionable, unconstitutional terms of an agreement The Stelle Group Trustees tried to get Richard to sign in exchange for dropping his name from the injunction lawsuit

4th Quarter 1987


Residents of the community of Stelle, IL (Tim Wilhelm)

… There is a small minority of persons living in Stelle and the Stelle area who seem to be working to import a more direct Kieninger influence to Stelle. There are others here who say ‘ignore it, it can’t hurt you...love it and it will leave you alone.’ … I ask this favor: forgive, if you will, but please DO NOT FORGET. Please do not allow this sort of influence to get a toe hold and grow in our community. …

August 12, 1988


Open Letter to Tim Wilhelm and the Community of Stelle (Rick Carter)

… Tim’s judgmental statements made in his letter’s rumor section do not have a basis in fact. These judgments are unfair and dead wrong. Because of their inaccuracy, they are very hurtful to us here as individuals and very damaging to us as an organization and the work we are trying to do. I say to you, Tim, you had no right to involve yourself in the internal affairs of TAO. By so doing, you have ended up bad-mouthing a situation where you probably do not have all the facts. …

September 21, 1988


Declaration (from TAO Directors)

We, the undersigned, being all the Directors of The Adelphi Organization, a Texas non-profit corporation, on July 17, 1988, did rescind Richard Kieninger’s October 6, 1986 resignation from The Adelphi Organization and all the terms thereof. We recognize that his resignation was forced on him through coercive trickery by the then Trustees of The Stelle Group, …

November 21, 1988


Dear Friends and Members (from J. Foster, H. Norris)

For years The Adelphi Organization, according to its Bylaws, has been democratically administered. However, due to the actions of Richard Kieninger and his remaining thirteen supporters, The Adelphi Organization is spending its donated money and the members’ energies in the legal system because a minority does not respect majority rule.

February 6, 1989


Dear Friends and Members (from TSG Trustees)

After several previous attempts to peacefully resolve its legal entanglements with Richard Kieninger and the three persons who comprised the “Stelle Members Committee for Truth,” The Stelle Group received a favorable reply to its last settlement initiative. This, in turn, led to an out-of-court resolution of the problem. We are pleased to make known that this lawsuit is behind us.

March 1, 1989


Richard Answers the Charges (from Richard Kieninger)

I’m writing in response to your request to have an explanation of what has been going on between The Stelle Group and me. The situation is both sad and ridiculous, especially since it has led the Brotherhoods to no longer support TSG. It is difficult to compress the problems into a meaningful historical overview since it involves many complexities; however, I will try. …



Dear Friend (from Richard Kieninger)

I am pleased to announce that in exchange for my dropping my libel suit against The Stelle Group, its trustees have dropped their two-year-old lawsuit against persons on the Stelle Members Committee for Truth and me, which has been barring us from communicating with people via the mailing list held by The Stelle Group. As part of the compromise, I am using the mailing list once to make this announcement, and I have agreed to never use the mailing list hereafter.



History and Conclusion of the Lawsuits (from TAO Quarterly)

The Adelphi Organization has been involved in two internal lawsuits which have just been resolved. Our group was essentially split in its membership between a faction favoring the policies of; Malcolm Carnahan, while he was president of The Stelle Group, and a faction supporting Richard Kieninger and his work. Our problems began in 1982 when the Trustees of The Stelle Group and some other residents of Stelle, Illinois were invited by Richard to move to Dallas, Texas to establish the headquarters of The Stelle Group here and also to become members of The Adelphi Organization. … Fortunately, we no longer have to deal with distracting energy-drains imposed by lawsuits, and we are back to devoting our full attention to the Brotherhoods’ Work and supporting Richard in his special tasks.

Fall 1989

Dear Steve (from Michael Fay)

… The trustees implied that the Brotherhoods had passed the word along that we were no longer worthy of the privi­lege of a vote since we apparently weren’t demonstrating sufficient cooperation. Our group self-esteem being at such a low ebb at the time, not one of us bothered to contact Richard in Texas to verify their story. …Richard’s dismay and surprise that we would be so willing to accept an oligarchy was revealed only six years later when someone finally did ask to hear his side of the story. … The temptation of untempered power (the trustees answered to no one) had become too much to handle for Malcolm, Robert and Tim. The results of their power-mad despotism lie all around us, in pieces. …



By-Laws of The Stelle Group

Date not given


