DEC 1  1981


      Mr. Al Rasche’s personal evaluation of the condition of The Stelle Group, which he gave at my last Open House, gave rise to the question of whether I would agree to coordinate and focus Stelle participants’ efforts to fulfill the Brotherhoods’ plan for Stelle. I have decided I would do the best job I can on a full-time basis provided that at least three-quarters of the members vote for me to take on that role.

      It has been my expectation that the group would have long since unified itself to accomplish the goals of the group through self-inspiration and cooperation, but I am becoming concerned by the short time remaining to get under way. Mr. Rasche may well be correct in his analysis that too many people here will not yield to the direction of someone chosen out of their own numbers and that the members put their energies elsewhere because of their lack of a cooperative spirit. If it turns out that the Stelle members can rally around me, then I’m obliged to do what I can to unify the group’s energies and help end the frustration being experienced by the paucity of progress.

      However, I will not take the responsibilities of members onto my shoulders and do your job. I will do my job conscientiously and with energy and expect the same of everyone else. I’ve striven too hard to encourage self-responsibility on the part of the group to do anything other than have you solve your problems as a group and direct your own fate while having you accept the karma of your decisions. You must democratically rule yourselves, and I insist on you doing just that.

      I expect it is my responsibility to build morale and insist on principles of fairness which distribute the responsibility for and the efforts to achieve the Brotherhoods’ Plan equitably among all partici­pants of Stelle. Over the past several years, most Stelle members, as well as myself, have settled into comfortable ruts and relatively low-priority activity traps which will have to be re-evaluated in order to overcome inertia to undertaking the renewed expansion of Stelle. One could expect that there would be a surge of new enthusiasm implied by asking me to work at your side to focalize and inspire active pursuit of Stelle’s part in the Great Plan; and if so, we should then be able to build rapidly and successfully upon our already-established founda­tions and balanced social programs. Thereby your dreams and ideas for a finer environment and real prosperity can be facilitated. All but one of the Stelle members (I included) signed a petition last year de­claring that we already have the skills and willingness necessary to to make Stelle grow, and we respectfully demanded of the Brotherhoods more finances and new members be sent to Stelle. It seems likely that your determination to work your side of that demand can energize it.


Respectfully submitted,


Richard Kieninger


