TO:           All Participants of The Stelle Group


FROM:     Richard Kieninger




I have concluded extending invitations personally to Stelle members to comprise the initial wave of Stelle participants at Adelphi, Texas.


Below is a list of 24 participants who have confirmed their acceptance of my invitation and plan to move within the next year or so. Some persons have declined the invitation, and there are an additional 9 invitees not listed because they have not yet decided whether they prefer to work in Stelle or in Adelphi. However, they may wish to post a note at a later time if they choose to move to Texas. Some invitees are Associates of The Stelle Group and so will have to complete Orientation as Postulants of The Adelphi Organization.


Stelle participants moving to Adelphi will be faced with personal lessons to be learned that have already been resolved by many of the participants remaining in Stelle. Yet people staying here have different, lessons to face which may have been resolved by those going to Adelphi. In either case, I will continue to rely on Members of both Stelle and Adelphi to further the work of the Brotherhoods. It is important to me that there be a sound base of members at Stelle to help me carry out my responsibility to see that Stelle, Illinois grows large and into a place of beauty, tranquility, and spiritual uplift. Even though I have not had a chance to contact many of the people needed to remain here, I want everyone to know that not only do I appreciate their contribution to Stelle, I recognize the parts they play here as essential.


I was asked the common characteristic of the people I invited to the Stelle headquarters at Adelphi. My answer is that they are people who have worked through their problems with authority figures and so can regard me as their equal with whom they can talk or argue at anytime without feeling afraid or intimidated. I feel most comfortable with people around me who recognize me as friendly and benign so that I can work with them freely and without feelings of tension or insecurity from them. That is not to say that I have asked every person with that characteristic to go to Texas. There still has to be many reliable and capable people in Stelle to take over the jobs being vacated by Members going to Adelphi over the next year. I suppose there is always a tendency for some people to imagine two classes of membership being created; but I do not personally feel that nor do I seek such a thing. That idea could only serve the ends of dissention.


The following persons have accepted my invitation:


Jeff Campau                                         Pamela Merkel
Joanna and Malcolm Carnahan              Lonnie Moreno
Harry Carr
Dave Carrothers                                    Kathleen and Walter Ring
Gwen Davis                                          Audrey and Michael Sepe
Linda and Stephan Dudash                    Becky and Glenn Taylor
Tim Farage                                           Betty Van Dyck
Michael Fay                                          Mary Ann Voyles
Cynthia and Jerry Foreman                    Kathleen and Timothy Wilhelm



