Members’ Committee For Truth Dallas, TX December
9, 1986 Dear
Supporter of The Stelle Group: The Stelle Group has been caught up in wrenching
turmoil since early May of 1986 when its Board of Trustees in secret sessions
pressured Richard Kieninger to resign his offices and cease to be involved in
helping to decide the policy and programs that TSG should pursue henceforth. The Trustees have made allegations to the general membership
which bring into serious question Richard’s character and mental health, and
they have made available to Stelle insiders documents that raise grave
concerns as to the truthfulness, validity, and credibility of Richard and THE
ULTIMATE FRONTIER, casting doubt on the authenticity of Richard’s claims of
authority from the Brotherhoods and his part in Their Work, and his
predictions of future events. An information package, which may be
read by Members only under controlled conditions, contains a confidential
memorandum dated July 22, 1986, which reflects the concensus
of the Trustees that they “question, doubt, and wonder about the validity of
any information Richard has to share.” We feel it is unethical and fraudulent
for the Trustees to continue to distribute THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER when they
personally doubt its validity and the credibility of its author and yet use
the book as a tract to entice more people into TSG and to solicit donations
from uninformed outsiders on the basis of the book’s
message. The many outside donors like yourself are not
being told the full truth. The story being
given out by the Trustees is a public relations coverup
which constitutes misrepresentation and is ethically indefensible and against
good conscience. Richard’s role in the
Brotherhoods’ Work is a principal message of THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER.
His alleged Brotherhood—appointed role is either fact or fiction, making the
book either true or false. If the book is untrue, TSG is operating a scam. If the book is true, the Trustees
have jeopardized the Work of the Masters at the most critical time in history
by separating TSG from its authorized Emissary, pressuring him out of his
membership, further pressuring him to leave the area where the Work is to be
implemented, and now pressuring him to relinquish control of the land the
Brotherhoods directed him to purchase as the site of Philadelphia.
Richard did not resign his offices or membership willingly, and he has been
opposed to the current leaders and the direction in which they are taking the
group. The Trustees are not presenting his side of the story. We feel in fairness you should hear it. For those of you who
wish to learn Richard’s position, you may contact him at the following address:
… The Stelle Group Trustees are either con
artists or else they are unauthorized usurpers of a divine plan for guiding mankind aright. The information gap between what has been alleged to insiders and what outside donors have
been permitted to know is horrendous. When Richard was forced to resign from
The Stelle Group and The Adelphi Organization by the Trustees on October 6,
1986, The Stelle Group severed its only link with the
Brotherhoods’ Work within the Great Plan by dismissing Their Emissary.
However, the Trustees continue to claim, implicitly and explicitly, to be
carrying out the Great Plan as outlined in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER. Any group
which claims to be an official part of the Brotherhoods’
Work must cite an individual who serves as its direct link—an emissary
or intermediary—to the Brothers in charge of that phase of the program. The
Stelle Group Trustees have cited no such link and thus are falsely claiming
to still be an official part of the Brotherhoods’
Work. It seems unfair to allow people who are unaware of the changes and
conflicts within The Stelle Group to continue making
donations to what they are being officially led to believe is still
the same program as before. Members of the Stelle Group have
at least been given information to decide whether to continue to
support the group, and you should be entitled to the same opportunity if you
are interested. Most
sincerely, Stelle
Members’ Committee for Truth |