Box 473032 Garland,
Texas 75047 November 24, 1987 Dear <Friend of The
Ultimate Frontier>, Thank you for all the interesting
information and the book. I value the insights and the special research you
provide to me. I’m sorry to say that I didn’t receive all the things you sent
me in October and November until today. The problem is that the address you
used is obsolete. It belongs to someone else who hadn’t visited it since September
since it rarely had anything in it. Please use my address above for prompt
pickup. Just substitute my name for the lodge name but use the same box
number and city. I too am sorry to have missed visiting
with you while you were in Dallas. My name isn’t in the telephone directory;
but if one calls information, they will give my number out since it isn’t
“unlisted.” Incidentally, my personal phone number is the same as on this
letterhead. The hollow earth hypothesis is a topic
I’ve investigated at some length in the past, and I have come to the
conclusion it is not founded in fact. As a matter of fact, Admiral Byrd and
his family deny that he ever said anything that could be construed to support
the hollow earth concept. Polar-orbited weather satellites, which pass over
both poles a dozen times a day and can be monitored by anyone, simply do not
support the goofy idea that there are huge holes at each pole where a ship or
aircraft could pass into the earth’s interior. Seismologists who track the
passage of earthquake vibrations around the surface, the mantle, and through
the earth’s core refute the idea of the earth being hollow. The whole idea of
people living in the center of our planet is reminiscent of the strange Nazi
teachings of fifty years ago. Your conversation with Malcolm seems
very consistent with the position he has stated to others. Half the
Affiliates stopped tithing after the newsletter announcement that I was
leaving the group under pressure. Many of them stated that my book had
changed their life and that they were interested in helping to promote my
work to achieve the Brotherhoods’ goals. If I was no longer to be associated
with TSG, then they saw no point in contributing to the group. Malcolm has
instituted a lawsuit to get a permanent injunction to keep me from contacting
anyone through the group’s mailing list. This hopefully will prevent people
who tithed to TSG from finding out what I’m doing or where I can be reached
lest they start tithing to Builders of the Nation or to a fund to buy the
island in the Pacific. The Trustees believe in discrediting me in order to
prevent people from listening to me or the other members who oppose Malcolm’s
flock. The tactic has been to call me a liar, fraud, and lecher who is
mentally unbalanced, but this keeps backfiring when they try to promote my
book as a means for recruiting new donors. People are smart enough to wonder
why they sell a book of an author who the Trustees say is crazy. My book is
their only real asset to attract new participants; so in order to counteract
the book’s strangeness, the New Stelle Group’s mission statement eliminates
my work as the basis of the group’s activities and doesn’t mention the
Great Plan of the Brotherhoods or any effort on the part of TSG to fulfill
that plan. The new direction eliminates virtually all the former goals of the
group’s activities except to continue to underwrite the school for the
children in the community of Stelle, Illinois, and provide a self-help
psychological growth program for dues payers and tithers of a certain minimum
amount of money. But these changes reflect Carnahan’s and Wilhelm’s views on
distancing themselves from what has personally seemed to them an embarrassing
philosophical position vis-à-vis people of science and the newsmedia.
Henceforth, the TSG’s program will have virtually nothing to distinguish it
from hundreds of other sellers of human-potential materials, But I suspect
this will be a financial disaster since TSG people do not have the marketing
skills to be competitive, and they don’t have the liquidity to advertise and
develop such marketing. Everything that Robert Machiz and
Malcolm have done during the last year and a half has served to further
dismantle the group and waste its assets. As they laid off the workers on the
staff to save money, the trustee-officers—Malcolm, Robert and Tim Wilhelm—maintained
their salaries, which amount to a combined wage package of $104,000 per year.
Malcolm’s wage package comes to $821 dollars a week, which is twice the
tithes of all the Members and Resident Associates put together. I’ve had many
members concede to me that the only thing that seems to keep the group
together is Malcolm’s whipping up hatred of me as their common enemy.
Attendance at the regular monthly TSG business meetings here in Dallas have
dropped to 14 people and in Stelle to 5. Only the staunchest of Malcolm’s
followers express interest in TSG as it is now headed. So I believe your
evaluation of TSG as a dying entity facing bankruptcy is correct. The
principal operational activity of TSG at this time is pouring thousands of
dollars into legal fees every month in hopes of permanently muzzling me. I guess the thing everyone needs to
concern themselves with in the world is the imminent financial collapse. I
look forward to your analyses along this line. No one wants to be caught
unaware. Thanks again for your assistance in this respect. I’m sorry that your mail was delayed in
getting to me. Its arrival gave me lots of interesting reading all at once. Sincerely, Richard |