The Stelle Group




February, 1987



Dear Friend:


       I am writing you today to ask you for your help in dealing with a matter that is important to anyone concerned with the future of The Stelle Group and the dissemination of the philosophy of the Brotherhoods.


       It has now become clear that the efforts of the three women’s “committee for truth” have seriously undermined The Stelle Group’s base of financial support. In January, 1987, monthly donations were down by $20,000-—a sixty per cent loss of contributions. This situation was unexpected and has developed very suddenly.


       A not-for-profit organization like The Stelle Group depends upon donations to sustain its programs. Obviously, a $20,000 reduction in monthly income requires our taking immediate measures to cut costs. This means that certain programs and services are going to have to be eliminated-—until the situation improves.


       At the February 3, 1987, meeting of the board of trustees, the following emergency measures were adopted:


1.           The school and offices in Dallas are located in one building. The monthly cost for this building is $4,200. It was decided that facility costs will have to be lowered by $3,500 a month. The board agreed to move into smaller, more spartan quarters if necessary.


2.           The costs of operating The Stelle School in Dallas will have to be reduced by $2,400 per month (excluding rent). This will essentially mean that we will have to stop paying our teachers. Since we may have to move to smaller quarters where there might not be room for the school, it is possible that we will have to close the school.


3.           The Stelle Group Letter will be cut by $3,500 a month. This means newsletters will become smaller and mailed less frequently to save on printing and postage.


In addition, responsibility for editorial and production aspects will be consolidated into another department. As a result, Heather Norris has agreed to leave the paid staff for the time being. (Heather is also the correspondent for the Affiliate Program.)


       These three actions are designed to save an estimated $10,000 per month. This is about one-half of the loss of donations. Cost cutting measures within our operation in Stelle are also being explored.


       Who are the people who’ve been hurt by all this? I think the answer to that question is the public that The Stelle Group serves, such as

-                     the children in our schools who may suddenly be faced with the prospects of going to public schools;


-                     the people who thirst for the type of information contained in The Ultimate Frontier and who may not hear of the book if we have to cut back on our advertising;


-                     and people like Heather and the teachers in our school who suddenly find their life’s work taken from them.


       The Stelle Group is not a faceless institution. The Stelle Group is people helping people grow toward the spiritual splendor and greatness which the Creator has lovingly intended for us. Is this not God’s Work?


       It seems bizarre that the work Richard and his supporters believe is so important should suddenly be placed in jeopardy because he’s not a part of the group.


       But fortunately there are those who choose to continue the work which Richard started even though he cannot participate right now. These are the people who want to go forward with the good that The Stelle Group does.


       The actions of the three women may hurt for awhile, but The Stelle Group will survive! We have seen darker days. And what usually happens is that the people with vision and courage of conviction rally and apply themselves to the task at hand. Here are two examples of how people are pulling together:


-                  The Adelphi Organization in a show of solidarity and support has agreed to help keep The Stelle School going by underwriting up to $15,900 of the school’s expenses over the next three months. This will allow us to keep the school open until June!


-                  Pamela Campau, our receptionist and office assistant, has volunteered to work for free for the next six months or until the situation improves.


       The Board of Trustees has asked that I communicate the severity of our situation to you and ask for your help. Your support of our work has allowed us to expand our programs and the number of people who are able to participate within them. Your help has allowed us to Reach More and Teach More. Now your help will keep these programs alive.


       I am asking you here to please consider resuming your support of The Stelle Group. Join our members, associates and friends who see the value of our work and support it—especially now.


       I have enclosed a renewal form for your use. Please take a moment to review it. There’s a space provided for you to share with us any thoughts you may have about the current situation. Please call us if there are any questions you need to have answered in order to renew your support now.


Your help is needed.




Robert B.Machiz, Director

Adult Education


Special       Response Form


          Box 75
          Quinlan, TX 75474


From: Name _____________________________________________________________________________
          Address ___________________________________________________________________________
          City _____________________________________ State __________ Zip ______________________


Question:    Will you renew your support of’ The Stelle Group?



q       Yes. I want to see The Stelle Group’s programs continue and expand. I am enclosing a donation in the amount of $ ________. Please keep me informed of progress and send me a copy of the Annual Report when it’s available.


q       No. I do not plan to support The Stelle Group at this time. My reasons are listed below.


q       Undecided. I still have questions and need more information:


q       Please call me at the number listed above so we can discuss my questions.


q       My questions are listed below.


                                               *     *     *


Please use this space for any questions, comments, or concerns you would like to share:























                                   (Please use the other side if necessary)



