The Stelle Group
_________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. BOX 75, QUINLAN, TX 75474, U.S.A. January 22, 1987 TO: Affiliates, Friends, and Supporters FROM: Robert Machiz RE: Affiliate Newsletter & Update I have enclosed the next
edition of The Affiliate Newsletter which is about Steve Bell, an Affiliate
from Ohio, who recently moved into the community of Stelle. In fact, as this
goes to print Steve and Janet Bell have a home under construction in Stelle. Steve was willing to share
the experience of his move and his thoughts about some of the challenges he
encountered along the way. Steve’s process includes adjusting to the news of
Richard’s resignation which occurred shortly after he moved to Stelle.
Steve’s experience illustrates one approach to successfully facing and adjusting
to this difficult period in The Stelle Group’s development. Unfortunately, this
transition period has been complicated as a result of the action of three
members who have misappropriated our confidential mailing list and mailed
letters to our contributors which negatively portray The Stelle Group and its
board of trustees. I am a member of that board and have attended meetings
throughout the entire process that culminated in Richard’s resignation. Based
upon first hand knowledge of the facts, I know that the picture painted by
the ladies is twisted and distorted. In short, it’s hog wash! Be that as it may, the
letters are out there. We’ve been getting inquiries from people who are
wondering what’s going on. Betty, Karen, and Marge’s letters are rather
stridently written. The reader has no easy way to judge the veracity of the
letters. So it’s natural to look to The Stelle Group for a response. Responding to the ladies’
letters presents us with a dilemma. Our confidential mailing list has been
surreptitiously taken and used to send vilifying letters to our donors
casting doubts on the integrity of The Stelle Group. Now people look to us to
prove that we have acted honorably and with integrity. Tell me, what can we
say to convince you that we have acted properly that will not sound
self-serving? To what extent should we go to wrench ourselves from the jaws
of false witness? Another dilemma presented
by the ladies’ letters is that it has exacerbated the situation with Richard.
In Volume 21, No. 8, of The Stelle Group Letter we reported that Richard’s
resignation came after five months of in-depth discussion, that the process
was difficult on everyone involved, that alternative solutions were sought,
that professional advice was solicited, and there were many late night
membership meetings. Obviously Richard’s resignation and its acceptance did
not occur in a cavalier fashion. The public announcement did not include
intimate details out of respect for the privacy of the individuals involved.
In addition we did not want to aggravate the situation or close the door on a
reconciliation of some form or another. Richard’s difficulties are
not just with the board of trustees. It is between him and the general
membership. The board got involved as a result of feedback received from
members. As Malcolm reported in his letter of December 31, 1986, seventy
percent of the Dallas area members signed a petition urging Richard to take a
leave of absence “in hopes that you (Richard) can come to terms with your
issues and return to work with us on more productive levels.” It was hoped
that Richard would accept responsibility for both his part of the situation
and also for taking some affirmative action toward resolution. Richard did not choose to
act upon the membership’s petition but rather resigned. I personally feel
very sad that efforts to negotiate a healthier relationship with Richard have
become tangled in the very situation we all sought to avoid—the projection of
Richard’s own inner conflicts onto more and more people. I wish I could tell you
that everything is going to work out with Richard. 1, myself, wish that were
the case. I want to get this behind me. So does a large majority of The
Stelle Group members who have had months to hash these issues over and have
had the added benefit of extensive discussion with Richard, the board, and
the members who shared their concerns and feelings. There seems to be only one
constructive thing to do—to move forward with our work as the cause and
effect of the ladies’ actions plays itself out. After all, that’s why we
joined The Stelle Group. But what does “doing our work mean?” First of all,
it does not mean perpetuating a widening circle of conflict, To the contrary.
It means doing some good in a world that desperately needs it. It is the vision we share
after having read The Ultimate Frontier. It is the opportunity for
psychological and spiritual growth afforded through our adult education
programs such as On Becoming An Initiate, The Right Start, and the Lemurian
Philosophy Seminars. It is found in the sparkle
of intelligence in the eyes of the children in our schools, And it is found
in our teachers’ commitment to educational excellence. It is in the feeling of
inner expansiveness that you get in the community of Stelle—a place dedicated
to spiritual advancement. And finally, it is an
emerging technology that fosters self-reliance—something that we are going to
desperately need by the turn of the century. This is our work. We do it
for ourselves because in the process our lives gain meaning and we grow. We
do it for others because it’s a joy to serve, And we do it for Christ and the
Brotherhoods in return for all we’ve been given and for the good that is yet
to come. I believe you will enjoy
the Affiliate Newsletter. Robert |