August 19, 1974


To all the trustees of The Stelle Group


          I have engaged myself in a journey of a couple thousand miles and have waited six days for an audience with the trustees. I came in response to what appear to be disturbing trends within the administration of both The Stelle Group and Stelle Industries. Inasmuch as I am responsible for the actions of you who I have appointed as agents to act in accordance with my commission, I see it as my duty to test the tenor of the Stelle enterprise when indicated. The thinly veiled runaround I encountered to prevent open discussion, your refusal to accept my telephone calls or respond to messages, and the one-up-manship employed to bespeak your “power” and “importance” over me seems to me an increased determination to shut down communication. The self-righteous close mindedness of your directive dated May 17 and August 14 cause me grave concern. Aside from the insulting language of the presumably reasonable excuses, they lend credence to the second-hand information that the trustees regard me to under the influence of the Black Mentalists or, at best, emotionally disturbed so as to be incompetent. That, of course, allows you to do whatever you please, and to shut your minds to truths you prefer to dismiss. A genuine pursuit of truth by a student of the universe will eventually lead him into realms he could never have foresee. Over and over in the years of our acquaintance I have broached new and “far-out” subjects only to hear your protests of “I can’t believe that” and “no way!” Yet a few have heard me even though the trustees couldn’t, at least at first you couldn’t hear. But more and more you try to dictate to the cosmos, you do not hear me nor can I pass along to you the wisdom which my predecessors expect me to follow. Your world and mine have grown quite distant because you refuse to come along with me. You repudiate me and seek to silence me; by my conforming to your gag ad ridculum you will learn that you have imposed reciprocal repudiation in spite of my desire to the contrary. Smug politicians are really timid souls who live by sterile rules and make it their business to interfere with other people’s progress since it could upset their parochial interests. You grossly interfere in my environment and presume to abridge my Egoic growth and experiential proofs. I am charged with the task of education, not of entrenching rules dogmatically. The murmurs and rumblings are quite justifiably rising within the ranks of The Stelle Group in accordance with the laws of social science expressed the first essay of Observations II. The silences of the afraid and resentful are first relieved explosively. Best be sensitive rather than repressive. Since you cannot abide me in Stelle, you are now the spiritual leaders too in my absence.

          I am given to understand that the trustees will know when I am well enough to return to assist you. I am tempted to make predictions, but I must be content to let you play your game through. However you twist and turn, your longevity in office will last not one hour longer than I let it. Tom Valentine informs me that henceforth I am invited to correspond with you at a distance by written matter only. Whether or not that is profitable for any of us I think can be determined by the truthfulness, care and precision in your reply to this letter. I earnestly suggest that your replies be group efforts in order to avoid the inconsistencies between your May 17 directive and August 14 decision. I anticipate that all my letters, including this one, be responded to on a sentence-by-sentence basis. The main test question, however, requires a frank resolution of the following: How is it that whoever of the trustees is authorized to invoke a directive in the name of Christ does not demand to have stricken from the August 14 letter the second half of the third paragraph before putting his or her signature to such blatant arrogance? I don’t see much point n your sending replies that you didn’t all wholeheartedly agree to in entirety. If one of four dissents, let him so note it on an given sentence. Let us deal frankly instead of with chivalrous cover-ups. I am only irritated when I speak my Truth and receive silence or assertions which do not square with the Trustees’ traditional ways as a reply.

          You may envision that keeping me in the dark because your actions are no longer within my need to know gives you a power over me. However, I eventually find out. As you begin to feel all-powerful, the temptation to place yourselves above the law of the land can increase. I refer specifically to your refusal to honor a contract with me concerning royalties. Moreover, I authorized Jim to increase Gail’s salary from $5000 to up to $7,500 annually only to find out from my lawyer that Gay and Dawn have been left improvided for. At the time I left, Gail had $4,500 in notes and bonds. Has she had to spend these already? Diverting money from one person to another’s profit without a legal court order is illegal. What’s the point in exposing yourself to criminal action? I’ve already complied with your letters advising me to get lost, am I now also to be thought of as your enemy? You may become more and more repressive in keeping me from doing my job, but I will continue to monitor you n more subtle ways now that I’ve become aware of the necessity for doing so. When I left in April, I advised Jim that I elected the members of the board of directors of Stelle Industries, and would further elect directors as needed. In spite of my arrangements to telephone him every week or two to discuss problems, he never indicated a need for further director’s nominations or elections. I told him that I would likely follow the suggestions made by him or the directors as a group as to who should be added to the board. Coincident with the May 17 directive from the Trustees I learned that Gail was staying on as director, even though she was not elected, until her successor could take office, and that Jim and Gail were announced as the new Voting Trustees at the May 7 director/managers meeting. That blatant usurpation took all the hear out of me. Other acts of concealment of truth from the members-at-large have troubled me greatly as well. Tom Valentine believes there is some confusion about the Voting Trust status at the present time and has suggested that you elucidate me to precisely what happened and how you could legally get away with taking over at that time.


          Please direct your reply to this letter in care of Tom Valentine. I will try to find some way to pick it up from him. I would appreciate your forwarding to him my driver’s license application pre-printed form as well.


