June 14, 1977



TO:           The Membership of The Stelle Group


FROM:     Malcolm R. Carnahan


SUBJECT:   Richard Kieninger’s Meeting with the Board of Trustees




It has been brought to my attention that there’s a concern that Richard gave the Board of Trustees information concerning his contact with John on May 21, and that this informa­tion is being held secret from the membership. Richard shared very little of the information that he received from John with the Board of Trustees. His contact lasted approximately 45 minutes; the first five minutes was a clairaudient communication. Richard passed on that the Brothers were generally pleased with the way things were going in both Stelle and Adelphi. There was no specific information given as to anything concerning events between now and July 4th.


The remainder of the communication was an audio-visual induction in which Richard was given scenes of events in the future. From what I gathered, some of the scenes gave Richard an experiential picture of just how difficult life is to become for most people in this country. Richard said that it was his impression that there would be no auto­mobiles in usage. He used the analogy that life for many, many people would be similar to that experienced during the Oklahoma dust bowl. During that period, people could not stay where they were, and yet they had no place in which to go. All they had was what they could take with them with no sense of where they would go or how they would get there. Richard said that the impact of the scenes witnessed were much more serious than anything he had previously believed. Richard was very reluctant to share any of this information with us and did not go into any detail. He felt that most of the information was negative in impact and that he could not see what benefit there would be in sharing it with us.


He mentioned that he was shown certain roles that he would be given to perform leading up to and after the establishment of the Nation of God. One of the trustees asked Richard if he had seen any of The Stelle Group members in Philadelphia, and Richard said that he had recognized some of the faces of Stelle Group members in the construction of Philadelphia.


The above is both the essence and substance of what Richard shared with the trustees. It was read to Richard over the phone and he approved it.


