June 10, 1975


To:         All Stelle Group Participants

From:     Gail Kieninger


Re:         Disassociation of Steven Lee Hartmeyer



Steve Hartmeyer was disassociated from participation with The Stelle Group on June 1, 1975 and ceased to be a participant of The Stelle Group as of that date. Because of this , he is no longer entitled to use Stelle Group facilities or to be on Stelle property.


In my conversation with Steve on June 1, 1975, he asked me about moving out of the farmhouse. In the spirit of friendship and goodwill, I told him that he could take a week to find another place and move if it was necessary, but to try and do it sooner.


Jim Howery received a letter from Mr. Hartmeyer dated June 8, 1975, in which he stated that he did not intend to move out of the farmhouse. This will necessitate our proceeding legally to evict him. Legal action will obviously cost time and money and as such will be a negative drain on our resources. In addition, Mr. Hartmeyer has continued to trespass on Stelle property. By these acts, Mr. Hartmeyer ceased to align himself with The Stelle Group and the Brotherhoods.


In view of the deliberate interference of Mr. Hartmeyer in the environment and affairs of The Stelle Group, it is unreasonable for Stelle Group participants to condone his behavior by allowing him to operate in their environment. For a participant to associate with Mr. Hartmeyer places that participant outside of Stelle for the period of association. To consciously put oneself outside of Stelle is the mental act which can precipitate a corresponding situation on the physical plane.


It is, therefore, my strong recommendation that all participants cease contact with Mr. Hartmeyer until he has moved from the farmhouse, ceases to trespass on Stelle property, and shows by his actions that he has once again mentally aligned himself with the Brotherhoods.


If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me.



Gail Kieninger


For the Admissions Committee



