Sunday, June 1, 1975


To:    Stelle Participants


From: Steve Hartmeyer


Today I was dis-associated from The Stelle Group. At the time I accepted that decision; but upon reflecting whether or not I could abide by that decision my answer has to be no.


As a child I dreamed of Stelle although I did not know its name. Images rebounded of a place in which I lived and worked wherein the environment inspired and expressed a joy, the pursuit of excellence, and the love of one man for another that surpassed my experience, but which ignited my imagination. And that imagination has not died, nor will it die; and to lovingly work in that direction is both my goal and my life. Therefore, I must still consider myself a member of The Stelle Group and a participant in The Great Plan.


Stelle is a friend and I am a friend of Stelle, You are friends of mine and I assume P11 remain a friend of yours.


Stelle is The Place, And so it shall be. . . And so shall I be.




Steve Hartmeyer


