May 31, 1974


To:          All the members of The Stelle Group

From:      Richard Kieninger


Subject:   Delay in arrival of emissaries to teach Citizenship Training.


I have been advised that there will be an indefinite postponement of the arrival of the emissaries who are to inaugurate instruction of members of The Stelle Group in a seven-year course in Citizenship Training. As always, the right to receive special advanced instruction has to be earned, and it is the opinion of Those whom I serve that the level of consciousness and attitude of the members of The Stelle Group remains petty and bound to old-order concepts.  You who dream of soaring like eagles are still earth‑bound. Until a passion for truth becomes manifest, it is felt that the teachings of the emissaries will be disregarded and argued about as to their validity in much the same way that I have been listened to while trans­lation into change within the hearers has not happened to any real extent.


We are in a world which is in the midst of the most far-reaching, revolutionary upheavals in the history of the physical sciences.  Everything you thought was true in the realms of atomic structure, gravitation, magnetism, star structure, ether, time, space, and geophysics have all been uprooted and shown to be largely false within just the last five years—yet most of you aren’t aware of that and probably couldn't care less. The revered gods of science have been toppled never to rise again, and the old, high priests of scientific thought have been largely cast aside. The scientist who clings to the old and familiar is lost. The rewards of survival require change in the light of truth and enlightenment. The scientist who can and is willing to grasp the dizzying pace of unfoldment of almost fantasy-like concepts is characterized as a person who does not emotionally hold on to comfortable ideas in which he has a lifetime investment but rather he revels in the exciting and chal­lenging truths which point to a wholly unexpected universe in the process of unveiling. That very same level of excitement plus a burning passion to know truth and a willingness to cast out time-honored error is missing in most of the members of The Stelle Group. Yet these traits are essential to creating a NEW civilization!


People come to The Stelle Group to find a new way of life, but they soon settle down to their old ways. Admittedly, overhauling one's personal philosophy and habits is difficult, but you must persist—now and for the rest of your life.


Members of The Stelle Group seem to have caught on quickly to some basic concepts like working hard in order to build the outward manifestations of the physical city, but the spiritual communion is pitifully deficient. If the long hours are not a joy, then there is an essential ingredient missing from your life.


We are individuals who are responsible for our own advancement, and we deserve to have our privacy, yet each of us is linked to every other human Ego—incarnate and decarnate—in a race consciousness. If one man sets foot on the moon, we all feel it; if one man touches upon God, we all are uplifted; if one man plumbs the mysteries of creation, we all are moved forward. Every adult in Stelle is re­sponsible for every child in Stelle. Every person in Stelle should love all the other people in Stelle—not “people” collectively as a concept, but as individual human Egos. And I mean the perfect Love that St. John relates in his Gospel—the Love Christ exemplified. I am not suggesting touching sessions as in group therapy or communal sex. I am stating that you all belong to one another and should feel that intensely. Each man, woman and child should elicit a thrill of excitement within you upon encounter. Words, looks and touches should say it loudly and clearly. You have the chance to become one of the Elect, but you won't have a chance if you remain fearful, inhibited, distant separatists. For God's sake, love one another! It will open worlds hitherto closed to you. You will unfold within as you never dreamed. Laugh together, work together, sing together, dance together—exult in one another.


After lifetimes of being shriveled up, determine to expand and let down your hair. Love straightens twistedness, love heals all wounds, love makes whole the mentally disturbed, love soothes emotional stresses, love drives out fear, love makes clean the attitudes of sordidness. Your mind and body are made wholesome by love. You come closest to touching God when you love. Give love a chance! At least try it!


Every single marriage between Stelle couples is so deficient in love, that I am despairing for examples needed for Stelle children. Even members who are courting are so bound up in their own personal needs and are so fraught with possessiveness, egocentric fears and ineffable guilts that I know they will at best make but standoff alliances when wed. Let those few, if any, who truly love one another come forth from the hiding places we force them into by our obscene, out­moded traditions and let everyone bathe in the divinity they express. If this cannot be done, The Stelle Group must surely shrivel and die. Love, sex and marriage must be set free from the viciousness of the ancient Judaic traditions by which lower entities have sullied even Love. It will be difficult, and the path will be unclear because there are so few who have already traveled that path to teach you. Picture in your mind this fact that not one of Christ’s twelve disciples were celibate even though they didn’t marry. The method and intensity of their ex­pression of love transformed them from Jews into Christians. Even St. Paul loved well, although our interpretation of his writings belie his moral intent in Christian theology. Many a spirit has been mended by just a moment of exposure to real love. Lustful sex or taking one's casual pleasure have nothing to do with what I am talking about here, and I give no license for them. Lemurians correctly regarded sex as a divine enterprise designed by God as a tool for human advancement, but Evil has found ways to totally obscure that knowledge and has turned sex into destructive channels through debilitating attitudes. The New Order and true civilization demand rectification of millennia of crushing error. Open up the doors and windows and let the sun shine into your heart and mind and spirit. The Stelle Group is made up of good people. Debauchers are soon revealed and thrown out and those who play games with others still have karma to deal with.


The point of this message is that Stelle members are not sufficiently cohesive, loving, or passionate in their pursuit of truth to presently justify direct contact by the emissaries of the Brotherhoods. You must overcome these deficiencies or literally disintegrate as a group. Dedication and efficiency are at tolerable levels, but even here there is much improvement to be made. Find the proper balance between traditional values and ultimate truth! Be as scientists dis­covering a whole new universe and let love unveil the hidden, exciting universe you carry hidden within your bodies and minds.


Many negative pressures will be brought against members of The Stelle Group on a personal level by negative forces seeking to make you ineffectual. Economic, emotional and family problems can be made to seem unbearable by Black Mentalists. My absence from Stelle deprives you of the shield of protection I was personally able to have directed toward those who needed it. You must now provide your own protection through positive expectations and mental attitudes. But it is well that you are on your own so you can rely on yourselves instead of leaning on others. Your right to be a contributor to the Nation of God is being tested in earnest now. The temptation to evade the pressures will be strong; but he who

persists will taste triumph.


Do not entertain preconceptions as to where the unleashing of love will lead you when you seek the whole experience of the truth of Love, for it will result in far greater uplift than you could ever imagine. Follow that truth wherever it leads you. The power of Love has not been tried in Stelle. The love of power, on the other hand, manifests itself everywhere, and it is but a hangover from the dark side of mankind. It is disastrous to continue manipulating others or trying to own them or coerce them. Love allows others their freedom, and they usually respond by voluntarily allying themselves in close union. Do not command others’, rather, lead them by example. Self-doubts and personal deficiencies give rise to a desire for power over people in our environment, for one can then presumably demand respect instead of having to earn it. Those who would rise to leadership in The Stelle Group cannot long retain such honors unless they administer with a loving heart.


Richard Kieninger


Read this over again and again and ponder it wisely. Put it in your Membership Manual, and don’t let it be explained away by anyone. Indeed, the Nation of God hangs upon it.


