Charges Against Richard G. Kieninger

Supporting His Expulsion from The

Stelle Group on April 13, 1975



CHARGE 1    You have actively sought to undermine the work of The Stelle Group and its leadership in a manner which far exceeds your right of petition and criticism guaranteed in Article II, section 6, of the by-laws.


A.               On March 15, 1975, your statements to the general membership that the Trustees would not avail themselves of the teaching of an Emissary of the Brotherhoods and that people would have to leave the group to take such instruction because of the present policies of the Trustees, under­mine their leadership as duly elected officers of the corporation.


B.                On the same evening, you implied that Gail was power hungry, and that David Cysewski and Jim Howery were her puppets.


C.               Your adulterous actions and use of your connection with the Brotherhoods to further your own means has undermined the credibility of The Stelle Group itself and its function in the Great Plan of Christ.


D.               Your statement to Dennis Monikowski that you had James Howery’s resignation when in fact you did not, implies that The Stelle Group was leaderless and foments insecurity.


E.                Your implications to Dennis Monikowski and at the March 15th meeting that you and you only are responsible for the work of The Stelle Group is a contradiction of previous statements made by you and infers that the Trustees are not responsible for the running of The Stelle Group in contradiction of the By-Laws and the philosophy of the Brotherhoods as taught in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER.


F.                Your statements at the meeting before the Twelve last Fall regarding the highly sensitive matter of your marital relations with Gail sought to destroy her reputation and position in The Stelle Group.


G.               Your dramatic implication at the April 1, 1974, meeting that you were leaving Stelle to do the Brotherhoods’ Work elsewhere for a long and indefinite period and your subsequent immediate return and contact with young Stelle women seeking someone to leave with you (including a married woman) undermines your own credibility and casts doubt upon The Stelle Group by implication.


H.               Your invitation made to Dennis Monikowski to serve on a provisional board of trustees constitutes political manipulation and undermines the authority of the present leadership of The Stelle Group.


I.                   Your May 31, 1974, letter to the Membership tends to destroy the self­-esteem of the Membership and tends to cast doubt upon their worthiness to partake in the Brotherhoods’ work and training and creates a fearful attitude because you state that your alleged “shield of protection” will be withdrawn, when, in fact, Christ affords the protection.



CHARGE 2    Through your words and actions, you have repeatedly shown a disregard for the high principles in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER, in contravention of Article II, section 2, of the by-laws.


A.   Your statement to Dennis Monikowski and other Stelle Members that you had grown beyond the principles of THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER implies, when coupled with your adulterous actions, a basic disregard for the high principles stated therein and casts doubt on the book and the purposes for which we are all gathered here.


B.    The following statements made to Dennis Monikowski indicate a change of attitude and teaching which undermines the sacred nature of the home and family as taught in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER, Dr. Stelle’s lessons, and your previous teachings:


1.     There are three viable expressions of sex which you would accept in Stelle and they probably would occur in equal proportions:


a.      Sex between male and female in a monogamous marriage.

b.     Sex between “swingers,” both married and unmarried.

c.     Sex between those of the same sex--homosexuality.


C.   Your statements made before the Meeting of the Twelve last Fall, prior to your return to the group, regarding the highly sensitive subject of sex and your marital relationship with Gail violates all common standards of decency.


D.   Your impersonation of James E. Howery and his office as President of Stelle Industries, Inc. in negotiations with Mr. Gully of Kentucky without Jim Howery ‘s permission constitutes deceit and an invasion of both parties’ environment.


E.    You broke your promise made solemnly to the Board of Trustees in your letter of May 18, 1974, “never again to contact any member of The Stelle Group” by sending an open letter to its membership dated May 31, 1974, and demanding that it be published.



CHARGE 3    You have violated Lemurian Law #2: “No one ... may take anything from another person ... by force.” Dr. Stelle, in his lessons, explains that “force” under this law includes manipulation, trickery, deliberate deceit and taking unfair advantage of the ignorance of another.


A.   You used your connection with the Brotherhoods and your position of authority and trust to encourage numerous young Stelle females to engage in sexual relations with you and by this action you:


1.     Compromised the reputation of the women involved.


2.     Compromised the reputation of the respective husbands.


3.     Cast doubt on our ability at Stelle to achieve the high ideals and dreams of the New Order.


B.    Your unauthorized entrance into The Stelle Group Office and rifling of The Stelle Group corporate files at 4:30 a.m. last August implies that you were seeking information through trickery and deceit.



CHARGE 4    You have violated Lemurian Law #7: “No one has the right to attempt to operate in the environment of another unless asked to do so by that person.”


A.               Your statements of a highly sensitive nature regarding your marital relation with Gail made at the meeting of the Twelve last Fall operated in the environment of Gail without her consent and against her express wishes made known to you at the Cullom Community Center earlier in the evening.


B.                You operated in the environment of a Stelle man by seeking involvement with his wife against his wishes and having intercourse with her after you promised him that you had no sexual intentions because you were above and beyond that.


C.               Your letters of August 24, 1974, and September 8, 1974, to the Board of Trustees was an interference in the environment of Gail and not for the greatest good of all concerned due to the highly personal nature of the communication.


D.               Your impersonation of James E. Howery and his office as president of Stelle Industries, Inc. in negotiations with Mr. Gully of Kentucky without Jim Howery ‘s permission constitutes deceit and an invasion of both parties’ environment.


E.                Your pursuit of Judith Tokle, after she indicated that she refused your advances, and your treatment of her at a Trustees’ meeting in the Spring of 1973 was an interference in her environment.


F.                Your open letter of February 10, 1975 to participants of The Stelle Group and the untrue statements therein constitute an interference in the environment of The Stelle Group collectively and diverts the energy of the group from the goals and purposes for which we are gathered here.



CHARGE 5    You have violated Lemurian Law #9: “The sanctity of the home is inviolate.”


A.   The following statements made to Dennis Monikowski indicates a change of attitude and teaching which undermines the sacred nature of the home and family as taught in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER, Dr. Stelle’s lessons, and your previous teachings:


1.     There are three viable expressions of sex which you would accept in Stelle and they probably would occur in equal proportions:


a.      Sex between male and female in a monogamous marriage.

b.     Sex between ~”swingers,” both married and unmarried.

c.     Sex between those of the same sex—homosexuality.


B.    By your own admission, you have been involved with five women while still legally married, violating the sanctity of your wife and child’s home.


C.   Your sexual involvement with married women, other than your wife, violates the sanctity of their homes.


D.     Your actions, by your own admission, violate the concept that the home is the building block of civilization and, due to your position of leadership, tends to erode the ideal The Stelle Group is establishing.


