British Intelligence Censors the US Media


Many of the key names of the media, particularly television broadcasters and anchormen, and what have you, are all CFR members. They don’t get those positions unless they have had the proper screening. It is interesting that the British Intelligence, who back around World War II, established, oddly enough, Rockefeller Center as an office to screen the different kinds of information that is passed on to the American Public through the radio and television sources. I have it on pretty good authority that all of the major television news broadcasts—the content has to be passed through the British Intelligence in New York before it goes on the air. So, if the British do not want it to be broadcast, you do not hear it. We have to go to some place like Reuters or something. If you did not have some way of receiving that kind of information from the news releases in Europe, you would not know what was going on in the United States. This is not one of those kind of things I can talk to anybody about, and they would say, “Oh yah yah, right on.” It is incredible. It just does not make sense. Most people say, “We are Americans. We would not permit anything like that ever to happen.” I am old enough to remember what things were like in the 1940’s and 50’s and we were more civilized back in those days.



