Is Astrology Taught in the Stelle School?


Question:   Will astrology be taught in the Stelle school?


Answer:     If a person is interested in astrology he may look into it on his own initiative. There are some drawbacks to the study of astrology. One is that it often makes people feel less capable of control over their own lives and destinies than they really have; the tendency is to resign oneself to living within the perimeter of an astrological sign. Although it can be show that certain characteristics are prevalent among people born under a given sign, each individual is quite free to make his personality whatever he chooses. Channels and tendencies are opened to us as the planets move on their courses through space—but we are not bound by these channels. Also, astrological predictions depend upon subjective interpretations of astrologers who differ widely as to what is implied by the planets’ positions. In this area, astrology can hardly be called a science, and data from this source are of questionable value in making important life decisions. Astrology may continue to be of interest to some people, but its benefits do not justify including it as formal education in Stelle. (03-1971)




