Astral Travel


When astral traveling, you become vulnerable to exposing your brain to nether entities by entering into a semi-trance state. What you do when you Astral Travel is get your Egoic self to mentally project information back to your brain while, at the same time, keeping your body in a somewhat conscious condition from a distance. That semi-conscious brain-state allows other intelligences to do the same thing with your brain and add their own input. That is where the danger comes in. You can start getting involved with other entities, who are telling you all kinds of dubiously marvelous things seemingly guiding you to other planets and purporting to show you what it is really like in the bowels of the Earth and inside the Sun and other fascinating adventures of an imaginary sort. And whatever images and scenes that they contrive and project into your brain, it is a pseudo-reality that you are picking up. It all gets recorded on your brain and you are persuaded by its realness to believe it is reality. After all, what kind of discriminating criteria do you have to distinguish facts from fallacy?



