How Do Muscular Armoring Effect Us?


Q:  Do muscular armorings affect us though the subconscious, or how do they affect us?


RK:    They’re blocks to consciousness. We have body muscle memory closely associated to brain neurologic memory. And the two can work in conjunction with one another to have an influence, both positive and negative. Mostly, we’re concerned about the negative things that come from so-called muscular armoring, and that’s a protective device to make us more tolerable to ourselves. Guilts and fears are very frequently encapsulated in muscular armorings. And therapists who can break through those muscular armorings will dredge up a whole bunch of stuff from one’s memory.


Q:  Such as through craniosacral work and that kind of thing, as well?


RK:    Well, you don’t have to have muscular armorings for craniosacral to work. But I guess it can be useful to some extent in that regard. But I’ve gone through Radix, as well as quite a few other people here, and it’s astonishing the mental images that do come up when somebody is forcefully kneading your muscles. I guess my primary response to all of that stuff was astonishment that it would work that way. But again, Radix does not seem to be a cure-all. Mentation on your own part is the best thing in the world for overcoming your problems, but Radix is a key. It just opens certain doors for you, but you have to go through that door and change yourself on the basis of the information that comes up from your own subconscious. (08-2001)




