What Is the Significance of the Ark of the Covenant?


QUESTION:  What is the purpose of the Ark of the Covenant in the Great Plan? In The Ultimate Frontier, you mentioned that it is important that the Ark never get in the hands of lower forces because it would serve them as a rallying point. What is the significance?


RICHARD:   The Ark contains a very revered relic called the “Holy of holies,” which has been in existence since the early days of the Lemurian Empire. The Holy of Holies is a pure gold statuary representing two kneeling cherubim facing each other, and it is the repository of certain kinds of spiritual energies that are induced by Higher Beings. It was the center of the Shekinah Glory, and its so-called Mercy Seat has an Etheric flame that can be seen by persons of clairvoyant ability. That can be used as a means of ascertaining truth or lies of witnesses in trials. It was also the source of the “Pillar of Cloud” by day and the “Pillar of Fire” by night that went before the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. This Holy of Holies was the center of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, which was a recreation by Moses of the tabernacle used to recruit ancient tribesmen on the continent of Mu to join with the Lemurian civilization. Solomon’s temple was the Tabernacle permanentized in stone.




