What Will Make the Antichrist Who He Is?



The Antichrist will make the appearance of being the savior of the European economy, to provide security against the growing strength of the Asians and will, indeed, be thought of as being like the savior, and he’ll promote himself as being a man of God, when actually he is a person who is trying to destroy anything which is good and Christian in the world. And he won’t start out being an evil person. He will be seduced step-by-step into being a person like that, much as Hitler was. When Hitler was a little boy he was not any different than other little boys, but he was introduced into occult concepts and ways of gaining power through using black arts and sexual magic, sorcery, he was into peyote long before people in this country even heard of peyote. So, he had to be seduced step-by-step to be a mouthpiece, a tool, for nether entities. But, that could happen to anybody if you don’t take heed or the morality which has been developed in western culture over a period of many generations of observing what happens to people when they take certain courses. So, you know, the best way to keep from being a person like Hitler is to don’t get into witchcraft or occultism and things or that sort. It’s hard for most people to know where that line is where they step over the bounds of just learning about things occult, and actually becoming a tool of other entities on the other side because they expose themselves or open themselves to being used by them. Indeed, entities, spirit entities are rite throughout the astral plane seeking some way to have control over what happens on the physical plane by taking over the brain of somebody who is in the physical plane and working through them, speaking through them, and therefore, having an effect on what happens in our human affairs from the lower astral plane. It’s very easy. It’s so easy it’s terrifying to become used or being a dupe of such spirit entities. Practically all you need to do is deeply desire doing so and not have any idea that you should be afraid of that. And it’s almost a shoe in, So there are literally hundreds of thousands of our citizens are in some way being manipulated by nether entities to undermine our institutions, to diminish our culture to undermine our youth. It’s hard to believe that that’s happening. And yet the only defense that any of us have is don’t mess around with things which you don’t have the power individually to control. Don’t go past Christ’s protection. We all have protection from Christ, But we have the right to go beyond that. We may investigate wherever we choose to investigate, providing we’re willing to pay the price, And most of us are not given the information of what that price is. There’s hundreds and hundreds of books in metaphysical bookstores which talk about all the glories and the powers and what have you doing this and doing that, ? which is essentially sorcery. They don’t tell you what the price is, or what can happen if things go wrong. Or if they do, they discount it as being, “It is said that some people if they do this sort of thing they might encounter forces which they cannot handle, but that’s really not so,” In which event it’s just a lie.


People who write books like that are already trapped. Their job is to write books that entrap more people. I’ve always been a little bit unhappy that The Ultimate Frontier is sometimes sold by metaphysical bookstores which have other kinds of books in it which, I mean, just picking up in my hand I feel kind of creepy. Some metaphysical bookstores I open the door, walk in and turn right around and walk out again, I just don’t like the vibes in the place at all. So, I’m really much happier to find The Ultimate Frontier at Marshall Fields booksellers rather than in the metaphysical bookstores.


I went on to quite a tirade about all that sort of thing, but the point is that there is great danger but there is no need to open yourself to it. There’s no way that these nether entities can have any influence over you directly if you have good will towards others, develop a Christ Consciousness, which is essentially a lovingness towards everybody, a lovingness towards yourself and others. There’s no way that these nether entities can touch you.


However, they can influence people who are in your environment if they do not use those protections, but those people you can deal with. I mean, they’re there, You can either get away from them, or if they do things which are criminal, turn them in, There are ways you can protect yourself from other people who are on the physical plane with you. You’re dealing with them on a conscious level, rather than on one of these unaware levels that telepathic hypnosis can induce, So, the worst thing in the world to do is be afraid of Black Mentalists. But yet you need to be aware of them so that you know how they operate. You can defend yourself easier against an enemy whose methods you know, and anytime you think that somebody is bugging you, all you have to do is just say: “Christ, protect me.” That’s all you have to do, and it works. As a matter of fact, it’s, you know, part of The Lord’s Prayer: “Deliver me from evil.” As a matter of fact, I think everybody should use some kind of a Protective Prayer everyday, maybe twice a day. When you get mad at your boss, say a protective prayer and cool off and say, why should I get myself into angry type of thinking. That goes against me. (08-1983)



