Will the Antichrist Cause a Racial War Called Armageddon?


Q:      How will the coming of the Antichrist number one, effect the United States and number two, effect Stelle? Is there any plans, I’m sure you must have some sort of plans to counteract that influence?


A:      They’re fairly nebulous at this point because until you see what kinds of things you have to fight. It’s kind of hard to know what your defense should be or what you’re going to have to come up with, but, the Antichrist will principally have his influence in Europe and the Near East, And that, of course, will end up being the main battlefields of the racial war which will exist between the Whites and the Orientals. And the Orientals will also have the African peoples on their side. So, Russia will take the first brunt of that attack and eventually Europe will be essentially destroyed through atomic war, but so will much of everything that’s in the Middle East. The influences that the Antichrist would have in The United States would primarily be through imitation of in people who choose to align themselves with the kind of power that he has to offer them. But he would not be here or have his direct influence here.



