How Does the Akashic Record Work?


Question:   Is the nature of the Akashic Record a reflection of properties of the Etheric plane?


Answer:     We see the effects of gravity on the physical plane, but it has its source on the Etheric plane of existence. Gravity, which we usually think of in physical terms, takes on aspects of the metaphysical when viewed as the binding power which holds the physical universe together. One of the functions of gravity is the storing of mental impressions at the Etheric level. I believe the best way to describe the functioning of the Akashic Record may be by likening it to a video tape. Viewed as a strip of plastic held in the hand it is mute and inert, but it has an invisible configuration of atoms magnetized in such a way as to produce sound and images when fed through an appropriate transcriber. Similarly, human minds create certain permanent images on a matrix of binding gravitational effects which exist on the Etheric plane, and one capable of tuning into these images can easily review what is recorded there. (09-1971)



