How Do We Advance?


Q:      So, we are not getting [inaudible]


RK:    We just happen to be—we may be suddenly accelerated—as a matter of fact, it is projected that if you are going to suddenly catch on and accelerate so rapidly after the year 2,000, that in the next 7,000 years we will make tremendous strides in the number of Masters that we will make. I think that the horrendous events of these next eighteen years, will—all of the things that have happened so far in this century are pretty cool kinds of things—command any place—at  any rate, the next eighteen years will be so bad that we will finally come to the conclusion we just have to change. Enough is enough already. Just completely turn around, turn over a new leaf and we are going to do it in an entirely different way. Maybe that what is needed in order to kind of rattle our cage sufficiently so that we get the message.


Q:      In many of the incarnations [inaudible] talked about approaching [inaudible] come back for one sole purpose such as [inaudible] emotional, i.e. [inaudible] or hatred. Is that [inaudible]?


RK:    That can be a principle task for a lifetime, but it is never a full task.


Q:      Every time [inaudible]?


RK:    We are extremely complex creatures. We may have several dozen major things that we want to work on in a given lifetime. We don’t know what those are when we are born. It just seems like we stumble into one thing after the other, but the Universe is so constructed that all the people that need to get together at the right time get together. All the enemies show up at the right time, all the loved ones show up at the right time, and you have things to work out between yourselves. There is something that is learned by each one of these experiences. You build on what you had before. Nothing is ever lost, though sometimes you attitudes about things can turn so negative that you, essentially, lose ground as far as your advancement is concerned. But, the essence of all that experience is still there for you to draw on for you next incarnation if you don’t do very well with it this time. There are Higher Beings who assist you after you go through transition to show you what you did, positively and negatively, compared to what it was that you set out to do, how it fits in with everything else you did, how it fits in with everything else you did, and where you have to go next, and how best to get started so you can start preparing for the next incarnation. We have all that help available. All the clues are cutoff from us, so that we will really learn the lessons, and that anything we have learned through actual experience and can be turned to our benefit our due entirely to our efforts; somebody else did not do it for us. You do all your advancing. Nobody else advances you. You do it. People can show the way. If Christ’s were to appear here, in the city next week, it would probably be great as far as the news media was concerned, but, really, what could he do to change you? He could peer through you so you wish you could crawl behind a rock or something like that and not be seen so clearly, and then tell you what you have been doing wrong, but you already know what you have been doing wrong. Maybe He could draw a little picture for you of the hell you are headed for if you don’t straighten out, like Morley did in the “Christmas Carol.” But, would that really change us somehow inside us, or would it merely be an incentive to use our intelligence to advance ourselves? I think it would be the latter, because even Christ cannot take us and elevate us in any way. He was among people—those who loved Him and those who followed Him—were nevertheless not suddenly elevated to a whole new dimension or awareness because He was around. He acted toward them as a man toward a man. He was able to do some pretty strange things, but He always put it off by saying, “Well, this is the power of the Father working through Me. You can do these same kinds of things provided you develop yourself, which is true. He didn’t tell them it would take several billion years to get to the point of being an Archangel. What He said was true.


You cannot waste a day, because you don’t have a day to waste, let alone a year. Somehow or other, you have to come to that awareness by yourself, because many people who dealt with Christ himself, at that time, saw Him only as an enemy. They were not moved to elevate themselves, but only wanted to get rid of Him. I would say that exactly the same thing would happen if somebody came here and really and truly was the Christ and let a few people know that history would repeat itself. Somewhere along the line, they would crucify Him. Maybe not on a cross, but somehow would make Him ineffective so far as having influence on our politics or in the larger scheme of things.


Until such time that each of see inside ourselves that we are the only motivators to move us, we are not going to get anywhere, because if we are waiting for somebody on the outside to do it or somebody to “lay on hands” or suddenly move us to another dimension or some people are waiting for the Space Brothers to come in space ships from outer space and suddenly lift us up to a whole new mode of thinking or like the Nazi’s did with their giants living inside the Earth would suddenly come forth and elevate mankind, at least some elements of mankind, to superman status. All those things are just dreams. They are not going to get you there. They are beautiful dreams and they are inspiring ones, but until you make yourself work, nothing happens. So, Christ being among us, right here an now, would not change dramatically or even make us think any differently. You go home at night and say that that was really great. I encountered Christ and what wonderful things are going to occur. But, you are just going to go to sleep that night as usual. The next morning you have to wake up, and you have to make breakfast. You cannot seem to [inaudible] or you would starve to death. (07-1982)




