What Is the Difference Between Stelle and Adelphi’s Function?


Q: What is the difference, in function, between Stelle and Adelphi? What are the tasks assigned to each and what is each place’s role in the scheme of things?


A: Well, The Stelle Group has its membership divided between the two communities. The Stelle Group here is going to be principally involved in assimilating new people, in many cases not necessarily choosing to make them members, or trying to insist that they become members, but at least passing around the facts of our philosophy. We have discover that most people like so much the tools that we give them to bring their life into order that they eventually become attracted to the whole thing that we have to offer.


We are going to be having Stelle here in Illinois an open community where people can come in and examine what it is that we have to offer without having to join up with some kind of a church organization that they perhaps are not entirely sure until such time as they can examine it thoroughly. We feel that that would be more freeing to many people. I think some people are a little concerned about moving into an organization’s community where that church is in total command, as it were, of everything that happens in the community. That might be scary to some folks. By taking that concern away, we think we might be able to attract people a little more easily to come here and experience what it is that we have developed over the last ten years here in the community and thereby become convinced that this is something they would like to work with us on.


The Adelphi Organization also has Stelle Group members in it and it is primarily concentrating on some of the specific technical tasks that have been assigned to The Stelle Group and we are—both organizations are very much concerned with education, both of children and of adults—both working on that aspect, both Stelle and Adelphi. Adelphi is a closed community and those people who are willing to work with The Stelle Group in that type of a situation are entitled to do so and those who will have many things to offer others who come in. As a matter of fact, the people who we had stay here were the ones who seemed to be particularly adept at being outgoing towards other people, being accepting of other people, and helping them get to the same kinds of benefits that we have derived from it. More people oriented, let’s say. And the others who have moved on to Adelphi, who are able to work more in close coordination in a corporation type setting to accomplish very specific goals, are the ones who seem to be happier doing that sort of thing down at Adelphi, So, we always try to use everybody’s strengths to best advantage. Maybe that did not answer all your questions that you have about it.


Q: I guess I was looking at it mainly from the technical aspect. Is there still technical, technological research and work being done up here?


A: Yes. You cannot stop people from doing that sort of thing cause they want it. It is just natural to them. We have a grand collection of “probers” here who want to get behind the physical phenomena that we perceive and also examine all the different ways that people have put together civilization and select the best that they can think of out of that and try to fly with it. We have spent twenty years examining all of the aspects of civilization in trying to decide what kinds of things really do not apply for the future and what things have proven themselves so well that they will probably go as long as mankind goes. It is an interesting exercise if you examine everything in life under those circumstances. That is why our philosophy covers everything.



