Do Adelphi Members Receive Special Teachings?


Q.    What sort of citizenship train­ing do your members receive?


A.    Our community is designed to al­low its members to put the informa­tion and guidelines provided by the Brotherhoods into practice. The goal of this is initiation in the Brother-hoods, which affords citizenship in the Nation of God. Meetings are held each week for the members and postulants of The Adelphi Organization. The purpose of these orientation meetings is to learn and discuss the information passed on to us from the Brotherhoods, and to exchange ideas that each of us has about applying it to our daily lives. Alternate meetings are devoted to discussion of philosophy and to the handling of business matters. Since much of Adelphi’s emphasis is on the raising of our children, many meetings cen­ter around discussion of the philosophy as it relates to childrearing and the family. We are striving to create a sound environment for our­selves and our children by replacing undesirable thoughts and actions with more constructive ones.


The second part of citizenship training is the actual use and practice of the information. Only by incorporating Universal Law into our thoughts and actions do we realize growth. Working together to build a community provides many opportuni­ties for learning cooperation, and working with the common goal of Egoic advancement gives each participant a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction for his efforts. As we become more proficient in consistently applying the virtues, our advancement becomes more rapid. By living in accordance with Universal Law, we present our children with a viable model of dealing with life situations. We also provide them with the environment and opportunity to realize their full potential as human beings. They are thus prepared for citizenship in the Nation of God.




