Does the Etheric Plane Relate to Acupuncture Points?


Question:     Does the Etheric Plane have anything to do with acupuncture points?


Richard:       Acupuncture points have to do with energy of the Etheric Plane which flows through the Vital Bodies of plants and animals. A Vital Body on the Etheric Plane is analogous to matter on the physical plane, and the atoms of a physical body and its Vital Body coincide perfectly at all times. The Etheric energy flowing through the Vital Body’s patterns for the physical body’s organs enters and leaves through specific points which are fixed relative to the physical body. Those entry and exit points of the Etheric energy are the acupuncture sites on the physical body. The ebb and flow of Etheric energy around physical bodies can be detected by a method called “Kirlian” photography. (01-1973)



Are Acupuncture Points Related to the Chakras?


Question.  Are acupuncture points related to the chakras?


Richard:  The energy that feeds the Vital Bodies of plants, animals, and men from the sun is an energy on the second plane of existence which radiates to the Earth for sustenance for all living creatures. This Etheric energy enters your body at specific points and follows pathways which are part of our Vital Body. These pathways lead to organs deep inside your body and then to the surface of the body again so that the flow forms a loop in and out. The surface inlets and outlets are the acupuncture points. Chakras, on the other hand, are seen on the Astral Plane. To some clairvoyants they look like flowers slowly turning on the back and on the head.


There are seven major plexi of the autonomic nervous system along our spinal column and head. Each of the plexi controls one of the endocrine glands. Chemical-electrical nerve energy on the physical plane flows through the plexi and so does the Etheric energy which sustains the Vital Body. On the Astral plane, the animal life essence which animates the living cells also flows through the plexi. Because emotions originate in our mind on the fourth plane, our emotions have an effect, through the plexi, on four levels: the physical, the Etheric, the Astral, and the Mental planes. Emotions affect the endocrine glands, and resultant changes in energy flow through the plexi can be seen clairvoyantly in the corresponding chakras on the Astral Plane. Various emotions, such as fear or anger, cause changes in the size, colors, and rotation rate of the chakras. An Ego who is decarnate on the Astral Plane has no chakras. Chakras are associated with a person’s physical body, and they are astral phenomena directly associated with the nerve plexi. (01-1987)




