What Is the Stelle Philosophy on Abortion?


Q:      What is the Stelle philosophy on abortion?


RK:    I will give you my philosophy, but many people in the group here have their individual ideas of what they like to do with it. They are quite entitled to have their own views about what they think is right for them. So, I cannot say that Stelle has a view of things.


The human Ego occupies the physical body or the baby and takes control of it upon the first breath after emerging from the baby’s birth canal. The reason why it is delayed until that point is because the human Ego cannot be controlling which is inside of the mother of the infant. Otherwise, you would have two Egos controlling the same space, as it were. So, there is a kind of a manipulation of the genetic process by the potentially incarnating Ego from the time of selection of which sperm will connect with the egg and seeing that the evolution of the body goes in the direction that will best suit his needs for that coming lifetime,. But, that is the only control that he has over it and it is somewhat from a distance.


The process of aborting is one of just ending the life of an animal form because it does not become human until such time as the human Ego occupies it because we all occupy an animal body. For that reason, then, we say that an incoming Ego does not have any more right to impose on a mother that it is going to come into incarnation at this particular time and demands care which, obviously, is its due once born anymore than any other person can impose their will upon another without agreement. Both the parents have to be in agreement that they wish that Ego to come into their lives and for them to raise it. If it is not in full agreement, then it is an incorrect situation. So, until such time as mother and father believe that they really want to have this Ego for twenty years in their midst, they have the right to put an end to the animal form which could give rise to the presence of that human incarnation.


Essentially, the Brotherhoods look upon a fetus as, essentially, identical to the fetus of a cat or a dog or a cow. There is a potential but it is not yet a conscious life form.


Q:      I guess I do not know what would prevent an Ego from also occupying the space of the mother’s body.


RK:    It is not occupying a space. It cannot interfere in the influence of the mother’s Ego. That is her body until such time as the fetus becomes a living baby. It is all her body and it is an extension of her body


Q:      I guess I do not understand what would prevent the Ego from already entering the baby’s body still inside the mother.


RK:    I could not answer that any better than you could from your standpoint except it seems to be a rule by which all incarnating Egos have to abide.


Q:      Can you give a description of the process by which the Ego comes into the infant’s body?


RK:    Well, like I said before, the Ego does not actually enter the body, but takes over control of it using the hypnotic techniques with which all of us control our bodies.


Q:      Do you feel that—I do not know the correct words—the entity that takes over the body of an infant upon its first breath, chooses the mother and father of their choice?


RK:    Yes. In other words, the circumstances, the genetic makeup, everything is at the behest of the incoming Ego. They choose that. But, there is a prior agreement, before mother and father incarnate even, between the parents-to-be and all of the children that they are going to have before even the parents incarnate. In other words, if you have brothers and sisters, you have selected those believe it or not; can’t get along with them even today. Then again, maybe you work very beautifully with your brothers and sisters. But, you choose that arrangement before your parents incarnated.


Now there are provisions for last minute changes from either side and that usually can be affected while the parents are asleep so that they will agree to whatever changes are going on. But, yet the parents have to agree on a conscious level also. In this modern day and age, abortion is possible with considerable safety. It was not so long ago that, yes, it was always possible to have an abortion but you might die in the process of performing the abortion. So, it was not usually a very practical consideration.


We are very much concerned with the proper spacing of children in our community. That each child receives full attention of the parent for at least six years before the next child comes along. We think that maybe three children is probably an optimum. So, it is just a little bit better than zero population growth. That way the oldest and youngest are twelve years apart. That would be optimum. Things do not always work out that way. I think we pass (??) the children that are born without plan, so far as the consciousness of the parents is concerned, but somewhere there was an agreement.


But, an incoming Ego has to depend upon both the prior Egoic agreement and the parents’ present circumstances so that they feel that they can give the child all the things that the child needs that they have the space to do the things they need in order to promote their own growth. Now, having six kids in six years tends to be a tremendous strain on everybody including the children and the parents. I cannot think that that would not be an optimum situation, but it is being done all the time. We also think that we have our environment more in control here and that there are reasons for doing what we do, and we have demonstrated through our process of rearing children that this is, indeed, a very critical issue where they are—all their potential is being—that the optimum preparation for having high intelligence and really good emotional stability. That is a whole big subject that we are involved in here: how we raise children. (11-1981)




