Mystic Awareness By Richard Kieninger The need of theoretical
physicists to be able to mentally image the realities of the construction of
the Universe has given impetus to a scientific study of a unique level of
conscious perception—referred to by some as mystic awareness. This mental
state has been brought out of the esoteric realm of wizards and
metaphysicians into the light of legitimate scientific analysis with
profitable results. The cortex of the human brain is limited in its ability
to perceive reality. Normal, waking consciousness is a brain function that
provides an exclusionary focus of concentration on a set of ideas in a
rational, sequential order. The neurological switching mechanism within
the cortex is best likened to a digital computer—a “yes-no” or “on-off”
circuitry. Unfortunately, this does not allow a human being to perceive the
Universe in the fullness of its reality. Just as scientists and engineers
must turn on analog computers to solve certain complex problems which human
brains could never practically resolve, there are some scientists at the
frontiers of scientific thought who have, by means of their mystic awareness,
been able to penetrate the awe-full, improbable, nonrational, beautiful
realities of Creation. The mystics of ages past have been telling us that
time, space, and the atom are fathomable in the brain state of mystic
awareness. The mathematicians and physicists who have been able to thus
visualize our Universe through their specially developed intellect have
actually attained a state of neural integration between the non-conscious
“analog” portions of their brains and the “digital” cortex portions through
which waking consciousness functions. There is no possible way to otherwise
experience and penetrate fourth-dimension concepts, the mechanics of ether,
or the vortex nature of matter and energy. Mystic awareness involves a
repatterning of neural networks in the brain in order to attain a previously
nonexistent (but always possible) mode of intercellular communication between
our two sub-brains and our conscious brain. The cortex (the
“thinking-intellect” part) and the limbic system and thalamus (the
“feeling/emotion” part) and the medulla oblongata (the “intuition-archaic”
part) integrate into a “new” whole brain in the individual who has achieved
the mystic state of consciousness. This gives the Ego a new mode of
perception and feeling, and it provides non-rational (not irrational) forms
of logic which are multi-level, integrated and simultaneous. These are in
addition to the normal person’s linear, sequential, either-or form of logic.
Remember, however, that the brain is not an organ for generating
consciousness, but rather is the instrument of the physical plane through
which Egoic consciousness on the Mental Plane of Existence functions. The
only point of direct contact and interaction between spirit and physical
cosmos is the mind-brain of man. It is also important to make the distinction
that we are not discussing here the differences between right and left
hemisphere brain functions. Brainwave experimenters
have established that mystic awareness is a genuine state of consciousness
rather than merely imagination. Measurable physiological parameters are
observable on the electroencephalograph when accomplished mystics are monitored
during their “trances.” Scientists have learned that beta waves (14 to 29
cycles per second) are produced when a person is awake and responding to
external stimuli, alpha waves (8 to 12 cps) when the brain is occupied with
its own thoughts, theta waves (4 to 7 cps) when the thinker is conscious
neither of his physical self nor the outside world, and delta waves (1/2 to 3
1/2 cps) when the subject is asleep. Mystics produce alpha waves at a high
amplitude of 70-100 microvolts; and as their mystic state deepens from alpha
to theta, the amplitude remains high, indicating a unique state of intense
mental alertness. Whether a mystic began as a
scientist, ascetic, or occultist, his or her profound experiences in the
state of mystic awareness are reported as overwhelmingly beautiful and allow
visualization of abstract constructs. Mystics tend to be regarded as aberrant
by those who still labor in an un-awakened, semi-illusory condition of
tradition-imposed philosophy and values. Therefore, a mystic prefers the
company of other mystics who can understand him, and he essentially
disappears from general view. Psychologists, such as A.H. Maslow, who have
been analyzing the components of true mental health, believe they have found
mystics to be the sanest and healthiest of individuals. The love of the
mystic for other people is non-possessive, cannot be sated, grows with
enjoyment, is therapeutic, lacks anxiety-hostility, permits self-autonomy to
both parties, deeply experiences the other person, and is a beautiful
experience. It is important to note that the experiences and percepts afforded in the mystic state of consciousness are limited to the data and emotions contained in the brain memory of the mystic himself. He does not contact other beings or receive information from outside himself as a result of mystic awareness. Therefore, clairvoyance is a distinct and separate Egoic function from mystic awareness and is achieved by different means. A person may acquire either mystic awareness or clairvoyance without the other. The person who has both mystic awareness and clairvoyance is said to have cosmic consciousness. |