


Beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean lies the “Lost Continent of Mu”... the Motherland of the greatest civilization this planet known. Hundreds of thousands of square miles of silt and marine growth cover its bosom; rendering mute is history, its culture, its grandeur … its one-time sovereignty on earth.


Twenty-six thousand years have passed since the Continent of Mu and its wonderful civilization sank beneath the blue Pacific, seemingly gone forever. Why did this occur? What were the causes? What were the circumstances which brought about the ultimate destruction of Mu?  Was the final cataclysm simply a caprice of Nature … or was it inevitable?


The great Mukulian Empire attained a magnificence incomparable with anything existing today. Literally and seriously, it glorified the earth. In contrast to present day practice, all natural resources were under the custody of the Empire. This was equally true of all inventions, discoveries and devices that were considered to be of public benefit, none of which was ever allowed to be exploited by any individual, or group of individuals, for selfish ends or at the expense of the public.


It was a basic tenet of the Mukulian government that no organized society could hope to prosper permanently except as each individual member or citizen thereof prospered, and further, that no individual could hope to prosper permanently except as the society, or Empire as a whole, prospered.


This fundamental principle is the basis of the Universal Brotherhood of Man, and as practiced in Mu, accounted for much of its glory and magnificence as an Empire. It was carried to a point where an individual could leave only his personal possessions to his family at the time of his transition. All else reverted to the empire, thus eliminating the possibility of enormous estates being handed down from generation to generation. In this way, it was felt that instead of succeeding generations looking for an inheritance for their success, they would be encouraged to develop their own capabilities and greatness.


In return, the children of every citizen were guaranteed equal opportunity for personal advancement. Unemployment was totally unknown, in fact, until approximately 27,000 B.C., no such word appears in the Empire’s records. Every man and woman had work according to his individual ability, and opportunity was limited only by one’s ambition. Poverty was also unheard of, even among the proletariat, as those unable or unwilling to become citizens were termed.


Up to 28,000 B.C., crime, as we have come to know it, was extremely rare. Just consider for a moment, that from 40,000 B.C. to 28,000 B.C. (a period of 12,000 years) there appeared no record of theft! Contrast that with the criminal records of any one of our modern cities for one day!


The only criminal records during that period were those of passion. For, alas, even with all the culture, educational opportunities, social advantages and lack of greed for material possessions, still, where sex was involved, men and women yielded unwisely to this urge. Then, as today, the majority of crimes against society were based upon passion and the desire of men and women to appear masculinely or femininely great in the eyes of the one another. This was one of great unsolved problems of the Empire.


According to the way in which we look at things today, the laws of the Empire were quite drastic. If a man schemed against the established order of things, and indulged in activities subversive to the best interests of the Empire, severe penalties were imposed. He and all his family, together with others involved, including close relatives of all concerned, were banished from the Motherland … exiled to some section separated from, or foreign to, the Continent itself.


There was no capital punishment in the Empire after 50,000 B.C. If a man committed murder, he was banished and placed in an unpopulated section with essentials and provisions for one year. His family and relatives (unless they were directly involved) were exiled to a more civilized dependency. Those associated with the murderer, as accessories to the crime, might or might not be sent with him, depending upon the degree of their involvement, the circumstances of the case, and the decision of the authorities.


The practice of banishing relatives, was done to eliminate from the Empire proper those in whose breasts, through blood ties, might lurk resentment that would seek physical retaliation of a revengeful nature. It was no small matter to have all the advantages of living in such a civilization taken away through exile, and knowing this, caused people to think twice before becoming involved in such an ungodly mess.


Those found guilty of serious crimes, other than murder or treason, were also sent to distant places, but in those cases, every effort was made to see that they were properly housed and equipped so that, aside from never being permitted to return to Mu, they might be able to live as Mukulians should. It was thus that the outer world became populated, and why so many sections, thousands of years later, were found possessed of highly civilized governments. Although these remote societies were reasonably well-organized, they tended to retrograde as time went on. This was unquestionably due to the type of people who comprised the population, as well as to the conditions of their environment.


The first major step leading to the disintegration of the Mukulian Empire came when two of the twelve tribes had to be banished from the Motherland. Of the original twelve tribes, or “yans,” as they were called, these two were outstanding for their suspicion and avarice. In spite of the fact that every effort was made to instruct and train these people for citizenship, they appeared to be more or less “non‑conformists” almost from the beginning. At first, they evinced an enthusiastic desire to attain citizenship, but it soon became apparent that their motives were largely selfish, a trait which was viewed with disdain in those days.


Most of the other tribes had many citizens on the Rhu Hut Plains before the two in question began to manifest more than a casual interest in the swiftly growing Empire. A few of the latter applied for citizenship training, but when they learned that it would be necessary to part with half of their material possessions, the majority left in a huff for their respective Tribal Valleys. A small minority, however, accepted the conditions and subsequently became citizens of the Empire.


Eventually, word filtered back to the people of these two tribes about the success of the venture taking place on the Great Plains. The glowing descriptions of conditions existing on the Plains fired the imaginations and desires of these people to be in on it, even though they still took a dim view of the cost.


In due course, a sinister plan evolved. A group of patriarchs from the both tribes secretly pooled a large number of their cattle in order to “finance” certain selected ones from each tribe who would undertake the training. It was their plan that when these attained citizenship and were settled on the Rhu Hut Plains, they were to secure by fair means or otherwise, vast acreages of the best land to be found. They would then demand that fellow tribesmen (non-citizens) be assigned to help with the work necessary to utilize their holding. With this entrenchment, the two tribes believed that by working together they would gradually be able to command sufficient power to take control of the Empire. Utter secrecy and superior shrewdness accompanied the advance of this conspiracy.


A thousand or more selected septs from the two yans applied for and took the training that resulted in their gaining citizenship. Then, with their herds, they departed for the Rhu Hut Plains. Arriving there, they found that the commonwealth was so closely knit and well-organized that the secret purpose for which they had come presented almost insurmountable difficulties. It was virtually impossible to acquire vast tracts of land, notwithstanding the enormous area of the Plains. They simply could not go in and stipulate lands they would take over. The Plains had already been divided into twelve sections, one for each of the twelve tribes. Ten were quite well established, and the only thing these people could do was to move into those sections that had been reserved for them when they became citizens of the Empire.


What is more, they learned that under Mukulian Law, they could only take possession of such lands as they could profitably utilize. Therefore, in order to justify bringing in even a limited number of proletariat from their tribes, they were required to get their own holdings producing to the point where such help was necessary. And although the Provinces assigned to them grew in population, the nefarious scheme of the patriarchs made very slow progress. They did, however, succeed in planting seeds of dissension among the materially minded proletariat of other tribes in other Provinces, thus creating a rift in thought, much to the gratification of the designing priesthoods.


However, the plan of these conspirators had one vulnerable weakness that led to its ultimate defeat. In order to govern their own Provinces in accordance with the rules of the Empire, a few of their number found it necessary to take the extended training beyond that required for citizenship. This qualified them as aristocrats and enabled them to hold positions of authority. As such, they naturally would have close association with other aristocrats, with governmental leaders, and with the Elder Brothers … a relationship that conceivably might endanger their program. Therefore, the few who undertook this training, were carefully selected by their leaders as being ones who shoed the greatest discretion.


From among the other tribes, there were many who desired and sought this higher education and training, and because of this, the Elder Brothers of the Citizenship Schools began to sense that something was wrong when so few of these two, otherwise ambitious tribes, displayed so little desire to go on with their training.


By this time, Melchizadek was Emperor, and rather than expose the scheme of which He was quite aware, He merely instituted a thorough investigation of the seeming paradox in order to help those governing the Empire to discover for themselves what was going on.


Quietly the investigation got under way, and as substantiating evidence against the plotters mounted, the Governors of all twelve Provinces were called to the Palace of the Emperor where format charges were brought against the designing tribes. Vehement denials followed, but they were of no avail in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.


Duly tried and convicted, the two tribes were banished from the Empire together with the few remaining clans in the Tribal Valleys. Although this was a sweeping action, it was unfortunate that the problem was further complicated by the fact that seeds of dissention persisted long after their banishment to other lands.


Drastic though this first step was, the one that followed was even more so, due to the violation of the basic Laws of the Empire. Strangely enough, the very tribe which had been the prime mover in the establishment and building of the Empire—the Mu Yan—was the tribe finally to precipitate its end. Another paradox!


With the civilization on the Continent of Mu developed to what was considered the peak of its greatness, the Mu Yans decided to expand its domain, their first idea being to bring into the fold, as colonies, various outlying populations, the first being the Uighurs in Asia. This they found to be a comparatively easy matter. Next, some of them invaded what is presently India, while others went to what is now Mexico, probably encountering the early Aztecs. Here, however, their mission was met with resistance, for the people contended that this over act constituted an invasion of their rights.


Immediately the Mu Yans sent back for reinforcements, bringing over also many Cari Yans who went on to South America. Many bloody battles ensued, but the Mu Yans were finally victorious. At the close of these conquests, they sent vast amounts of gold and other treasure back to Hamukulia. The Mu Yans were intensely patriotic people and justified, or tried to justify, their depredations upon the grounds that they were not only sending treasure back to the continent, but to offset what the Elder Brothers said was “taking by force,” they claimed they were giving in return the cultural and educational advantages of the Empire.


“We are simply establishing what you have agreed are right living standards,” the Mu Yan element insisted. In this they were backed by the Cari Yan, and eventually by so many others that, over a span of some two or three hundred years, the Elder Brothers realized that there was little hope of salvaging a situation that had gotten completely out of hand.


Recognizing that the Empire was rapidly piling up mass karma of alarming proportions, and that a serious cleavage was developing, the Elder Brothers called in the Lords of Venus and Mercury for consultation and advice.


By now, the Empire had entered upon a veritable orgy of ruthless expansion, acquiring such vast wealth that even the proletariat grew so opulent that they would no longer submit to the rigorous training for citizenship. “We are perfectly satisfied with the way the Empire is being run, so why should we bother?” they argued.


Then, without new citizens being trained, the citizenry began to diminish through natural transition. This led to the point where neither the shrunken citizenry, nor the even worse affected aristocracy could handle the rapidly increasing pressures and complexities which confronted them. Open conflict ensued, and the power to quell this rebellion proved insufficient.


Knowing the inevitable outcome of these causes, and utterly disheartened over Their inability to stem this tide of madness, the Elder Brothers acted upon the advice of the Lords of Venus and Mercury and quietly began to move all of Their priceless records to a previously prepared and properly safeguarded sanctuary upon the Asiatic mainland. The records were stored in archives carved deep into the solid granite beneath Their great Temple.


During this period, unprecedented storms ravaged the fields and ruined the crops. Tremendous earthquakes shook the Continent, while huge tidal waves inundated the coastal areas. The end of the great Mukulian civilization was being foretold. Then came the day when a gigantic volcano in the Hata Valley erupted and spewed molten lava over the city of Hamukulia. A violent earthquake blocked the flow of the mighty Hatamukulia River, causing it to back up into the valleys.


Hurriedly, the Elder Brothers and certain of the aristocracy and the citizenry hastened to Asia. Hardly had they arrived at the Temple and the archives when the Hatamukulian River burst through a fault and poured into the recently erupted volcano. A terrific explosion followed which lifted bodily the great mountain that once covered the volcano now known as Kilauea, hurling it over three hundred miles to where its great mass demolished and buried the Palace of the Emperor.


The concussion and further explosions opened ancient faults, permitting the ocean itself to flood the seething inferno beneath the Continent. In one vast cataclysm, the Continent of Mu convulsed and disintegrated, the waters of the Pacific Ocean covering its glorious and inglorious past. The Mukulian Empire was lost!




The Dispersion of the Yans