


A land of almost limitless symbologies, unbelievable paradoxes and seeming contradictions is Egypt. Every ruin, every monument, every carved inscription carries with it the symbology of some meaning designed to be concealed, to all but those having such special knowledge as will make the meaning clear. They represent an untold wealth of philosophical and occult information, and many have been the interpretations! It is these interpretations that have afforded the inconsistencies with which “occult” lore is so replete, for each is the result of the understanding of the one explaining the symbology.


The Great Pyramid: Man’s Monument to Man

Perhaps the most widely known of Egyptian monument is the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, and everyone who has read the many interpretations of the messages it contains will fully appreciate the foregoing. Actually, the great landmark summarizes the history of mankind—past, present, and future. Even its location was significant, for if all the land areas above water at the time of its construction could have been lifted and set upon its apex, they would have balanced perfectly, and using the apex as a center and a radius from it to the Nile Delta, the circle thus described embraces all Egypt and its dependencies at that period. Being the balancing point for the entire then known world, what could possibly have been a more significant site for its purpose?


The pyramids, the Great Sphinx, the innumerable tombs and temples in both Upper and Lower Egypt all add to the mystery and glamor of this ancient land. Small wonder the weird fascination it holds for the archeologist, the lure it presents to the inquiring mind! As a result, entire libraries are devoted to Egyptology—to the discoveries, interpretations, guesses, and the theories resulting from many lifetimes of scientific research of the mute evidences of a civilization that once flourished so greatly.


Antediluvian Egypt

Prior to the destination of Atlantis, the surface features of Africa were quite different from what they are today. At that early date, what is now the Mediterranean Sea was a vast and fertile valley separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a solid wall of rock where the Strait of Gibraltar is now located. In addition, the wide expanse of the present Sahara Desert was a great inland sea with occasional islands, the fertile plains now known as Egypt lying to its east.


With the sinking of Atlantis, the accompanying concussions caused a break in the wall of rock protecting the Mediterranean Valley, and the ocean flowed through filling the entire area to the extent of what is now the Mediterranean Sea. At the same time, the great inland sea disappeared draining off either into the Mediterranean area or into vast subterranean caves and rivers that empty into the Atlantic, leaving in its place the wide expanse of the Sahara Desert.


Movements of the Ancient Tribes in Egypt

Africa seems to have been the culmination of the travels of a number of the tribes. The Judi and Levi Yans migrated to the eastern shore of the Red Sea after their exile from the Motherland. Previous to the submergence of Mu, the Upa Tans had migrated in great numbers to northern Africa, later concentrating in Egypt. After wandering first to Atlantis, then to present-day Spain, then northern Africa, the Beni Yans settled in what is now Ethiopia. The Xion Tans came from Atlantis to Egypt, and aside from those citizens and aristocrats of the Hata Yans who were of the artistic-scientific group of Atlanteans who went to Italy and Greece, the remainder, including the proletariat, also finally settled in Egypt.


Of perhaps the greatest importance to the integration of the Egyptian civilization were the Opu Yans who were of a rather different mental caliber than any of the other tribes. The vast majority of the Mukulian population was either materialistic or idealistic—the citizenry and aristocracy attaining more or less balance between the two. The Opu Yans, however, presented a slightly different trend. They were highly intellectual even in Mukulian times and, as a consequence, were held in extremely high regard for their sound business ability and execution of trade agreements. They were, in fact, considered as the financiers of Mukulia, and in the affairs of government all financial transactions or matters pertaining to financial setups came under their general supervision and authority.


They were sufficiently astute and farseeing to realize, even as the colonization program was being carried forward, that the end of the Mukulian Empire lay in the not too distant future. They had little interest in the spiritual development of India or in the materialistic growth of Atlantis, and the majority migrated to what would be the present coastal regions of Algeria, Libya, and northern Egypt, much of which was then located in the Mediterranean Valley. Others located on the largest and most fertile islands of the great sea that subsequently drained to leave the present Sahara Desert.


With the draining of the sea, great numbers continued eastward, eventually settling that section of Egypt where the pyramids were subsequently built. Many of their descendants, however, remained in fertile sections along what is now the African shoreline of the Mediterranean Sea.


The Creation of a Religion

From the beginning, the Opu Yans formed the ruling element of Egypt. Their superior intelligence made it possible for them to more readily understand and amalgamate the ideas of those with predominantly idealistic tendencies with those essentially more materialistic. In addition, as in Mukulia, it was to be expected that all matters of a financial nature and those affecting the economic affairs of the government should come under their supervision and direction.


With the passing of time, internal dissensions and conflicts arose in Egypt, and the need for some sort of religion grew apparent. It was perfectly natural for the Opu Yans to develop a type of philosophy that would satisfy those of both materialistic and. idealistic tendencies. Nevertheless, their habit of mind, together with the training and experience accumulated over many incarnations, had caused them to regard mental power as the greatest of the three. This resulted in the formulation of a philosophy that was strictly metaphysical in character and based upon an intellectual use of Cosmic Law.


Taking full advantage of the age-old tendency of the more idealistic toward personalized gods, the Opu Yans inaugurated the worship of Isis, designating her as the Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood. She represented the embodiment of the kindly, loving, motherly nature that, to them, was symbolic of the Motherland. To enhance the prestige of this goddess, they erected a beautiful Temple of Isis on the bank of the Nile, presided over by a High Priestess. In this Temple was constructed a secret crypt to which the Ark was brought from Atlantis some thousand years prior to its submergence, and in this crypt it remained until removed to the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.


Almost coincident with the establishment of the worship of Isis, the Xion Yans came to Egypt from Atlantis, establishing the Osirion religion based upon their interpretation of the religious precepts of the last of the true Most High Priests of Atlantis. As you will recall, the determined efforts of Osiris to restore the balanced philosophy of the Mother Empire resulted in the bitter enmity of the corrupt priesthoods who so inflamed the proletarian element of Atlantis that they crucified him. However, because the philosophy he advocated was sound, it continued to live even though, as with the teachings of Christ, portions of it have been grossly misinterpreted and distorted to conform with the personal ideas of those seeking to broadcast it.


The Osirian religion has been mistakenly considered as purely Egyptian. As a matter of fact, when introduced there, it was in rather a crude form only roughly representative of the teachings of Osiris, and developed with the associations of its promulgators. From its very beginning, it was based upon the idealization of the personality, Osiris, who was not only immortalized but attained the status of a god in the eyes of those adhering to this religion.


That the Xion Yans, migrating from Atlantis, settled near the Opu Yans would seem to indicate their knowledge at the location of the Ark, although they were not sufficiently advanced to fully comprehend its symbolism. They overcame this deficiency by putting their own interpretation upon what they had gleaned. concerning it, however. Furthermore, having learned something of the religions concepts of the Opu Yans through association with them, they interpreted these also according to their own ideas. As a result, the Osirian religion became a blending of interpretations. Nevertheless, the original basis was good and free of corruption.


The records indicate that the Xion Yans later incorporated the Opu Yan worship of Isis into their teachings, formulating the Priesthood of Isis, and personalizing her to a far greater degree than did the Opu Yans. They depicted her as a goddess representing the mother aspect. It is this worship of Isis in the Osirian religion that corresponds to the worship of the Virgin Mary in the modern Catholic religion. She was accredited with giving birth to children while still retaining her virginity in the same manner that the Virgin Mary is depicted as having given virgin birth to Jesus. The latter is a human personality, while Isis was simply a figment of the imagination.


The First Egyptian Pharaoh

Others who migrated to Egypt were the Nagas who, as you will recall, were the more advanced Mu Yans who left India because they knew it could not succeed as a civilization. Ruins of their many temples may still be found in Upper Egypt. Later, they traveled down the Nile to the Delta where another group of Mu Yans had migrated from Atlantis prior to its submergence under the leadership of Thoth. The latter were an aggressive and rather materialistic people who had established a successful settlement at this point. Unquestionably, this was that part of Egypt designated in the Bible as the Land of Goshen. Meaning, “land or place of plenty.”


When it was discovered that both groups were originally from the Motherland, they amalgamated and under the direction of Menes, of Opu Yan descent, and the first of the Pharaohs or rulers, the first dynasty of Egypt was formed. During the reign of Menes and that of his lineage that followed him as rulers, Egypt flourished developing into an ever greater and greater civilization.


Other Migrations

The Beni Tans who migrated to what is now Ethiopia were a passive agricultural people, and, unlike the more aggressive tribes, little is known of them. They did not amalgamate as readily with other tribes as did the more aggressive ones and so retained more of their tribal characteristics. Later, however, a number of them journeyed on into Egypt where they lost much of their tribal identity, becoming Egyptian, as did so many of those of other tribes.


Then, as we know, there were the Judi and Levi Yans who had long been banished to Egypt from the Motherland. There is no indication, however, that these two tribes had any part in the development of Egypt. Actually, it was during the time of the amalgamation brought about by Menes that, apparently under “pressure” from the Nagas and Atlanteans, they began migrating in ever increasing numbers to that portion now known as Palestine, the boundaries of which have varied greatly from time to time. Much later, many came back to Egypt and were later enslaved by the Egyptians and it is these, of the House of Judah, who are associated with the Biblical exodus from Egypt.


The Priesthoods Corruption the Religions

Just prior to the submergence of Atlantis, vast numbers left the Continent, many making their way to Africa. Among these were the corrupt priesthoods who had gained so great a hold over the peoples of Atlantis. The emotional, mystic quality of the Xion Yan teachings, being a fertile field for their operation, the corrupt priests migrated to Egypt and entered the ranks of the Priesthood of Isis.


The Beginning of Multiple Gods

Here, once again the forces of evil began their nefarious work, inserting more and more gods and goddesses, and instituting practices both licentious and degrading. Unyielding as the Xion Yan Priesthoods might be to these debasing forces, they could not stem the growing acceptance by the vast majority of the populace. Rather than wage what they realized would be a losing battle, the Xion Yans left Egypt and migrated to that region which became known as the Land of Zion, now Palestine, as well as into sections of Persia and contiguous territories, leaving the Osirian religion in the hands of the corrupt priesthoods.


The Beginning of Embalming

In place of the true teaching of the reincarnation of the Ego, the fallacious teaching of the resurrection of the body was instituted in order to establish the most lucrative profession of embalming. This was fostered to the extent whereby it actually became the belief that if one were not embalmed at the time of death, he would have no body in which to resume activity—when the time came for him to be resurrected!


Then, to keep the secret of the embalming intact, an edict was issued by the priests that the embalmers were a proscribed people. So successful was this idea that insofar as the embalmers themselves were concerned, the people came to regard them as worse than lepers, actually being afraid to go near them in the belief that to touch one was to become one.


The Beginning of Idolatry

The final degradation of the Osirian religion, however, did not take place until a much later date. Having exhausted the efficacy of all other means of control over the people, the corrupt priesthoods stooped to chicanery and outright deception. For example, they constructed great images of their principal gods and goddesses, building into them crypts in which a priest would hide.  Whenever it was deemed desirable to promulgate some special idea or to especially impress the people, the priests would conduct an elaborate ceremony after, or during which, the god or goddess involved would be addressed and besought to give them a message. At the proper psychological moment, in sepulchral tones, the words of the concealed priest would issue from the idol’s mouth, the message, of course, confirming the words of the officiating priests, or setting forth whatever message or prediction had previously been determined upon.


This was the beginning of idolatry in Egypt, its success being reflected in the necessity for the first and second commandments of the Decalogue: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likenesses of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.


The Pharaohs Succumb to the Lust for Power

With the passing of time, the Pharaoh, too, developed a lust for power so that the governing element was no less corrupt than were the priesthoods. There developed between them a high degree of deceptive cooperation which culminated in the latter becoming firmly entrenched in the ruling affairs of Egypt. This coalition or combination of power led to the growth of slavery. Wherever and whenever the Egyptian forces could find people to conquer, they brought the best of them to Egypt as slaves of the pharaohs and the priesthoods, still further cementing the tie between the rulers and the priests.


Concurrent with all this corruption, another and even more important phase of  Egyptian history was taking place. Until the time the priesthoods from Atlantis began to prostitute the religion in order to get control, the Opu Yans had ruled Egypt, and it had prospered. Their philosophy was based upon a recapitulation, from an intellectual standpoint, of the basic principles of Mukulia, and their worship of Isis was symbolic of all that had been embodied in the Motherland.


The Faithful Fight Back

As long as the Xion Yans remained in Egypt and the Osirian teachings were adhered to, the Opu Yans had been satisfied and so remained inactive as to any particular religious development. However, when the debased priesthoods gained control of the Priesthood of Isis and perverted the Osirian teachings to the extent that very little of the original symbology remained, the Opu Yans resumed their activities.


In this, they sought the aid of the Thirteenth School who organized the Coptic Mystery School. As has been true in India and Atlantis, the training started along the natural trend of the predominating tendency and followed through until aspirants developed a balanced nature in all respects. In Egypt, the predominating tendency among those desiring advancement was mentality. An increasing number of Egyptians were Initiated in this great School and for a time there was a resurgence of prosperity and grandeur in the land. For many years, it seemed that the evil, forces responsible for the degradation of the civilization had been vanquished.


The Beginnings of Black Mentalism

As the Empire grew, however, and more and more was learned of what could be accomplished by the use of mind power, there sprang into existence a group who, in seeking to utilize this power for purely selfish purposes, carried it to the extreme of mentalism. Here, all thought of true spirituality or the virtues was lost sight of while those using it took advantage of the emotional nature of man to serve their personal ends. Just as extreme idealism leads to fanaticism and extreme practicality to skepticism, extreme mentalism leads to control over others.


This type of thinking led to the development of what has been called the Black Mentalists. This great and evil power feeds upon the greed and selfishness of mankind, using all so characterized to intensify its power and spread its evil influence. An individual may not be one of the Black Mentalists, but if he be selfish, greedy, or intolerant, he readily becomes either a victim or a tool for their nefarious work. Today, its great endeavor is to disrupt the Work of the Elder Brothers in the integration of the New Order. Well, do they know that when the world is populated by a Citizenry educated and trained in the balanced use of all the attributes of good, the force of evil not only will have become powerless, but by having only itself and its own followers upon which it can exert its evil influence, will destroy itself.


Subtle Dangers

Beware of subtle flattery with its appeal to the desire for praise and adulation. Be on guard with those who hold forth a promise of influence and control of others. These are the earmarks of those forces which drag all else into the mire that they may profit.


Because of the gratification of greed and lust for power which this extreme and. selfish development of mental power made possible, it was mandatory that the rest of the then known world crush Egypt as a matter of self-preservation. So it is that today we find Egypt disorganized: split into warring factions and a nation in name only. The miserable remnants of its population are a polyglot conglomeration, living in filth and disease, eking out a scanty existence from the spending of curious tourists. All that it has to offer are the monuments and records of its past greatness, these alone giving it whatever lure or attraction it holds for those who visit it in search of new discoveries and thrills.



