Developing a Prosperity Consciousness


Since anyone’s money, assets, and material possessions can be lost in the proverbial twinkling of an eye, it may be assumed that prosperity involves much more than physical accumulations. Indeed, Universal Laws exist, that when followed assiduously, assure the student permanent security.


Through a false, unworkable, and unjust economic system, that exists throughout the world today, the purchasing value of money can be made to fluctuate by the manipulations of conscienceless “money changers.” For that reason, it is prudent that one’s financial security be predicated upon more than the accu­mulation of money and physical possessions. In a practical sense, any of our physical possessions may be replaced and still provide us our current peace of mind so vital to our well-being. This is an important lesson, in and of itself, as evidenced by the old adage, “You can’t take it with you.” Yet there are many things that we can take with us, a prosperity consciousness being one of them. Therefore, let us work to understand how and under what conditions this can be developed. It must always be remembered that no matter how far the journey, we must start from where we are.


Under an honest system, the value of money is measured by the services rendered, while wealth produced is measured through the expenditure of these services. Money must be issued only for services already rendered and for the resulting wealth. As a aside, we will provide background information concerning the extent the present system has departed from Cosmic soundness. Through this information, it is hoped that you will better appreciate the extremely important procedure to be shown in this paper.


A few hundred years ago, before the modern-day banking institutions were created, a merchant intending to travel to some distant place, found it impractical, if not impossible, to carry with him the gold necessary to cover his expenses and to purchase his goods. If he went by ship, there were the ever-present pirates to consider as well as the equally calamitous disaster of sinking. Traveling by land involved caravans, which were routinely preyed up by predatory bands of robbers. However, since gold was the accepted standard medium of ex­change and acceptable in practically all parts of the world, there was little else that he could carry with him for the exchange.


In response to the rampant sea-borne and highway robbery of the time, a system was devised to reduce a traveler’s dependence on carrying gold or other easily carried-off items of exchange. This involved a lot of trust in the traveler but eventually became the standard from Europe to the Middle East. At that time goldsmiths were common. These had established among themselves guilds or associations to enable merchants to overcome this situation, at a profit, of course, to the goldsmiths. The merchant would take his gold to his local goldsmith and from him secure a receipt or letter of credit to the goldsmith at his destination. Upon presentation of this letter or receipt at his journey’s end, the second goldsmith would supply him with the gold in the amount of his original deposit, less the service charge. One group that most successfully capitalized on this system was the Knights Templars, who had the military forces to secure their system.


Although having many serious drawbacks, this system was employed for hun­dreds of years. Eventually, these goldsmiths became the first bankers, having found this letter-of-credit system as profitable—if not more so—than their regular occupation of working with the precious metal. A less involved system was worked out whereby the goldsmiths issued tokens of deposit which passed as readily as our modern money. Then came the time when their successors, now full-fledged bankers, discovered that it was possible, with more or less safety, to issue these credit tokens in greater amounts than they had gold on deposit, In modern phraseology, they found they did not have to confine their lending to the actual amounts of deposit they had on hand. Thus began the modern karmically unsound banking methods.


Because most depositors use checks almost exclusively for their trans­actions, rather than the actual cash, it was discovered that for every $1000 deposited, $150 is sufficient for the comparatively small cash de­mands of the average depositor. Thus the banker had available $850 to lend. In other words, when a bank creates a loan of $1000, it need have only  $150 on hand. On the average, since only 15% cash or $128 is necessary, this leaves $722 free to be loaned to the second borrower. Of this amount, 15% or $108 again suffices, leaving $614 available to be loaned to a third borrower. By continuing this ratio and procedure, not only the $1000 cash deposit due the original depositor, but over $5000 more is owed to the bank from its borrowers.

The final result of this dishonest system is that $5000 of the medium of exchange has been borrowed into existence. It does not represent total wealth produced. On the other hand, it is redeemable in wealth, thereby taking from the national wealth something not actually and already created. This is a violation of Universal Law in that through the use of corrupt lending practices, something is being reaped where nothing has been sown. The ines­capable result is eventual national bankruptcy. The time will eventually come when there will be no adequate wealth to redeem it, and without such wealth, their so-called “money” becomes valueless. The recent attempts to borrow ourselves into prosperity have brought us perilously close to this condition, and a continuance of the practice can produce only one end.


It is beyond the purpose of this lesson to enter into the lengthy discussion necessary to explain fully the operations of the Federal Re­serve System! Despite its name and their understanding of the misin­formed or ignorant borrowers, this is a private banking organization. Through its manipulations, what are known as Federal Reserve Notes of indebtedness are actually issued and used as money capitalized upon no tangible assets. Is it any longer a source of wonder, in view of such an un-sound economic system, that we should stress importantly the return to sound Universal Law supported systems in order that he may establish real finan­cial security?


As we have already shown, this Mind of ours is possessed of inherent possibilities undreamed of by the average person. Properly used, it can and will bring us happiness, peace, prosperity, health, and contentment beyond our fondest hopes. Misused, or allowed to run rampant, it can also bring us just the reverse of these desirable and beneficial results. God did not intend that man should suffer. To believe, however, that an aching molar does not exist is to separate oneself from reality. Because God did not create misery, misfortune, disease, unhappiness, or poverty does not mean they do not exist, and to deny the existence of such patent facts is unwise. Man is also a creator, and it is man alone who is responsible for the creation of the unfortunate conditions with which he finds himself surrounded. Therefore, since we have set into operation those causes which have brought about the ill effects we encounter, it is reasonable to state that we can also set into operation causes which will produce the effects we would enjoy.


It may well be that the average person enjoys a good income from his employment. However, he is still more or less dependent upon his job. Also, his income may be seemingly inadequate for his needs. Consider, for a moment, that the financial situation is far from desirable. Assuredly, if this principle will work under such cir­cumstances, it will also operate under better ones. A time-proven method to accomplish this is to employ, what may be called, the Prosperity Fund.


The main purpose of your Prosperity Fund is to increase confidence in your ability to attract your needs into your life. The establish­ment of this Fund will keep you ever aware of the truth that you always have money on hand. In a real sense, you slowly, over time, change your mind into believ­ing you are prosperous without any startling increase in your monetary possession. In reality, you become prosperous because you have be­come prosperity minded, through the power of special dollars to act in your life.


In Lemurian Economics, as in all other great philosophical systems, “four” signifies materiality or reality. By using the number four, or multiples thereof, you multiply the effect of your financial pull in the ethers and consequently tighten your hold on your material possessions by just that much. Therefore, even though your immediate needs may be acute, the first step in this procedure is to accumulate four dollars from serv­ices rendered over and above your regular earnings. This system requires mathematically exactness, and any deviation from it will not produce the desired results. Four dollars are four dollars—not three dollars, five dollars, or even seven dollars.


Starting at the beginning of a month, earn an additional four dollars, over and above your regular income-producing activities. Once you have it earned, set it aside until the last day of the month. At that time transfer it to a container you have designated specifically to hold this money. It is best if this is something you carry with you, such as a wallet or purse. Thus, you will always be in touch with money that is surplus to your basic needs. Even this comparatively small amount will begin to give rise to a sense of solidity, security, and prosperity.


On the first day of the following month, you will add to this four more dollars, making a total of eight dollars. Should you be unable to accumulate this second four dollars during that month, hold what you have accumulated separate from your original four until you have accumulated it. In other words, none of the second four dollars is to be placed with the first four until you have the full amount. It is then to be added to the original four on the first of the following month. Never, under any circumstances, add to your accumulating Prosperity Fund at any time other than on the first of the month.


At the beginning of the third month, you immediately start earning eight dollars—an amount equal to that accumulated in your Fund. Each time you place an additional amount in your Fund, it must be double the amount already there. These additions must always be made on the first of the month.


When you have deposited this third sum in your Fund, you will have sixteen dollars in it, and all, of course, being carried on your person. This means that your next deposit must be of like amount—sixteen dol­lars. This you will accumulate separately until you are able to place this additional sixteen dollars in your Fund on the first of the following month. This will, have increased your Fund to thirty-two dollars.


With this thirty-two dollars now in your Fund, you will have accu­mulated the total of sixty-four dollars. This completes the Fund, which should be carried on your person for another thirty days. During this time you begin again by earning four dol­lars. At the end of the month, you will de­posit sixty dollars of your Fund, entering this amount in your ledger as an addition to your reserve.


On the first of the month, add to the original four, which you have kept and will always keep in the Fund, this new four dollars. Repeat the procedure until you have again accumulated the full sixty-four dollars. When depositing sixty dollars of this, again be sure you keep the orig­inal four. This four dollars positively must not be spent.


Normally, the accumulation of the first sixty-four dollars should require five months. If you are unable to do this, do not let it dis­courage you for many are unable to do so. However, five months is the minimum time in which it can be accomplished. This procedure should be repeated until you are able to accumulate the full sixty-four dollars in four months. Since you always start with the original four from your first Fund, the minimum time for subsequent accumulations will have been reduced one month.


After you are able to save your sixty-four dollar Fund in the min­imum time, you may or may not continue it as you prefer. By the time your financial condition has improved so that you can save the Fund in the minimum time, it will have served its purpose as far as your pros­perity consciousness is concerned. Many, however, have found this such an excellent method of increasing their reserve that they like to keep on doing it.


Do not make the mistake of thinking you can hasten the development of a Prosperity Consciousness by simply setting aside the entire sixty-four dollars right away, or any amount other than the original four as stated. Deposits in your Fund of any but the stated amounts at the prop­er intervals will cause you to fail in attaining your objective. Follow this seemingly simple system meticulously and precisely for it is the most powerful method of developing a Prosperity Consciousness ever discovered.



