What is New Age and What is
By Richard Kieninger An interview published in
the previous issue of The Stelle Group Letter regarding the upcoming
publication of my book, Spiritual Seekers’ Guidebook, brought out references
to the New Age and New Agers that may have made some people wonder what I was
talking about. Persons who are involved in commendable interests and
activities such as ecology, holistic medicine, health food, intentional
communities, anti-nuclear energy, and world peace regard themselves as part
of New-Age thought; yet ultraconservative-fundamentalist Christians brand all
those concepts as satanic. Why? To some extent, because such concerns are
linked in conservatives’ minds with the Hippy Movement inasmuch as those
ideas became popularized at the time Hippy rebelliousness emerged, and they
were causes often championed by Hippies. But that is not the major reason for
fundamentalists’ concern. The coincidental, wide-spread interest in
non-Christian, Oriental philosophies like Zen Buddhism, Yoga, Hinduism, and
Theosophy in this country appall many Christians. In particular, the
Theosophical teachings of Alice A. Bailey, who evidently invented the term
“New Age” back in the 1930’s, are regarded as antithetical to Christian
ideals and traditions. Indeed, there is a valid
case against Bailey’s teachings. Her followers are the real New Agers. But a
whole generation of people who probably never even heard of Bailey call
themselves New Agers without being aware of the association of that term with
the Tibetan plan to establish a world-wide spiritual dictator. The
fundamentalists indiscriminately lump together those millions of people with
the ones who are consciously a part of the plot being promoted by Shamballists
through their agent, Alice Bailey. Unfortunately, those uninformed millions
can be rallied and exploited by the New Age plotters merely by invoking the
term, New Age, since most young adults regard anything associated with New
Age as unqualifiedly good, just as fundamentalists label everything called
New Age as satanic. The problem on both sides is lack of information. Beginning in 1922, Alice
Bailey (18??-1949) was a prolific writer and spokesperson for the
Theosophical Society in America, and she was a self-acknowledged emanuensis
for telepathic dictation by the Tibetan Shamballist Djwal Khul. She continued
the work of Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) who founded the Theosophical
Society in 1875 in Europe. Blavatsky’s inspiration came from two other
Shamballists, El Morya and Koothumi, who were alive in Blavatsky’s time. The
beliefs propounded by Blavatsky were a considerable departure from the
philosophy of the old Theosophists. Genuine Theosophy came to
Greece about 300 BC as a result of Alexander the Great encouraging cultural
exchange between the peoples of Greece, the Middle East, India, and Egypt,
which his armies had conquered. Members of the Brahmic Brotherhood traveled
to Greece to teach, and they established Theosophy (meaning, divine wisdom)
as a school. Their arcane philosophy later spawned the Neoplatonists and
Gnostics. Theosophy enjoyed a resurgence in Renaissance Europe primarily
through the works of Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Jakob Boeheme (1575-1624). The bizarre world history
and predictions for the future that were promulgated by Blavatsky’s maistros
were designed to undermine Christianity, the Brotherhoods, and mankind all at
once. The Brahmic Brotherhood (which has nothing to do with Hinduism) teaches
peace and the universal brotherhood of all mankind; whereas the Shamballists
have always promoted hatred, chaos, and bloodlust behind the guise of
positive facades. Alice Bailey’s role was to inspire the establishment of a
New-Age world government to be headed by a different Christ embodying the
spirit of one Maitreya, a messianic Buddha. In 1909 Annie Besant (1847-1933)
named a fourteen-year-old boy in India as the person who would provide the
body for that spirit, but he, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), repudiated such
theosophical claims in 1929 and dissolved the organization which Besant had
built around him. Helena Blavatsky, Helena
Roerich, and Alice Bailey each produced volumes of flowery spiritual writing
proclaiming peace, love and beauty, but the German General, Karl Haushofer,
knew the real hidden motives of the Shamballah and Agarthi cave communities.
His membership in Japan’s Green Dragon Society, a secret, occult society of
assassins and sorcerers which had ties with the Shamballists for several
centuries, gave him knowledge of the Tibetans’ plans to enslave mankind. The General sent Nazi
expeditions to Tibet in order to establish an alliance with the two cave
communities. Since Nazism is an occult religion based almost entirely on
Blavatsky’s writings, it seemed logical that an alliance with her maistros
would further the parallel plans of both Germany and Agarthi-Shamballah. The
Agarthis sent representatives to Berlin to advise Hitler on ways to gain the
assistance of powerful Nether Spirits. In spite of all the light, goodness
and peace proclaimed by the three Theosophical authoresses to attract
followers through whom to build a power base, the true rapine viciousness of
El Morya, Koothumi and Djwal Khul came out in the help their people gave
Hitler. At the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War Criminals, the dreaded Nazi SS
admitted to being allies of the Shamballah and the Agarthi. The German
adventure under the Nazi occultists, which cost the lives of some fifty
million people, was but a dress rehearsal for the Shamballist-planned reign
of the Antichrist. The Nazis established a
branch of their occult religion in the United States and called it the I AM.
It was formed in Chicago to promote the Neo-theosophical beliefs of Blavatsky
and also to serve as a funnel for the Nazi government to finance the Silver
Shirts. This group, led by William Dudley Pelley, was a quasi-political
society that gained much popularity in America during the Great Depression
and outwardly promoted international friendship in the guise of the
German-American Bund. The membership of Pelley’s Silver Shirts and of Guy
Ballard’s I AM overlapped strongly in the 1930’s. The philosophical heirship
of I AM passed to a former I AM official, Mark Prophet, who later started a
group called Summit Lighthouse. A]ice Bailey wrote, “The
Hierarchy (Shamballah) directs world events as far as mankind will permit.
They impress those who are in contact with them, and through the inflow of
ideas and through revelation they definitely influence the tide of affairs.
The Hierarchy directs and controls more than is realized.” “When the Great
Invocation (a Theosophical prayer) is rightly used and the world centers are
consequently consciously interrelated, then certain extra-planetary Energies
can be called in by the Ruler of Shamballah to aid in the readjustments
required for the New Age.” “...certain senior members of the Hierarchy will
appear and take outer and recognizably physical control of world affairs.”
The Tibetans who controlled Bailey use honeyed words to enlist conscientious
people, who seek world peace and the brotherhood of man, into building a
world movement through several front organizations. Alice Bailey established
the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Co.) in
the 1920’s to provide the wherewithal for the creation of a provisional world
government for the Ruler of Shamballah to take over. The primary
international propaganda agency for this is Donald Keyes’ Planetary
Initiative for the World We Choose which recruits so-called “world servers.” This is just the barest
outline of the plot which the seven Lesser Brotherhoods are trying to expose
so that people can be spared from being drawn into the service of the
Hierarchy, which works directly against Christ’s efforts to help everyone
grow through self-determination in an atmosphere of freedom. The Stelle Group
has dissociated itself from any reference to the New Age. Although we find
most of the causes that seek to surmount the old order of things to be commendable
and sensible, we also feel it is important to help people clarify the true
intent behind the use of the term New Age by the usurpers of the Theosophical
name and by the large segment of metaphysical searchers who knowingly or
unwittingly serve the Shamballist ambitions against mankind. |