War and Defense


Editor’s note: Mr. Kieninger wrote this article in December of 1967. The intervening decades have further proven his data and conclusions.


By Richard Kieninger


Modem man is so thoroughly conditioned to war and the economic-political institutions which are integral parts of war-making, that it is difficult for him to comprehend how the great nation of Lemuria functioned for tens of thousands of years without war. Inasmuch as recorded history is a re­petitious recital of wars for territorial acquisition, power, free­dom, booty and revenge, it is only natural that skepticism about world peace is so prevalent. Down through time, gov­ernments have been established primarily for the purpose of organizing for defense. Tribal leaders and feudal lords joined forces for mutual protection and appointed a central author­ity over themselves to unify their efforts. Preparedness for defensive warfare admittedly is expensive, but people will­ingly consent to being taxed in order to provide for their protectors.


The nation of Lemuria also had its humble beginning in a defense pact between formerly rival tribes; and if there had not been such a great yearning for security, it is unlikely that the tribal leaders ever would have yielded their autonomy and joined forces. Cave dwellers had long demonstrated the fortress-like effectiveness of their homes; and in adapting this idea to an open plain, the first structure of stone was raised for the defense of the early settlement. Thus we see another example of war being a typically uniting force among a people and acting as a traditional spur to inventive resource­fulness. The nation of Lemuria, however, did not engage in warfare for at least forty thousand years after it was formed. Within a few years after the budding nation occupied the northeastern quadrant of the continent of Mu, its demonstra­tion of impregnable defense discouraged further attacks upon it. Lemuria continued to avoid conflicts because of its size and tightly-knit organization, and still later it slowly grew in­to an empire through trade agreements with undeveloped lands. Their “empire” was really a federation of self-ruled peoples who became nations under the guidance and assis­tance of Lemuria. The philosophy of Lemurians and their knowledge of karma precluded their attacking another land, and their diplomatic knack for gaining loyal friends served to protect Lemuria and her confederate nations from threat of armed conflict. Nevertheless, Lemuria maintained a skele­ton army around which the able-bodied men could rally should an emergency arise.


The enemies of the Lemurian Empire in most cases were the descendants of people exiled to other lands for reasons of criminal or seditious activities. Lemuria maintained no jails, but rather removed dangerous persons from the con­tinent altogether. This custom of lifelong banishment became a potent deterrent to persons who might otherwise be weak in resisting temptation. The Lemurian army was always on hand to forestall any contemplation of attack by these colo­nies of exile, and the army also served as a place where the malcontents and alienated juveniles, who have always been part of every society, could be disciplined and forced to learn a trade. The small army was continually employed in building public works; for at no time could any group of persons be allowed to be karmically unproductive.


Preparations for defense occupied a minuscule portion of the Lemurian national expenditure. The Elders adjudged which inventions were allowed to be manufactured, and They permitted the army to be armed with weapons which were only as advanced as those developed by the enemies of Lemuria. Fortunately, this remained limited to axes, ar­rows, spears, slings, catapults and body armor.


The defense effort of the U.S.A., by comparison, consumes at least 20 percent of our gross national product. Economists shudder to think what would happen to the American economy if secure peace treaties were consummated with the other powers of the world and universal disarma­ment became a reality. The plain fact is that our economic booms accompany periods of industrial overproduction. Wars and the arms race which has accompanied the Cold War have siphoned off this excess production from the consumer market  to keep us from the condition of overstocked ware­houses which brought about the depression of 1930 and earlier cyclic panics and recessions. Peace would force us into a situation of finding an alternate technique of waste. The space program offers one long-range way to rid ourselves of tens of billions of dollars worth of production. An all-out poverty program would last only a decade, and a global give-away plan would last only a half-century. Were we to be relieved of all such diversions of wealth, taxes could be drastically cut; but then explosive inflation would soon destroy the nation’s economy. It is important that a large proportion of our huge population be kept out of productivity during a conversion to a peacetime economy in order to prevent over­production. If the entire available labor force were to be employed, the average work week would have to be legislated to less than twenty hours; and everyone’s salary would then be reduced to a mere subsistence level. Under those circum­stances no family could buy anything except food, shelter and clothing, and the automotive and hard goods industries would collapse for lack of customers. Therefore, our present economy demands that half our people be denied a living wage so that the other half can receive a larger income (which allows an excess over their creature needs) in order to support the market for the luxury goods upon which our industrial system thrives. Economists are well aware that none of the world powers today can afford peace. The closing of vast armament facilities, increased unemployment and the return to the labor market of men discharged from the armed services would cause world-wide economic dislocations. Moreover, the most unifying force a government can muster for controlling contentious factions within its own country is the credible threat of attack by an outside enemy.


Given twenty years, the world economy could be ad­justed to peace, but no one wants peace since it means in­escapable economic privation until the adjustment can be made; so we opt for war. Actually, the atom bomb makes us careful about risking a hot war so long as a cold war spurs the economy sufficiently. If the U.S.A. were to spend its annual defense budget of about 70 billion dollars on housing instead, we could give EVERY FAMILY (50,000,000 of them) a new $25,000 home within 18 years. Of course, not that many homes need be built. Paying the mortgages on existing homes would be equivalent. With no need for anyone to pay rent, the 40-hour week could be cut to 30 hours, and those persons who are unemployed could then be brought into the labor force. Most wage earners pay a 15-20 percent income tax, and by cutting the tax rate in half, the work week could be reduced to 24 hours. Effective buying power would remain the same while the retail market would expand through the elimination of poverty, and lowered corporation taxes would result in lower retail prices.


Lemuria’s Citizens were united by their altruistic ideals and their personal Egoic goals of attaining Adeptship. Their government was less concerned with controlling the Citizenry than with providing efficient public services. Their work week was a few hours, and prices were so low that everyone could set aside savings to buy quality items which literally outlasted a lifetime. Their economy was centrally regulated by adjust­ing the length of the work week, by lowering retail prices, or by undertaking public works. It was their law that “no one may profit at the expense of another,” and they realized that the wealthier everyone became, the stronger their economy grew. The entire world could return to the Lemurian system in less than a generation, but the world is quite acclimated to war and its social functions. Moreover, the Evil they know seems safer than the unproven Good they do not know.




A Cause of Antisocial Behavior