Halloween: The Tip of the Iceberg


By Richard Kieninger


Some of our readers have expressed surprise that The Adelphi Organization does not observe or celebrate Halloween. Tricking-and-treating, costuming, and the usual sort of pranks and games are certainly benign enough children’s activities; and we have no objection to these aspects of Halloween. The sinister side of Halloween resides in one’s concentration on ghosts, witches, evil forces and grisly death symbols which are supposed to be unleashed the eve of All Saints’ Day. Inasmuch as all children and youths everywhere are being subjected daily to many destructive influences generated by nether beings, we of The Adelphi Organization cannot afford to continue any destructive inroads into the consciousness of Adelphi youngsters. Young children’s fearfulness and negativity associated with some Halloween symbols are nothing to be perpetuated into the Nation of God; so we are ending it here and now.


There are liberal-minded parents who would not censor their children’s activities; for they would prefer that their children decide for themselves whether to focus on the diabolical concepts of Halloween. Obviously, a child cannot decide such matters for himself without hearing both sides; yet the liberal parent balks at providing such weighted infor­mation lest it be considered active dissuasion. Liberal sophisticates pride themselves on letting nothing surprise or offend them; and so our youths today are not being guided toward paths which would save them from personal disasters.


The pressures on children are so prevalent I think it is difficult for most people to recognize them. The toy industry puts out such games as “Voodoo” (complete with dolls and pins), Kabala and “Witchcraft” and, of course, sell the old standbys like Tarot and Ouija. The spiritually wise man wouldn’t touch such things with a ten-foot pole, but parents and friends buy them for youngsters. We have come to an era where sordid living has been glamorized for the young, while decency and cultural development are looked upon as old-fashioned. Praises of the motorcycle gangs are sung across America in several movies a year. And the neurotic misfits, bums and clods are regarded as the “beautiful” ones because of their suffering in their self-inflicted environments. Many youngsters are romantically persuaded that they are purer in heart by living lightly on the world’s resources and consuming little even though this reduces them to living in slum conditions or in the streets, where they are prey to criminal attacks, disease, starvation, brutalization and degradation. From the time children are but toddlers, they are permitted to view unadulterated vio­lence on TV in animated kiddie cartoons, crime shows, westerns and war stories.


They are continually exposed to television commercials which extol seductive sexuality of women in the sale of various products. When school children are old enough to go to the Saturday matinee at the local movie house, the “G” rated movies are mostly horror films, and more war battles and Indian massacres! What are we trying to accomplish by holding such examples of life up to our children? When they grow into teenagers, we provide movies which are emphasizing more and more the physical as­pects of sexual play while neglecting the finer emotions of love. The youth heroes supplied by the entertainment industry promote drugs and law­lessness. Yet parents do not protect their children from these cleverly insidious designs to debase and ineffectualize large segments of our cul­ture by which the nether beings are succeeding in bringing civilization to a downfall! The parents of The Adelphi Organization care enough for both their children and civilization to exclude these destructive influences from their environment. I believe that many other parents outside The Adelphi Organization also recognize the dangerous influences abroad in the world, but they don’t know how to cope with the problem since it is almost all‑pervading.


The young have always been under attack by lower entities as evidenced by the traditional emotional and psychological problems ob­served over the centuries. The great destroyer of the bright ones—schizophrenia—is more prevalent today than ever before. These young people who are possessed by lower entities exhibit some of the most primitive perversions seen in Western Civilization. The viciousness of the Manson “family” and the drug freaks who commit crimes of violence and acts of degradation are the end result of years of exposure to negative, fearful thinking from toddler to young adult. These extreme cases are the youngsters who have acted out the hateful, vicious, lustful, nightmarish images common to the millions of young troubled minds already domi­nated by lower entities. Today’s vast underground society of youths in the drug culture conceals many psychopaths whose bizarre behavior is ac­cepted in that subculture as probably reaction to drug use or as involve­ment in witchcraft and occultism.


The inroads exploited by nether beings for their eventual mental control over our youngsters starts in toddlerhood, and the adults are the ones who have provided the very tools and directionless atmosphere for evil to gain its obviously massive influence over those who were otherwise to have grown to be the inheritors and improvers of American culture. We of The Adelphi Organization are obliged to remain alert for every subtle effort by lower entities to influence the children of Adelphi whom we are training to carry out the Great Plan of the Brotherhoods. Can one still wonder why we do not intend to have our children accept the fears and superstitions of Halloween into their subconscious impression of exist­ence?



