TSG Timeline


This timeline was taken from the PARMCAMSG Meeting notes.


Date                                                                Topic                                                   

12-21-1968            On 11-19-68 Dr. White authorized TSG to “begin a course of study” to be mailed to people in the US.

8-16-1969              Members voice a desire for Q & A meetings as a means of philosophical instruction.

9-20-1969              Lesson One is distributed [reference Gail’s letter about how she didn’t want to]

1-17-1970              “Open House” next Friday at the Kieninger’s house.

4-18-1970              Lemurian Fellowship begins selling channeled information books.

3-20-1971              Orientation classes begin

3-20-1971              Changes within TSG (City for Tomorrow book) indicating our tax exempt not-for-profit status

7-17-1971              Virtues Record available.

8-21-1971              Observations book mentioned

10-23-1971            TSG brochure updated

11-20-1971            Voting Trust mentioned

2-19-1972              Ben Drell resigns

6-17-1972              Observations II being worked on

9-20-1972              North Road storm sewer being installed woodworking factory dust collector installed.

11-18-1972            Great talk by Richard

11-15-1972            Great talk by Richard

12-20-1972            Young Adult Philosophy classes

1-24-1973              Great talk by Richard

2-21-1973              Great talk by Richard

5-15-1973              Great talk by Richard

9-15-1973              Children’s Philosophy classes

10-23-1973            “Fuel less motor” not working yet

12-15-1973            Observations III and IV; Talk by Richard

1-19-1974              Great talk by Richard

4-20-1974              The first time RK is not mentioned as president

7-20-1974              Trustees assert their power


