The |
Kueshana |
A new edition of The Ultimate Frontier by Eklal Kueshana is now available from The
Stelle Group. Although the basic text of the book has not
been changed in this fourth printing, a new appendix and eight pages
of photographs have been added. In addition, the new edition now boasts a
four-color cover which was illustrated by a member
of The Stelle Group. The appendix, written by Richard
Kieninger under his pen name of Eklal Kueshana, focuses upon the results and events which have transpired in The Stelle Group since The Ultimate Frontier was first
published in 1963. This new chapter deals candidly with the eventual
evolution of a functional system of self-government within Stelle. Readers of The Ultimate Frontier frequently form their own mental images of
the people and the community. These images may or may not be congruent with
what in fact exists. So, in order to provide the
reader with at least same idea of what the people and community look like,
eight pages of photographs have been included in the new edition. This should
also prove helpful to new readers who often wonder if the city proposed in
the book has been started. The new cover was
designed in order to let the prospective book buyer know a little more
about the book itself. The new cover illustration is more descriptive than
the older one. The three figures, Ahknaton, King
David, and Richard are now shown full length, making
the fact that they are from different eras more obvious. This implies
timelessness and reincarnation. The three men are standing on a cliff
overlooking clouds, facing a radiant sun. This suggests an overview, a
heightened awareness of the Universe and the love emanating from God. This edition of The Ultimate Frontier will be marketed
nationally. About 30,000 copies are consigned to our
national distributor on the east coast with the balance of 15,000 for The
Stelle Group’s own direct-sale customers. Out of the 15,000 books which The
Stelle Group will keep, half will go to bookstores and the other half we
expect will be bought by individuals either here in Stelle or through mail
order. Due to the higher costs of production and
printing we have had to raise the retail price
slightly to $2.25. In the past we
have enjoyed relatively high sales. Most were generated
by “word of mouth,” or else by interested readers who gave the book to
friends. In light of the new cover, the new appendix, and the photographs, we
expect this edition to reach more people. If you would like to order copies of the
new edition, you may do so by sending $2.25 (post paid) for each book to The
Stelle Group, ( |