1983 has been a year of clarification of
our roles in The Great Plan of the Brotherhoods. This has been successfully implemented by The Stelle Group and
the Adelphi Organization to further these roles.
1. Richard’s Role:
Richard receives his directions from
representatives of the Council of Seven. The Council of Seven is made up of the seven Masters who are the heads of the
seven Lesser Brotherhoods: Brahmic, Coptic, Essene, Hermetic, Lemurian, Luciferian,
and Rosicrucian.
These seven Brotherhoods were organized by Melchizedek to prepare the way for the
Nation of God and to implement Christ’s Plan. (If you would like more specific information, you might like to order
cassette III from the “On Becoming an Initiate” tape series entitled “The Brotherhoods.”)
Richard Kieninger has, thus far, started two organizations, The Stelle Group
and The Adelphi Organization, to assist him in the work he has accepted to do
for The Great Plan of the Brotherhoods. The list of
Richard’s offices and titles is taken from page 50
in The Ultimate Frontier.
2. The Stelle
Group’s Role:
The Stelle Group is now
defined as ‘more than a Mundane
School. It provides
experiential Citizenship Training in Stelle and Dallas to assist persons in
achieving Initiation, and to gain an understanding of the Lemurian Philosophy
to guide them in developing Stelle, Adelphi and Philadelphia. The Stelle Group is a channel
for members into The Adelphi Organization and, in the future, the city on the
island in the Pacific called Philadelphia.
The Stelle Group created Stelle which can be
described as the Gateway
City. From the one
million Egos in North America who incarnated
to work for The Great Plan, 250,000 people will come to Stelle. Most of the
144,000 who will inhabit Philadelphia
prior to the turn of the century will come through Stelle. The Stelle Group
also is to provide the technology to survive the events at the turn of the
3. Role of The
Stelle Community:
Stelle will develop into a New Age city which will serve at least 250,000 people. The
community of Stelle as the “Gateway City” to the Nation of God and will provide a pool
of Egos which will become Initiates to live in Philadelphia prior to and after the turn of
the century. Adelphi will be under water after the turn of the century but
Stelle will continue to provide the ‘pool of Egos’ still to achieve First
Degree of Brotherhood and then move to Philadelphia.
4. The Adelphi
The Adelphi Organization is considered the ‘Creator of the Climate’ made up of
Members who are dedicated to creating a private cooperative community setting
with a cultural climate that is uplifting.
5. Adelphi’s Role:
Adelphi is the ‘Precursor
City’ to Philadelphia. The residents of Adelphi will
all have completed the Lemurian Philosophy Seminar training and be accepted as Members of The Stelle Group and The Adelphi
Organization. The community of Adelphi will provide the climate, culture and
institutional patterns to be used initially in Philadelphia. In the
future, Teachers from the Brotherhoods will live in
Adelphi to enhance the higher levels of Citizenship Training.
6. Philadelphia’s Role:
is the ‘Educational City’ where Richard Kieninger will start a center
of true education in the Philadelphia
university. The city will be inhabited temporarily by many different people
living and working there during its construction and provide a haven from the
Antichrist during the middle 1990’s for advanced Egos seeking escape from
persecution. ∆
