Group Schools It was also a year to let others know
about our schools. Nancy Roehm, administrator of
the The As part of its expanded program, The
Stelle School started a series of workshops: “The Developmental Partnership.”
These workshops are conducted by Dr. Arnold Walter Mech, and focus on the
psychological development process of school-age children and how parent,
child and teacher can best work together to optimize that process. The
workshops are available to parents with children in our school and the
interested pub1ic. The Stelle Group acquired a 26-seat bus
for use by The Learning Center in Stelle. A 14-passenger Ford Van was purchased for the use of The Stelle School in The Stelle Group’s role in Stelle is now
centered around teaching people the philosophy of
the Brotherhoods and the skills they need to help further The Great Plan. Our
focus in Stelle has shifted from building the community of Stelle to that of
helping build the people who will build the community. |