June 16, 1987 Mrs. Nancy J. Roehm Administrator Cabery Post Office Dear
Administrator: I am pleased to
extend Full Recognition to your school for the 1986-87 school year according to Policy and Guidelines for
Registration and Recognition of Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary
Schools authorized by the Your recognition
status is based on a continuance of the status
granted at the time of your last visitation for recognition purposes and a
review of your annual registration and application for recognition. It is important
that you and your governing board continue to make every effort to maintain
adequate educational opportunities for the young people of your school.
Through your professional leadership and the cooperative efforts of your
community and staff, quality educational programs can be
achieved and maintained. I encourage you
to engage in a continuous program of self—evaluation so that our schools can
keep pace with increased demands of society on our young people. We in the
Illinois State Board of Education are pleased to work with you to provide the
best possible education for the students of your school.