“Learning to Love Learning”


Summer School

in Stelle


by Nancy Roehm



A sample of the type of elective courses offered in the Stelle Learning Center include computer programming, horseback riding, stained glass making. business, aviation, swimming, canoeing, photography, creative writing, media arts, specialty cooking, mechanical drawing, archery, art, drama, dance, needlework, and others.



Now there is an opportunity for your child, or a child that you care about, to explore the benefits of The Stelle Group school located in Stelle, Illinois.

We’re pleased to announce a special four-week summer school program which has been developed especially to provide the opportunity for students who do not normally attend the Stelle Learning Center to experience the educational advantages that we have to offer.


Schedule:  Four Weeks — July 7th through August 1st.

Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. (Special outings last longer).


Age Groups:  Six years and older (grade three level through high school).


Cost:  $260.


Accommodations:  Room and Board is available in Stelle for an additional $400.


Application Deadline:  May 7, 1986.


Visitors’ Day:  At the end of May, a special Visitors’ Day is planned for students and parents to see the Stelle Learning Center facilities.


The special “personal skills” curriculum teaches the whole student. Classes and activities are included which explore ethics and values, help to integrate right and left brain activity, develop self-esteem and personal success techniques, and teach the skills of time management, courteous social interaction, communication, and thinking.


For further details or an application, contact Nancy Roehm, The Stelle Learning Center, Stelle, IL 60919 or call (815) 256-2200.


(If your child is younger than six, or not yet at a third grade level, please call and inquire about our new Motherschool Two program for parents and children outside of Stelle.)


