“No man can reveal to you aught but that which lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.”

—Kahlil Gibran





     One of the most challenging tasks which faces The Stelle Group is to provide for the education of the future inhabitants of the city of Stelle. It is obvious that the success of the city as a forerunner of the Nation of God is dependent upon the excellence of its approach to learning and teaching.


     We are faced with the job of preparing each person to effectively control his own environment and destiny—a job of unusual importance in the rapidly changing world of today. Our realization of the necessity for a new educational approach is based primarily on three characteristics of our tine.


     First, the discovery of new knowledge is rapid and continuous. Children flounder in present educational systems while attempting to make “sense” out of the constant bombardment of isolated data which is forcing itself upon them in school. The child should rather be prepared to welcome new experience and to realize that meaningful education is a lifelong, exciting process. The happy, contributing person is the one whose academic success stems from his ability to interpret and apply new information to his life-situation.


      Second, population growth has forced today’s highly structured school systems to become even more structured. Students are cataloged and pigeon-holed like so many file cards. They are urged to move with the tide or to compete fiercely with other students and in either case to meet the demands of parents, teachers, principals, curriculum committees, school boards, etc. There is little time for self-direction and for finding one own style of living and growing. Scarce attention is paid to the instinctive desire to spend tine alone in contemplation.


     Third, as our attention turns to the prevalence of violence and other negative aspects of social change, we find young people who are discovering that growth of knowledge is not the same as growth in wisdom. Unable to make sense of the universe or man’s role in it, they turn away in despair. The paucity of meaningful answers offered by adults causes youngsters to reject the traditional authority of parents as well as teachers.



     We of The Stelle Elementary School are deeply committed to the affirmative possibilities of this age. We see the child as an eager, competent being whose true motivation will come from within if allowed and encouraged to do so. The regimentation and conformity required by the present systems discourage these traits. We recognize the free will of each Ego in pursuing his own purpose in life, and we see the urgency of encouraging the child toward individual Egoic growth. One implication of reincarnation is that each person has mastered many skills in other 1ifetimes He need not necessarily concentrate on the sane skills and knowledge in this lifetime.


     Each entity has been endowed with certain powers of mind give him the potential to master the challenges of life on this planet. The mental tools for aesthetic, academic, and emotional advancement are also the tools for Egoic growth.


     Academic advancement in the face of the constant influx of new data requires the understanding of principles rather than the mere acquisition of information. To learn the techniques of inquiry, to rely to some extent upon intuitive abilities, to have the self-assurance to “know”, and to use freedom sensibly are vital for a person’s continued growth and re-education throughout a lifetime. The New Age calls for the personal responsibility of organizing information so that patterns can be discerned and discoveries made.


     It is essential that the youngster be supported in his search for values. He can be guided to see the importance of balancing intellectual ability and moral concern in the task of advancing God’s plan for man. We agree with THE ULTlMATE FRONTER by Eklal Kueshana that “Egoic advancement depends upon a sense of empathy with and respect for all life forms.” It is necessary to develop this sense of empathy to combat the developing “tendency to brutalize and coarsen the sensitivities of children toward the fragility of life.”


     In developing the Citizenry for the Nation of God, attention must be focused on moral integrity based on the Great Virtues. Our aim, in Whitman’s words, is to “create great persons; the rest follows.”



     Rather than set up a rigid set of educational objectives which would tend to give the impression that we seek the sane general goals for every student, our aim is to be continuously perceptive and to serve as guides for the adults-to-be who will steer the course of this planet.


     We expect to see the following results in our students:


Ability to deal with life as a whole—a balance between intellectual abilities, emotions and morality.


Basic skills in reading, writing, arithmetic, etc.


A functioning knowledge of manual, artistic, social, and other skill areas learned through the active, living environment of the school.


Aesthetic appreciation.


An interest in the philosophy of the Brotherhoods, including devotion to the fulfillment of the Great Plan of the Brotherhoods.


Genuine interest in exploration and learning.


Willingness to pursue ideas across traditional boundaries between subject fields and cultures.


Eagerness to become self-directed; to use common sense as well as intellectual processes in solving problems.


Recognition of the value of intuition in scientific investigation.


Responsible use of freedom.




Recognition and appreciation of the uniqueness of each human being.


A desire to function as a contributor to the common good of mankind.


Regard for Universal Law. A positive self-image.


A realistic trust of one’s self and his ability to cope with his environment.


Positive appreciation of self and others.


Moral integrity based upon the desire to live the Great Virtues: Tolerance, Patience, Kindliness, Forbearance, Charity, Humility, Devotion, Sincerity, Courage, Precision, Efficiency, Discrimination.



     The school year will be from September to June. Activities will begin daily, Monday through Friday, at 9:00 a.m. A daily rhythm will be established to suit students and teachers. This will center on providing an atmosphere in which the child can follow his curiosity and work, play and study with joy. Regular classes will be scheduled as needed by student and teacher. Because teaching is a most effective way of learning, students will be encouraged to help each other. They may also experience the realization of the basic responsibility that we all have for others.


     Classes will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m., although students may remain to continue or complete projects. Plans of this nature will, of course, be cleared with parents and teachers.



     There will be one fully qualified, experienced teacher for each learning group of twenty students (maximum), and several helpers will be available as needed. The teacher will direct and supervise activities. As he senses a child’s interest, the teacher will initiate projects, read stories and teach certain bodies of information. He will serve as a catalyst and guide to the energies of each student and to the class as a group.



     Learning is fundamentally a private process. When motivation is from within, the student goes far beyond the learning of basic academic skills. John Holt states in HOW CHILDREN LEARN, “A child who is learning naturally, following his curiosity where it leads him, adding to his mental model of reality whatever he needs and can find a place for, rejecting without fear or guilt what he does not need is growing—in knowledge, in the love of learning and in the ability to learn.”


     Each learning group will range in age from five through fourteen. This grouping together of students of different ages, interests and abilities will be beneficial to the social as well as the intellectual development of each child. An ungraded organization allows and even encourages the student to proceed at his own speed in different subject areas.


     The Stelle Elementary School features a broad, inclusive program. Instruction will be available in all of the traditional disciplines. Emphasis will be on individual pursuit of language skills and arts, social studies, mathematics, science, philosophy, the fine arts, and health, and physical fitness.


     Fundamental to our program is “organic” learning, which is based on relating what is being learned to the personal life of the individual child. Sylvia Ashton-Warner in her book, TEACHER, describes this type of learning as being highly effective. In teaching reading to a group of Maori children in New Zealand, she would ask the kindergarten students, individually, what words they wanted on a particular day. She would write their words on large cards and give them to the children. They would trace the words with their fingers, look at them, say them, and very soon would know them. As they added new words to their vocabularies, the children became interested in writing stories and poems to share with each other. Using this approach, the child’s own world becomes increasingly real; and he clarifies his own world before he is directed to turn to the outside, unfamiliar world presented in the textbooks. It is only reasonable to begin where one is and to expand gradually with eagerness.       


     The Stelle Elementary School primary reading program will develop out of personal experiences and lead to an increasing appreciation of the world around us.


     Play is a creative force in education. Social development, physical development and self-expression as well as psychological release and imaginative powers are all linked with play. A child who would rather be at play than sitting in the classroom is an unwilling pupil and a poor learner. Play is an integral part of good education, and we expect it to help provide a balance to other school activities.\


     In The Stelle Elementary School, the student will be free to play, build, draw, act, study, experiment and participate in various discussions. Each student will have considerable freedom to choose his activities during the day.


     The student will be free to initiate projects and to request formal instruction as he desires. Emphasis will be placed on perceiving patterns and fundamental principles and learning to effectively use research tools for self-directed study.



     Each child must be considered as an individual. In most existing school systems, it is all but impossible to allow the student to do anything which is different from the other twenty-nine or so children in his class. If he chooses a different route to knowledge, he must keep up with the rest of the class in addition to his chosen activity. The amount a student has learned is decided by comparing him to others in his grade. This comparative evaluation discourages incentive in experimentation and instills fear. To fail at an attempt is considered disgrace. Often it is overlooked that by failing and having the courage to try again we learn some of our most valuable lessons.


     Our hope is that the student will want to learn for the sake of learning and not think of learning as a means of gaining favor in the eyes of adults.


     Regular communication between teachers and parents in regard to the child’s activities and interests will be a necessary part of the function of the school, but report cards with traditional marks will not be issued. Should a student transfer to another school, a statement of progress will be issued for the purpose of enrollment in the other system.



     Education of the child is the responsibility of the parents. The school is a service to the parents which provides facilities, material, and professional assistance for extending the experience of the child. In the Nation of God, the younger generation must be encouraged to surpass its parental generation.


     We expect a close relationship between parents and teachers as they work together to educate the child. Parents will always be welcome during school hours. For instance, they may want to come and merely observe. Or they may be willing to act as resource persons sharing their talents or knowledge with interested children. A parent might take a     single child or a small group on a special trip which relates to a subject under study. Parents and teachers should find individual conferences useful for finding ways to help the child to advance Egoically. Study groups for discussion and other activities will be planned for those parents who   several wish to participate.



     Because it is necessary to charge tuition to help meet operating expenses, a maximum fee of $450.00 per year for each child will be charged. As pledges and contributions become a reality, we hope to be in a position to lower this sum.



    The Stelle Elementary School is located in the large basement of a lovely home on the north side of Chicago just two blocks from Lake Michigan. Separate rooms will allow     a variety of activities, such as reading and other quiet work, classroom study, play, and arts and crafts. The large backyard will provide outside play area when weather permits.


     The location of the school makes it possible for children to be involved in frequent trips and visits to the numerous educational resources available in the Chicago area.



     Within The Stelle Group and among interested persons in this area are those with rich backgrounds of abilities, interests, experience and education who are eager to share their ideas and knowledge with the students of our school. We plan to take full advantage of this resource as often as possible. Association with the maturity and love of these adults will be a valuable experience for students.



     The Stelle Elementary School will work toward meeting the requirements for accreditation in the state of Illinois. Application and review will begin during the first year of operation.


     The Stelle Elementary School is not geared to the schedule of public schools; and should a student transfer after several years, he could find himself ahead in some areas or behind in others as compared with children his age in the public schools.


     A high school program will be developed as needed. Those who plan to go to college will receive preparatory training with that aim in mind.



     The enclosed application form should be completed and returned to The Stelle Elementary School. Additional information and answers to specific questions may be obtained by writing to the school.





© The Stelle Group Board of Education

July 1968




The Stelle Group

Board of Education

P.O. Box 5900




