Socio - Sexuality
Perspectives The Brotherhoods have charged Stelle with a goal: to
produce the climate conducive to a civilization which promotes the
development of advanced Egos. Every great civilization that has developed on
Earth has been based on emotionally healthy, strong
family units. At the core of these strong families were stable, genuine
marriages that were balanced polar couplings. A balanced polar coupling is a
joining together of a male and female Ego who are of approximately equal
advancement, thus creating a single balanced and neutral entity, which is a
true marriage. The
Brothers have told Richard that less than one in ten marriages were balanced
polar couplings—real marriages that are voluntarily monogamous, happy,
invigorating, emotionally satisfying, and growth-engendering
for both spouses. Such complete marriages are optimum for child rearing, and
thus they are one of the foundations of a wholesome society
which produces Brothers as quickly and as readily as possible. Stelle
already has become a society that encourages people to be in touch with
themselves, comfortable with their sexuality, and in tune with how they fit
into the world and relate with others. Many
things in the present American culture hinder people from achieving the
balanced polar couplings that lead to a civilization promoting the
development of advanced Egos. The following is a brief list: · Birthing is
often traumatic for both mother and infant; it should be a beautiful,
uplifting experience for all. · We rear our
children in less than optimal ways. We don’t satisfy
our children’s needs when they truly need to be satisfied. We space our
children too closely together so that it is difficult for the children to get
the attention they need. (The Brothers have told us that it is optimal to
space children at least six years apart so that each child can receive the
intellectual stimulation and emotional nurturance he needs.) · Children are usually reared with low self-esteem. Since they find it very difficult to love themselves, they have
a very difficult time truly loving another person. · Television is often used as a babysitter; the amount of time the
child and his parents spend separate from each other is increased by the use
of television. (The average American adult spends four to five hours a day watching
T.V.) · In the · Recent
studies have shown that only 7% of the American population lives in the
so-called “ideal” American family unit: bread-winner
father, homemaker mother, and their children. The culture seems to view a
homemaker wife and mother as a luxury. · Americans
practice sequential polygamy (a series of marriages or alignments). · Homosexuality
is on the rise and reflects the increasing difficulty which
people experience in developing a healthy and gratifying sexuality. · Schools, by
the parents’ default, are taking over the primary education of the children
and thus weakening the family units. The question arises: Are
our schools institutions of learning or are they surrogate parents trying in
vain to do the parents’ job? All of
these are manifestations of a society that is out of balance
and which tends to spawn individuals that are equally out of balance.
It is a sobering fact that in In Stelle,
we are heading in a different direction. We hold several things as essential
for the development of the growth-producing civilization we desire. Of
primary importance is the enhancement of the mother-child relationship. We feel
that the emotional needs of an infant can only be fully
satisfied by his own mother. Thus, we strongly encourage our mothers
to be full-time mothers and homemakers. We feel it is imperative to have
strong, nurturing marriages, established before there are children involved
in the relationship. It is also important that women and men be enthusiastic
about developing their femaleness and maleness as completely as
possible—women wanting to fulfill themselves in their life situations as
women and express themselves in womanly ways. Likewise, Stelle sees it
important that men express themselves as men: content, happy, and secure with
their maleness. We view with a concerned eye the disintegration of Twentieth
Century American culture, and are using the information we are gleaning to
help members of our society-in-the-making to emerge as whole, balanced men
and women who are more in touch with the many aspects of their total
sexuality. Sexuality
is the total expression of male and female personality, psyche, and
differentiated biological and social roles; and therefore encompass almost
every phase of one’s life. The sexual drive is also the mainspring of human
motivation and energy and is the pivotal point around which the whole
personality is constructed. If this all-pervading, creative force is properly directed in a child, his ability to love will
emerge full-blown without his adulthood being warped into a guilt-ridden,
angry, guilt-ridden personality. As we learn to rear our children from
infancy with affection, cuddling, meeting all their needs as they arise, and
bolstering their feelings of self-esteem, we will find that as they reach
adolescence they will be more secure, serene, and sensitive to the rights of
others. In Stelle,
how are we coming closer to our goals in the area of socio-sexual
relationships with others? We recognize that we are all products of Twentieth
Century America. We have come to Stelle to carve out the “ultimate frontier;”
to make possible a place in which we may advance optimally and in which our
children may grow up. In Stelle we are struggling
with the problems presented to us by our culture. We realize that it takes
time to change basic beliefs. We are seeking to apply all the intelligence
and facts that we can muster to change our community for the better. We do
not know how long it is going to take but we realize that it may take at
least another generation. The path we have agreed to follow in Stelle—to
produce a great civilization that will foster the development of advanced
Egos—is a continually evolving one. That path is stimulating and demanding
as we examine and reorder our ways of relating to each other so that we may
always grow closer to our goal of Egoic perfection. We anticipate that our reexamination
and refinement of social-sexual relationships will greatly enhance that
evolution. |