REVEALING THE TRUTH It is apparent that some people can see
merit in the Philosophy of the Brotherhoods as put
forth in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER, but they hesitate to dedicate themselves to
this philosophy unless a “source” reveals itself to them and convinces them
that what is written in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER is true. One young woman asked:
“Why don’t the Brothers open themselves up to plain, ordinary people who want
to know the why of things?” This young woman’s reasoning was that if such
elevated beings revealed themselves personally, instead of just Their wisdom,
They might have a better chance of “making people know these things are
true.” It is not the purpose of the Brotherhoods to “make people know these things.”
Advanced individuals could have reached Their level of Egoic attainment only
by Their own desire and effort, and we must do the same. Being confronted
by a Higher Being and informed of the “why of things” doesn’t always help.
Christ did what the young woman suggests; He actually manifested among
“plain, ordinary people” and He performed a number of miraculous feats for their
benefit; yet except for a few, they did not accept His Philosophy nor follow
His example. Only those who were seeking self improvement
and were aware of the need to “learn by doing themselves” fully understood
His message. Fortunately, many people today feel an
inner urging to understand life’s mystery and to discover a purpose in
existence; however, many of them cling to the idea that a special “source”
should reveal itself to them and guide them. Persons who open themselves to
spirit “sources” by practicing some form of mediumship or occult methods have
opened themselves to “guides” who most often feed them a hodge-podge of half-truth
at best, and the only real knowledge one obtains from such experience is that
one is getting some information about something from someone. Those who accept the Philosophy of the Brotherhoods with a scientific open-mindedness seek to
prove its veracity by applying it in their everyday lives. They desire to
improve themselves and their environment by practicing the Great Virtues and
by uplifting their consciousness until they naturally develop the ability to consciously contact the Astral Plane. They are striving
to obtain controlled clairvoyance by which they may gain more and more
knowledge of what is true from teachers whom they can see are good by Their
astral auras. |