The Stelle Group will be publishing a new quarterly journal, The Philosopher’s Stone, which will premier the first quarter of 1988.



Our goal with The Philosopher’s Stone is to help people gain a fuller understanding of the philosophy in The Ultimate Frontier and to inspire people to take positive action in improv­ing themselves and their culture.


     Our goal with The Philosopher’s Stone is to help people gain a fuller under­standing of the philosophy ... and to in­spire people to take positive action in improving themselves and their culture.

     We plan to do this by report­ing responsible research on aspects of the philosophy and by sharing personal insights and accomplishments in investigat­ing and applying the philosophy in daily life.

     We will have regular articles and features on nine topic areas:

·   Philosophic History and Lore

·   Education

·   Health

·   Growing Your Self

·   Economics and Prosperity

·   Growth-Encouraging Environments

·   Cultural Upliftment

·   Cultural Preservation and Security

·   Desire and Attitude

     Our hope is that many of those articles will eventually be submitted by the readers themselves.

     If you think you would like to write an article for The Philosopher’s Stone, please contact Vicki Matthews, The Philosopher’s Stone Project Coordinator, for editorial guidelines. (Write in care of The Stelle Group, Cabery Post Of­fice, Stelle, Illinois 60919.) Each article received will be reviewed and accepted if it: fits one of our topic areas; is based on sound research or is a personal story that rings true; will, in our judgment, be helpful to our readers; will fit well into one of our next four or five issues; and is written by an author who is willing to work through the editorial process with us. Because we want your help and your participation, we intend to do our best to work with all of our authors throughout the editorial process to come up with excellent articles — writing that the scientist-philosopher in each of us can delight in read­ing and can use for personal learning and growth. ∆




