On Becoming an Initiate On Becoming
an Initiate is an in-depth review
of the Brotherhoods’ Philosophy with the emphasis on the prerequisites and
techniques for becoming an Initiate in the Brotherhoods. This multi-media
program is on audio tape cassettes and is supplemented with written
materials. The entire program is available on twelve cassettes which are
issued monthly by The Stelle Group. The list of topics are: The Twelve Great Virtues · The Brotherhoods The Law of Karma · Balance · Controlling Your Environment · Emotional Maturity · The Ten Qualities of Mind · Physical Health · Cosmic Consciousness · Mental Precipitation · Prosperity There are several ways by which you may subscribe to
On Becoming an Initiate. The
following is a brief explanation and price list for each of these ways. PLAN I Plan I allows you to buy the materials separately. Individual item prices are listed below. The Twelve Great Virtues (2 tapes) $20.00 a set The T.G. V. Written Supplements $2.00 each Monthly Taped Programs $8.95 each Monthly Written Supplements $1.00 each Binder for all Tapes & Supplements $8.50 each If the entire program is purchased separately, your
cost is $130. Under Plan I you may purchase all or any of the series. PLAN II Under this plan you subscribe in advance for the
entire program and you pay on a monthly basis. By subscribing to On Becoming an Initiate by Plan II,
the cost of the entire program is only $117 (a savings of $13 over the full
price). You pay $19.50 the first month and $9.75 for the next ten months. PLAN III If you subscribe for the entire program and pay for
it at the time you subscribe, you will pay only $104 (a savings of $26 over
the full price if purchased separately). The edition of The
Twelve Great Virtues which have been incorporated into On Becoming an Initiate is a revised
and condensed version of the original lectures made by Richard Kieninger in
May, 1968. These new, high-fidelity recordings are now available on two
60-minute cassettes. On Becoming
an Initiate contains information
designed to facilitate a person’s attainment of the First Degree of
Brotherhood. However, Egoic growth is not conveyed to one just by exposure to
this information, but rather, through the determined application of these
principles in a person’s daily life. OBSERVATIONS
Group is pleased to announce the availability of Observations IV. This book is a collection of 25 essays which
appeared in the “Observations” column of the Stelle Letter between 1972 and
1976. All of these essays were written by Richard Kieninger, author of The Ultimate Frontier, and include
such articles as: Doing Christ’s Work, Time and Thought, Pointers in
Precipitation, Vibrations and Music, and Mystic Awareness. Copies of Observations IV may be ordered directly
from The Stelle Group. The cost of the book is $3.00 postpaid ( If you
have already placed an advance order for Observations
IV, your book should have reached you by this time. If you did not
receive your copy, please notify the Office of Publications and another copy
will be forwarded. PERSONAL
Preparedness is a new “how-to” publication
on short-term survival. This action guide will assist you with a step-by-step
plan for achieving personal preparedness—which is the ability to minimally
meet almost any contingency (man-made or natural) for up to one year. Personal Preparedness is published ten
times per year by The Stelle Group, and you may subscribe by sending $15.00
to Personal Preparedness, The Stelle Group, |