Lemurian Philosophy Seminars by
Charlotte Greguski Participants in Stelle and Adelphi
understand that our ideas and attitudes are helping to shape the future of
the world. By encouraging growth of our two institutions, as well as our
members, we hope to insure a positive future for all. Today we stand in the midst of
transformation. The Stelle Group wishes to share its educational program,
called, Lemurian Philosophy Seminars,
with interested persons who are not members of The Stelle Group. The Seminars
are designed to explore the Brotherhoods’ philosophy
on a deeper level and are an outgrowth of over a decade of Orientation
classes in Stelle and three years in Adelphi. They are tailored to address
issues ranging from the qualities which any truly
successful and whole human being must develop, to helping individuals learn
how to create the kinds of conditions they desire in their lives. The
Lemurian Philosophy Seminars also cover how the Brotherhoods’
philosophy integrates science and religion (the two main approaches to
truth). Stelle and Adelphi are at the forefront of the New Renaissance, and
the Lemurian Philosophy Seminars present the Brotherhoods’
methods for developing human excellence. Classes are two hours long and begin with
a half hour of the students’ sharing in a discussion of their personal growth
by using the Twelve Great Virtues. This format incorporates powerful
techniques for assisting participants in the practice of these important
components of the Brotherhoods’ philosophy. The bulk
of each class consists of either a video or live presentation on the day’s
topic plus exercises in a workshop format that are designed to help students
experience the impact of the class material in their own lives. The Lemurian
Philosophy Seminars consist of six Seminars, each of which runs 12 to 14
weeks. The subject matter of each of the six Seminars is described as
follows: I. Exploring The
Ultimate Frontier A far-reaching study, giving an overview
of the philosophy of the Brotherhoods as it is
presented in The Ultimate Frontier. Conducted in discussion format,
the Seminar affords much opportunity for a lively and informative exchange of
thoughts and feelings. Successful completion of this Seminar is a
prerequisite for enrollment in the other Seminars that are
offered by The Stelle Group. II. Be All You Can Be The purpose of this Seminar is to help
people become aware of and begin to actualize their potential. The
Ultimate Frontier states that a man has mastered the physical plane when
he enjoys “a perfect body and an environment exactly to his liking.” Each of
the twelve degrees of Brotherhood is precise
measures of a person’s growing “control over himself and control over his environment”. Our intent is that people become more
aware of how to better attain their own goals and begin to move towards them.
We expect to see real change in people’s lives over the three months this
Seminar lasts. This Seminar focuses on the Seven Qualifications for
Initiation, also called the Seven Hallmarks of Excellence. The Seminar begins
with helping students to develop greater self-awareness of their personality
and of their goals, so they can begin to chart an effective self-improvement
program. III. Power of the
Mind Safe and effective tools for developing
more direction over one’s Mind are taught in this
third Seminar to help people become more fully aware of their potential.
Several of the sessions provide a fresh approach to time-honored methods for
personal transformation. Also included in this Seminar are innovative
approaches to the concepts of personal integrity, and it demonstrates that
our environment is a result of our thoughts. This Seminar will appeal to
people who have been actively seeking new and better ways of being. IV. Personal
Responsibility Personal responsibility is a key to all
inner change. As we become aware of our unique strengths, we can consciously
choose to change and uplift ourselves. A model of a person who has already
accepted personal responsibility is presented, and
participants are shown techniques for assessing their personal profile. In an original approach, students are
encouraged to take personal responsibility for more fully
enjoying intimacy, prosperity, and total health. This Seminar also deals with the value of
appreciation and encouragement of other people and introduces better
communication skills as a means to minimizing conflict. V. Toward a Better
culture Each of us is not only
pursuing personal growth but is a part of a greater whole. We can live
our lives in a way that will create a better culture. This Seminar takes an
intensive look at the general areas of socio-sexuality, education, culture,
civilization, government, and economics as well as explaining The Stelle
Group’s role in the Great Plan. Two different cultures are
examined in light of how we, as individuals, can help our culture
become more balanced. VI. Integrating
Science and Philosophy The Brotherhoods
have presented us with a fascinating and integrated cosmology. This Seminar
discusses in depth the Brother-hoods’ view of the origins and purpose of the
Universe and life. We explore how frontiers of scientific-thought today are
coming more and more to support the Brotherhoods’
ancient cosmology as presented in The Ultimate Frontier. Topics covered include:
creation of matter and energy plus new Physics. Also emphasized is “Your
Personal Path to Becoming a Scientist Philosopher.” If any of the above six Seminars of the
complete series strike a responsive note in you, and you live near either
Chicago/Stelle, Illinois or Dallas, Texas, we invite you to contact us for
more information regarding times and dates of these Seminars. Tuition is $65
per 25 to 30-hour Seminar. Anyone may audit any meeting for $3 without credit
or the right to - participate in the class. If all six Seminars are
successfully completed, the student can use this as credit to qualify for
full Membership in The Stelle Group at any later date.
It is possible to attend more than one Seminar at the same time, and
attendance is open to anyone. A person may enroll at the beginning of any
Seminar provided the prerequisite first Seminar on Exploring The Ultimate Frontier has been
successfully completed. We would like to help those who study
with us in the Lemurian Philosophy Seminars to be richly in touch with the
goodness of life and to have the self-actualized power to transform
themselves and the world around them. This year we invite you to share with us
a spirit of success as it moves through the 80’s. ∆ |