The Guest Week Program



     The Stelle Group has initiated a program for persons interested in the community of Stelle and its role in the Great Plan of the Brother-hoods. The new program is called Guest Week. During Guest Week you may visit the community of Stelle for one full week as a participant-observer of the affairs of the community. The first Guest Week is scheduled for July 2-8. The next one planned for this year is September 3-9.

     The purpose of Guest Week is to enable those persons who are seriously considering membership in The Stelle Group to become better acquainted with life at Stelle—with the people who are committed to the furthering of the Great Plan, with the philosophy upon which the community is founded, and with Richard Kieninger, the author of The Ultimate Frontier and founder of the community.

     Different activities are planned for you during Guest Week. Seminars on various aspects of the philosophy will be conducted. There will be work sessions with members of The Stelle Group on various projects. Mothers will work with their young children in the Learning Centers. You will participate in any community

events that may be occurring. You will stay in the homes of members of The Stelle Group.

      Some readers of The Ultimate Frontier develop an exaggerated view of the requirements for becoming a member of The Stelle Group. Your participation in Guest Week will enable you to experience the sense of community created thus far and to decide whether you desire to share in it with us. If you are considering applying for membership in The Stelle Group, and would like to have your interview with the Membership Committee during Guest Week, you may submit your application along with your reservation for Guest Week. If you have a family and are applying for membership, please be sure that your entire family is present for the interview.

     Costs for Guest Week include your room and board and are as follows:

     One Person            $200.00

     One Couple            $350.00

     Each Child              $ 25.00


     If you are interested in attending the Guest Week, please fill out the application on page 5.



     Please read these questions once through carefully, then go back through them, answering each one as honestly and sincerely as you can:


*   Have you read The Ultimate Frontier at least once through?

*   Can you, at this time in your life, accept the philosophical tenets of reincarnation, karma, and cause and effect as outlined in The Ultimate Frontier?

*   Do you accept personal responsibility for the condition of your life?

*   Do you feel an affinity for the Great Plan of Melchizedek and the Brotherhoods?

*   Would you like to see a civilization develop based on the philosophical concepts outlined in The Ultimate Frontier?

*   Would you like to actively participate in the construction of that civilization?

*   Do you or would you like to regard work as a joy rather than a drudgery?

*   Do you think you have attained or would like to attain a fair degree of balance between the idealistic, practical, and mental aspects of your being?

*   Are you willing to refine that balance by consciously striving to improve those aspects which are weaker than the others?

*   Are you willing to consciously incorporate the Twelve Great Virtues into your life?

*   Do you have or are you developing a “prosperity consciousness”?

*   Do you seek to do good works and to perform excess service to others?

*   Are you willing to work as a member of a team of workers?

*   Do you ascribe to straight-forward, up-front, honest communication?

*   Are you open to and considerate of the ideas and opinions of others?

*   Can you maturely support government by referendum and majority rule?

*   Do you or are you willing to take good care of your body and your health by reasonable diet and exercise as well as by positive thinking?


     If you find that your answer is already yes to most of these questions, or that you want to be able to say yes, we would like to invite you to participate in a Guest Week in the community of Stelle. If you’re interested in attending the Guest Week scheduled for July 2-8 or September 3-9, fill in the following information and send it to The Stelle Group. If you are unable to attend the week but would be interested in attending another time, please write The Stelle Group and indicate when you could attend.


