The Stelle Group has scheduled three Guest Weeks for the following weeks in 1980: May 4-10,    June 29-July 5, and October 5-11. The Guest Week Program is designed to enable per­sons interested in Stelle and the Brotherhoods’ Philosophy to become better acquainted with life at Stelle, the people, and the philosophy.

     To accomplish these objectives, the Guest Week schedule is filled with many varied kinds of activities and experiences. Guests stay in the homes of members and participate in com­munity activities and social events. Seminars and special presentations cover different aspects of the Brotherhoods’ Philosophy and Stelle’s role in Their Great Plan. Guests have an oppor­tunity to have their philosophical questions answered by Richard Kieninger, author of The Ultimate Frontier, and founder of the commun­ity. Mothers are introduced to Stelle’s unique educational programs and work with their young children in the Learning Center. Members and guests form work parties and labor side by side on community projects such as landscaping, harvesting, and light construction activities.

     Participation in Guest Week will enable the participant to experience the philosophy of Stelle in action on a community-wide basis and decide whether he desires to share in this great opportunity with us. The cost for the program, which includes lodging, meals, and program materials is $400 per person, $700 per couple, and $100 per child.

     If you are interested in attending a Guest Week or would like additional information con­cerning the program, please write to “Guest Week,” The Stelle Group, Stelle, Illinois 60919.



