The Great
Plan of the Brotherhoods – A Closer
Look |
The Great
Plan of the Brotherhoods – A Closer
Look The human
vehicle was endowed with Mind about one million ten thousand years ago. The
purpose of our existence was and is to evolve ourselves from clod to God, to
become one with God through our individual efforts. Our Angels
gave us at first a painless, provident environment, believing that it would
enable us to advance more rapidly. Instead, we merely lolled in effortless
pleasure. So To further accelerate progress, the Archangel Melchizedek
incarnated among men twice before His coming as the Christ. In Lemuria, as
Emperor, He established the Lemurian religion which
was based upon Universal Law. Most of the Masters from our planet reached
Their level of attainment during the span of the Lemurian Empire. After the
destruction of Lemuria Melchizedek incarnated again in Atlantis as Poseidonis,
Emperor. There He established the oldest of the seven Lesser Brotherhoods and
assigned to it the task of documenting and analyzing all of man’s various attempts to socially organize himself. These
were early steps in the formation of the Great Plan. The Brotherhoods learned that to advance, Egos need both
the truths of the universe and an environment, a civilization, that is
conducive to Egoic advancement. The Great Plan charts the step-by-step
course for the creation of a supremely conducive environment to be known as
the Nation of God. On page 35 Dr. White advises that “The only real purpose of a
civilization should be to promote the development of advanced Egos. Peace,
prosperity, freedom, and happiness are important because these conditions
enhance spiritual advancement. But without the
proper philosophy to guide men there is no progress. Truth is the seed of
advancement; a sound serene civilization is the climate; and man’s mind is
the fertile soil—together they give rise to human perfection.” From this zenith-civilization a larger percentage of Earth’s
population will have elevated itself to Mastership by the end of our
lifewave, thus minimizing the number of Egos needed to be returned to a state
of karmaless non-awareness, to await the next
lifewave. Some of
the elements of the Great Plan which have already come to pass: · In 4700 BC
the construction of the Great Pyramid in · In 1375 BC
Pharaoh Akhnaton appeared in · Moses was born about 1350 BC.
This High Adept helped save and unite the Hebrews, and He increased understanding
of God’s Laws. · Around 700 BC Isaiah
revealed, in detail, the coming of Christ. After Isaiah’s disclosure, the Brotherhoods began Their preparations for Christ’s appearance
in earnest. · Between 630 BC and 550 BC five High Adepts incarnated to spread the truths that
would elevate men and prepare them for the coming of Christ: Lao Tzu, Buddha,
Mahivira, Zoroaster, and Confucius. · In 4 BC Jesus, then an Eleventh Degree Brother, was born with the
mission of providing a near-perfect physical vehicle to be used by Christ, the
Anointed One, who set national karma in temporary abeyance, erected barriers
between the physical and lower Astral Planes, and imparted truths which shall
ever lead man to advancement. · In 1776 the thirteen original American Colonies
declared their independence from · November 27, 1939, is a date
marked by the Great Pyramid. This date signifies the “End of Chaos” and on that
evening the name given Richard by Dr. White was
inscribed on his thigh in the presence of seven Masters, the Council of
Seven. · On December 15, 1960, the master
plan for bringing the The Stelle
Group and the Great Plan
of the Brotherhoods The Stelle
Group was established as the principal agent through which
certain facets of the Great Plan will be brought into reality. With the distribution
of The Ultimate Frontier in 1963, the Brotherhoods made Their message public. When The
Stelle Group was chartered as an · In September,
1968, The Stelle School was started in the basement of the Kieninger home in · In the Spring, 1970, 240
acres of farmland were purchased in the northern part
of · On April 1, 1973, the physical
community of Stelle was officially founded when the
office and school moved to the “site.” · In August of 1974, Richard was informed by his Teachers that the group had
begun citizenship training. The first lesson was self-government. This was
not to be learned in classrooms from textbooks, but in
the actual creation of a system of self-government by and for the community. · On September 12, 1975, a
turbulent era in the life of the group climaxed with the resignation of the Board
of Trustees and their replacement with other members elected by the community
who were committed to testing the philosophy of government outlined in The Ultimate Frontier. There followed
several major revisions in the by-laws and organization to enable the membership
to serve as the legislative branch of government through
the use of the referendum process. Statement of Stelle’s Purpose Stelle is
now a reality and is preparing to fulfill its purpose within the Great Plan.
This purpose is to facilitate the establishment of the Nation of God by a)
creating a climate conducive to Egoic growth and, b) by developing the
technology necessary in order to survive and rebuild after the events at the
turn of this century. Some of the forthcoming tasks are: · To be prepared to accommodate
10,000 people by 1980. · To assist
in the maintenance of economic and political stability in our immediate area,
regardless of the predicted disruptions in · To devise the technological
means to survive the geophysical cataclysms, which are expected to occur on
May 5, 2000. · To assist in the building of
the Nation of God on the barren continent of Lemuria, which will rise from
the ocean floor as a result of the cataclysms. · To continue to provide
candidates for Citizenship in the Nation of God once it is officially established
after October, 2001. Sometime in 2039
Stelle will pass from the auspices of the Brotherhoods, although it may still
exist as a community. Aside from
the personal growth derived from our experiences in Stelle, it is a source of
joy to know that our labors will bear vital fruit in the years to come. To
participate in the work of the Brotherhoods is a
great motivation to bend our efforts toward forging a climate conducive to
Egoic growth, and to attain the technological capability needed to make the
transition between now and the coming Golden Age. Although
science is not the source of civilization, it is important to a modern
culture as Dr. White tells Richard on page 99 of The Ultimate Frontier: “Because mastery over one’s
self and one’s environment is essential to one’s spiritual advancement, each
of us must perceive and command all science concerning our physical
environment.” Moreover,
a society can utilize technology to provide leisure time for its citizens which may be used for study, contemplation, and
the pursuit of activities which lead to soul growth, which is the purpose of
existence. Stelle is
already developing technological innovations. Our newest home, for example,
will utilize an active type solar heating system. But
aside from the leisure time which technology affords, we have another, more
urgent need for advancements in this field: it is essential to fulfilling
some of the commissions given to Stelle by the Brotherhoods. These tasks
include: · The
construction of an earthquake-resistant, self-sufficient city, capable of
housing at least a quarter of a million persons. · The
airlifting of the community at the turn of the century. · Provide for the survival of
at least 144,000 people on a former sea floor while they rebuild However,
scientific success is only half of what is required in order to fulfill our
goal. As Dr. White explains to Richard on page 99 of The Ultimate Frontier, the study of
the psychological and sociological aspects of life lead to an understanding
of “politics which is the total expression of man’s relation to man.
These things are, and always shall be, far more important to all men than the
sciences. If men are not practical philosophers, moralists, and politicians,
a society conducive to the pursuit of scientific knowledge cannot even
arise.” As we come
to learn the lessons of self-government and brotherhood
and develop technological expertise, we will be building the base from which
we will do the job assigned us in the Great Plan which is to facilitate the
establishment of the Nation of God. Our success will be
measured by the number of Egos from that paramount civilization who
will at the progression of the lifewave seven thousand years hence, advance
to the next plane of existence, the next step, in their journey from clod to
God. “Truth is
the seed of advancement; a sound
serene civilization is the climate; and man’s
mind is the fertile soil — together they give rise to human perfection.” |