THE EMERGENCE OF A CITY Six thousand years ago, the Brotherhoods
knew the important part the city of For many members of The Stelle Group this
past summer has meant spending many hours doing the thing we have all come
here to do -- building the city of And although the
pace of construction sometimes seemed slow, a great deal has been
accomplished. The first building of the city, a factory designed and built
almost entirely by Stelle Group members, has been brought
close to completion. It is this building, standing out in geometric solitude
against the gentle rolling fields of corn and soybeans, which has consumed
the bulk of man hours of both those who have been
responsible for design and those doing the actual construction work for
Stelle Construction Go. The factory has been brought close to the point of
readiness for October occupancy by Stelle Woodworking Corp.
which will be moving in from its Many other construction projects are in
various stages of completion. Water has been located and wells drilled at
several locations. A dust collection system for the factory has been installed. Culverts have been
laid and a half-mile-long 36-inch diameter storm sewer is being
completed. The foundation for the first home in Stelle has
been laid with work proceeding on the remainder of the house. Part of
a sewage treatment plant has been installed and a
water treatment plant is being built. Continuing throughout all of these
projects are the efforts of the survey crew to mark out exact locations and
elevations for the various operations. Of absolute necessity for the carrying
out of construction is the preliminary design work to which some members
devote most of their free time. With the physical activity
taking place has come a shift in emphasis within The Stelle Group. Prior to
this year, Stelle Group activities have mostly been those of planning and
discussion. But now the work is taking place of
bringing into effect what has been planned for so long. With this shift have
come challenges to members -- a challenge to give up free time to help
complete needed tasks, a challenge to learn new skills mostly while on the
job, and a challenge to achieve smooth working relationships so that jobs get completed efficiently. Meeting these challenges has
produced real character growth. It becomes increasingly obvious to those
involved that as necessary as the actual building projects are to bringing
Stelle into being, the real crux of what is happening here is the personal
growth which members are achieving by involving themselves in the
Brotherhoods’ Work. ∆ |