Dr. Robert D. Stelle

Founder of the Lemurian Fellowship


To the world, and to the many students of the Lemurian Philosophy who are acquainted with the background and formative years of the Fellowship, he is known as Dr. Robert D. Stelle. But to Those of the Lemurian and other Brotherhoods, he is known simply as Rhu, the one who ever since the days of the Rhu Hut Plains on the Continent of Mu (see the book The Sun Rises) has done so much to bring people together in a co­operative endeavor for the purpose of building an ideal and permanent civilization.


Dr. Stelle established the Lemurian Fellowship on September 16, 1936. Through his contact with the Lemurian Brotherhood, he was given all the data and information relating to the Great Work which it was believed necessary for him to have. As this information was received from the Brotherhood much of it was released and incorporated into the lesson material of the Fellowship. It is now being used throughout the Philosophy to help students in their striving for unfoldment by giving them a deeper appreciation of life and its great purpose.


On March 8, 1952, Dr. Stelle went through transition, thus ending his physical participation in the work of the Fellowship. While we all miss him personally, his responsibility to the Brotherhood, as well as his continued guidance in the affairs of the Fellowship has gone on uninterrupted..


Not long ago, a student who heard us make a sim­ilar statement about Dr. Stelle and his present participation in mundane Lemurian affairs, asked, “How do you know that he continues to guide the Fellowship and help you and others?”


This is not an easy question to answer conclusively, let alone prove to another, but each member of the staff has his own special way of recognizing help from higher sources—particularly that which comes from Dr. Stelle,


During the years we spent together in this Work, each of us became attached to this beloved Ego in ways which the mere laying aside of a physical body could not possibly sever.


If we maintain an attitude of awareness (which we try always to do) we can sense his desire to help us and can recognize his help when it comes. For example, when we are plagued by a problem which persists in spite of our having done everything within our power to solve it, we are often amazed by the suddenness with which the solution appears. And in turning our thoughts to Dr. Stelle, we can usually tell if it was through him that our anxiety was relieved. This we call “attunement.”


Often Dr. Stelle assists us in matters and decisions which are beyond our experience, but whenever he does, we are expected to learn from this help and know what to do the next time a similar situation occurs. Once we have been shown and have had the experience, we are on our own, The Great Ones simply do not solve our problems for us.


I remember what Dr. Stelle once said to me when I asked for help unnecessarily. He said, “This is yours alone to work with, and I’m afraid you are going to have to sweat it out under the armpits.” Yes, these were his exact words, and they left no doubt in my mind as to what he meant.


I imagine that right about new some reader is thinking: My! Anyone who talks like that can’t be very spiritual! Well, in my book, an observa­tion such as this would reveal much more about the observer than about the observed. Quite frankly, I have never met a more genuinely spiritual person, and I an trying sincerely to become more like him. To me, it has been a privilege to know this dedicated Ego and to be associated with him in our work.


Dr. Stelle never spoke to us about his own advancement, although, admittedly, we did try to trip him up on occasion to find out, But he didn’t fall for our tricks, and would only say that he had not yet attained the status of an Elder Brother. This was quite in keeping with a statement in one of the Lemurian lessons to the effect that people who have gained one or more Initiations in the course of their unfoldment never reveal this information to others of lesser advancement, And when they do, one nay be sure their statement is false.


Anyone unacquainted with Dr. Stelle would not take particular notice of him in a public place, such as a store, or a restaurant. Nor is it likely that a stranger would be impressed if he were to exchange a few words with him while waiting for the bank to open, or for a bus. True greatness is not a matter of physical appearance or dress. Instead, it is something that shines from within, often requiring considerable time before becoming apparent to others.


The recognition of greatness depends upon the perception of the viewer. Some perceive readily, others more slowly, still others not at all. Christ standing before Pontius Pilate is testimony of this.


Dr. Stelle was of medium height, rather large of frame, strong of limb and quite heavy set—a physical appearance altogether different from what many people “expect” to find in one of his caliber and advancement. But his countenance! And who could fail to see here the happy and cheerful look of confidence—the strength and assurance which comes from incarnations of soul-experience filled with mixed measures of sorrow and happiness, discouragement and success?


And his penetrating, dark brown eyes—kindly and understanding, yet firm—tolerant and forgiving, yet ever observing—impishly bright with twinkling good humor, yet filled with unmistakable sincerity of purpose, dedication to cause and devotion to God. In these eyes one found a depth of perception, which could cause the insincere, and the guilty to turn away, but would attract with warmth and compassion those who had nothing to be ashamed of or to hide.


Modest, unassuming, disdainful of calling attention to himself, Dr. Stelle was content to remain in the background so that we who worked with him would have full opportunity to try our ideas and methods, thus learning from our mistakes and gain­ing valuable experience. Time after time we have seen him wave aside well-deserved credit directed to him so that others might receive full recognition for their efforts, plus the satisfaction of having done a good job.


But there is one quality Dr. Stelle has always displayed which perhaps means more to us than any other because it happens to be one of the most difficult virtues to acquire and consistently maintain. The virtue is humility... and he has it to a fine point! His is not an on-the-surface facsimile of this quality, nor is it a bowing-and-scraping brand of humbleness, It has no kinship with passiveness, or condescending meekness, or self-effacement. In him, humility is a deep-rooted virtue, outgoing and genuine. His is the kind of humility which appears only in the demeanor of those who feel intensely about life and its great purpose, and who mentally walk hand-in-hand with God.


Now, noble though this beloved Ego is in every respect, we would not want you to think that while he was with us in person he was always dead-serious and long-faced, On the contrary, he seemed to lean the other way. His keen sense of humor and the delight he took in kidding, frequently saved us from the doldrums, If he was ever depressed or discouraged (and I an sure he often had reason to be) he never let us know about it. In fact, his cheerfulness was so contagious that one could not help but feel better just for having been with him.


One of the things that made Dr. Stelle so unforgettable among those he knew, was his outstanding ability to tell stories. Everyone enjoys a good story, and everyone especially likes a good storyteller. Seemingly, Dr. Stelle had an inexhaustible supply of delightful stories, anecdotes and jokes—one for every occasion and situation.


Being a member of Rotary for several years, Dr. Stelle found among his fellow Rotarians quite an appreciative audience for some of the so-called “tales” he told them every now and then. it least once a year they managed to wind him up enough to get him talking about his early-life experiences while traveling throughout the world.


For example, they especially enjoyed hearing him tell of his experience in Alaska. with a vicious dog named “White Fang,” which years later Jack London wrote about in his book, “The Call of the Wild.” And they liked hearing him tell about the time in South America when, close to starvation, he had his first taste of roast monkey… and the time he was served a delectable morsel which turned out to be iguana, a tropical lizard… .and the time a giant anaconda said to be over forty feet long and all of three feet thick slithered through the mud beneath his hammock.


One veteran Rotarian had this to say about his “good friend, Bob Stelle.” He said, “Some of the yarns he used to spin were pretty hard to believe. I’m not sure they were all true, nor an I so sure they weren't. Anyway, we never seemed to tire of Bob’s stories because they were always filled with excitement and adventure.”


People have often asked about Dr. Stelle’s professional career as a physician. Just what kind of a doctor was he? During his earlier years in San Francisco, he practiced as an Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. He seemed to favor manipulative measures over drugs, undoubtedly because it gave him the opportunity to use his strong but gentle hands through which there flowed a great healing power—a power he used with discrimination and wisdom.


But quite frankly there is no diploma or professional recognition for the kind of doctor he really is… .a doctor of all human ills, one might say. We of the Fellowship staff, and countless other students of the Lemurian Philosophy, can attest to the incomparable help we have received from and through him, for he has taught us not only how to mend our physical bodies, but our mental and spiritual lives as well.


Undoubtedly there are greater Divine Physicians and greater teachers, but none have been so close to us, nor have any touched our lives with such personal magic as has this beloved Ego of whom we think and speak so fondly.


In trying to give you an adequate description of Dr. Stelle, I realize how difficult it is to convey in mere words the respect and warmth of feeling that finds its way into one’s heart and mind as a result of having lived and worked with such a truly fine individual.


I should imagine that at this stage of our unfoldment it is practically impossible to appreciate fully the Christlike qualities which are a part of such an Ego. In fact, I rather feel that my own appraisal of Dr. Stelle leaves much to be desired, particularly in the minds of the Elder Brothers. But I have done my best to help you see him as we see him… to help you sense perhaps a little more clearly the magnitude of the responsibilities he bears and the wonderful qualities of character he must possess in order to be chosen by the Lemurian Brotherhood for that phase of the Great Work with which he has been entrusted.



